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Dye Tied

Garden Variety Gnome
My hubby has never cheated on me and we have a great relationship, it's just the world is so messed up, Satan will try to make you think things that are not true. Satan tells us lies every day.

So hubby doesn't lie. I name you Queen of Denial :lol:


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Lem Putt
It looks like Spam, but I know how you feel. My hubby is out of town and for about an hour last night would not answer his cell phone, or answer his room phone. My heart was ponding....he is not in a good area so I was afraid someone hit him on the head to rob him, and a little part of me wanted to think something else...I tried to keep those thoughts out of my mind. He was at dinner and left his phone on the charger in the car.

Thank you for making me appreciate my wife. I cannot imagine how hard it is to be married to someone like you.

One hour out of touch and you're freaking out? Wow.


A lack of trust stains a marriage but can be surmountable...having lies and secrets in your marriage creates distance, anger and suspicion between the two of you.

I suppose you are right. Maybe an electronic ankle bracelet can save a trust less marriage.


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you have a choice to believe in the lies or believe in the truth...I call that FREE WILL. When it ( the thought ) came to mind, I knew it was a lie and put it out of my mind.

I am no expert but I am sure one will come along soon and pipe in, but the notion that just because you couldn't reach your hubby for an hour, he might be having a cheap sleazy hotel tryst, means something not so good.

Satan can't plant the seed of mistrust unless there is fertile soil.

Dye Tied

Garden Variety Gnome
I am no expert but I am sure one will come along soon and pipe in, but the notion that just because you couldn't reach your hubby for an hour, he might be having a cheap sleazy hotel tryst, means something not so good.

Satan can't plant the seed of mistrust unless there is fertile soil.

He was freeing Willy.


Thank you for making me appreciate my wife. I cannot imagine how hard it is to be married to someone like you.

One hour out of touch and you're freaking out? Wow.

That's not the whole story, he had asked me to please call him as soon as I got home from work....that is why it was so strange. I knew he was waiting on my call and knowing he was in a place that was not the greatest. I was worried. My hubby and I are very close and we had not talked to each other all day, I work and he was busy and could not have calls. I knew he would be wanting and waiting on my call. His batteries were going low, he forgot his room charger, he wanted to talk without his cell phone going dead.


That's not the whole story, he had asked me to please call him as soon as I got home from work....that is why it was so strange. I knew he was waiting on my call and knowing he was in a place that was not the greatest. I was worried. My hubby and I are very close and we had not talked to each other all day, I work and he was busy and could not have calls. I knew he would be wanting and waiting on my call. His batteries were going low, he forgot his room charger, he wanted to talk without his cell phone going dead.

You seem like a sweet woman. Word of advice; arguing personal issues on here is like falling in quick sand. The more you struggle, the deeper it gets. Eventually you will sink. Just let it go.


24/7 Single Dad
That's not the whole story, he had asked me to please call him as soon as I got home from work....that is why it was so strange. I knew he was waiting on my call and knowing he was in a place that was not the greatest. I was worried. My hubby and I are very close and we had not talked to each other all day, I work and he was busy and could not have calls. I knew he would be wanting and waiting on my call. His batteries were going low, he forgot his room charger, he wanted to talk without his cell phone going dead.

I've dated women like you. They usually get the nick name Star Trek Woman because they're such a Klingon