Tesla successes


Power with Control
What is this about? Excess unsold Tesla's?

Not sure. Production needing to be stored, not sure why. Germany, I guess. They recently rescinded the incentive. Slowdown everywhere. But when you sell almost a half million cars in a quarter, a few hundred sitting on lots are not a huge deal, IMO.

Remember, legacy industry uses thousands of dealers to act as supply depots for unsold cars. Tesla doesn't do that.


Well-Known Member
but but they save the Earth...and kill the grass theyre sitting on....and batteries...and energy to make them is wasted otherwise!!!!...YOU MUST buy them!!!!


Well-Known Member
Not sure. Production needing to be stored, not sure why. Germany, I guess. They recently rescinded the incentive. Slowdown everywhere. But when you sell almost a half million cars in a quarter, a few hundred sitting on lots are not a huge deal, IMO.

Remember, legacy industry uses thousands of dealers to act as supply depots for unsold cars. Tesla doesn't do that.
Nice try!


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
One battery explosion and the whole problem of excess stock will disappear.


Power with Control
Nice try!

Nobody in the history of producing anything has ever not had a surplus at some point. And of course, you have to be careful when slowing production. Ramping back up can be tough. Ever been involved in the production of complex things? From raw materials through sub vendors to manning the production line, keeping production up to a point and storing excess can be worth it when demand comes back.

These are not talking points from some TEsla blog, this is my own experience in the last ten years of work in aquisition where all of these things have been factors in making choices.
One battery explosion and the whole problem of excess stock will disappear.

Good things Tesla's don't explode then isn't it. :) They can and do burn, but the only thing we've ever seen close to an explosion was the jackwad that hit some barrier at 100+ and ripped the whole pack wide open, scattering burning cells everywhere.


the poor dad
Tesla’s stock price has had a nice increase during the past week or 2, but still down for the 12 month period. I’m still buying.


Well-Known Member
Last year (2023) the F series had over 100k excess inventory at one time, but we didn't see a million posts about it.


Power with Control
Last year (2023) the F series had over 100k excess inventory at one time, but we didn't see a million posts about it.
Funny how that works isn't it? How much news have you heard about Ford or GM or anybody else's recalls this year?
Tesla’s stock price has had a nice increase during the past week or 2, but still down for the 12 month period. I’m still buying.
Very nice indeed. And I really think the amount of sleeping being done on AI and energy businesses right now is about where the sleeping was being done on the cars about 2014-2015.


Power with Control
Tesla’s stock price has had a nice increase during the past week or 2, but still down for the 12 month period. I’m still buying.

About that battery thing?

First Megapack factory has or is close to max capacity of production, and the packs are still on backorder.

Once Tesla's new Shanghai Megapack factory is fully ramped, the company's total annual Megapack production capacity will reach 80 GWh. These two Megapack factories are expected to generate approximately $20 billion in combined annual revenue. This new Shanghai factory is expected to start production by Q2 of 2025.


Well-Known Member
I don't get it, the stock goes up 40% on a 4% decrease in sales in the quarter and a big increase in recalls. Something else must be going on behind the scenes. I understand dropping the head count should increase the profits a little for a time, but nothing else makes much sense at the moment. Anyone got an answer or a theory I'm all ears.


Well-Known Member
Are they the ones with the Tesla truck that looks like a garbage dumpster? Drove by one today and my passenger said that's a Tesla. I thought he was pulling me leg.


Power with Control
well, I'm all in..... I'm gonna cash in my life insurance policy, buy 2 or three and maybe 5 battery packs!

Not these you won't at over a million a pop. These are grid scale backup units. Replace dirty inefficient peaker plants by soaking up excess grid power during off peak and/or renewables and feeding it back when needed. Also helps out when the grid has an issue
I don't get it, the stock goes up 40% on a 4% decrease in sales in the quarter and a big increase in recalls. Something else must be going on behind the scenes. I understand dropping the head count should increase the profits a little for a time, but nothing else makes much sense at the moment. Anyone got an answer or a theory I'm all ears.

So it was a smaller decrease than expected. Increase in recalls? The vast majority of their recalls are simple software pushes and so shouldn't move the needle that much. The Cybertruck ones don't affect that many units since they have not made that many in the big scheme of things. Did you have specific ones in mind?

Nothing behind the scenes, when major players like Wedbush and BOA see a higher target, people buy.

Analysts have largely reacted positively to Tesla's deliveries data, with Bank of America and Wedbush Securities analysts raising their price targets to $260 and $300, respectively, from $220 and $275. J.P. Morgan analysts were cooler on the deliveries numbers, maintaining an "underweight" rating and price target of just $115.


Power with Control
Are they the ones with the Tesla truck that looks like a garbage dumpster? Drove by one today and my passenger said that's a Tesla. I thought he was pulling me leg.

Thats them. This one that has been tested against 9mm, does look a little rough :)

CT bullets.jpg


Well-Known Member
Not these you won't at over a million a pop. These are grid scale backup units. Replace dirty inefficient peaker plants by soaking up excess grid power during off peak and/or renewables and feeding it back when needed. Also helps out when the grid has an issue

So it was a smaller decrease than expected. Increase in recalls? The vast majority of their recalls are simple software pushes and so shouldn't move the needle that much. The Cybertruck ones don't affect that many units since they have not made that many in the big scheme of things. Did you have specific ones in mind?

Nothing behind the scenes, when major players like Wedbush and BOA see a higher target, people buy.

Raising the price target is someone's opinion I still don't see where they think profits are coming from when teslas cutting price on their products and sales are down. I've looked over their opinions and still don't see it.


Power with Control
Raising the price target is someone's opinion I still don't see where they think profits are coming from when teslas cutting price on their products and sales are down. I've looked over their opinions and still don't see it.
Profit after price cuts depends on the cost of good sold. Do you know how much it costs Tesla to make these?

As long as you don't cut below how much it cost you to produce the item, you are still making money And you didn't ask what would convince you, you asked why people are still buying and why the stick price is going up. People trust folks like Wedbush to look into things like cost of production and future trends. That's why the stock went up.


Well-Known Member
Profit after price cuts depends on the cost of good sold. Do you know how much it costs Tesla to make these?

As long as you don't cut below how much it cost you to produce the item, you are still making money And you didn't ask what would convince you, you asked why people are still buying and why the stick price is going up. People trust folks like Wedbush to look into things like cost of production and future trends. That's why the stock went up.
Ok but I still don't see it, and as far as BOA, I wouldn't trust them as far as I could throw them. I got to look into Wedbush for sure.