Thanks Pixie


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Personally I always preferred "good ole housebroken dogs". I guess I've been out of it for a while but if I'd have "caged" any dog I ever had I'm sure they'd have thought I was torturing them.

What ever happened to telling them "NO" and smacking your hand with a rolled up newspaper?

yakky doodle

New Member
Originally posted by Kyle
What ever happened to telling them "NO" and smacking your hand with a rolled up newspaper?
just like kids today, they call PETA on you! :ohwell: and then they pee in your slippers!


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Originally posted by yakky doodle
just like kids today, they call PETA on you! :ohwell: and then they pee in your slippers!
I'd love to hear what PETA's gonna say with a 90lb Black Shepard tearing out the femoral artery for "activist anatomy" class? :lmao:

Besides since when is telling them no a crime?


My Sweetest Boy
Originally posted by Kyle
Personally I always preferred "good ole housebroken dogs". I guess I've been out of it for a while but if I'd have "caged" any dog I ever had I'm sure they'd have thought I was torturing them.

What ever happened to telling them "NO" and smacking your hand with a rolled up newspaper?

You do tell them NO but you don't smack them with anything. Hitting dogs, kids :nono: :nono: :nono:

I've trained both ways and the crate is the way to go. I can't go into great detail here but if you do an internet search and read up on it, you will get the poop (so to speak).


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Originally posted by cattitude
You do tell them NO but you don't smack them with anything. Hitting dogs, kids :nono: :nono: :nono:

I've trained both ways and the crate is the way to go. I can't go into great detail here but if you do an internet search and read up on it, you will get the poop (so to speak).
WHoa! WHoa! WHoa! WHoa! WHoa!

Who said anything about hitting the dog? (And hitting kids should be a requirement.... But that's another subject)

I said "What ever happened to telling them "NO" and smacking your hand with a rolled up newspaper?"


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
As a pup... I usually hook them on a leash attached to a door knob outside my room or inside it. (Where I can hear them) With enough lead to move around, get a drink and lay down. But not enough lead where they feel comfortable peeing or taking a dump.

So they will audibly whine to be let out to go. As they go along, several days to a few weeks, I increase the lead length.

By the time a month or so has passed they move up to being contained in an area. Usually the hall between the bedrooms. After a few weeks of no accidents (Never had a failure), they get run of the house.


NEVER actually hit the dog with the newspaper, not because they shouldn't be hit, because they'll figure out it doesn't hurt. The sharp sound gets their attention which is all that needs to happen.
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Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Not with the ammount of lead I give them. Plus I don't use choke collars on pups.

Maybe an older pup (5+months), with minor troubles, but never a small pup.


New Member
My b/f and I crate trained our Yorkie. He's 7 months old now, completely house trained, and has never chewed anything he isn't supposed to! He spends less and less time in the crate, the only time he's in it now is if we're going to be gone for 5 hours or more, which is rare, cause we feel guilty leaving him.

The first night was AWFUL though! He cried all night. :bawl: It's really not torturing them Kyle. Like Catt said, they see it as a safe haven. We tried to let Boomer sleep with us one night and he wouldn't, he wanted to be in his crate. He's quite the bed hog now though :biggrin:


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Well since I'm not famiar with the practice I'll reserve final judgement over the technique, but suffice it to say... Having my dog confined to a box would be counter productive to his role as sentry in the home.

All of my dogs usually picked a place they chose to watch over everything. One chose the landing at the top of the stairs, another picked a particular chair in the den that she could see both doors and look out the front window and another chose to be right between the door and front window. Those places became "theirs".

My statement however was in reference to how I think "mine" would perceive the cage. I'm certain if a dog is raised in one he probably becomes accustomed to it.

I won't.


New Member
Originally posted by cattitude
We have a Boomer!!! He's the Golden!!

Those two would be funny together! :wink:

The first time we took him to the vet was hysterical. We walked up to the desk with this tiny 1lb dog and they announced over the speaker "Boomer is here for his appointment". Everybody that was in there laughed. I guess it's a big name for such a little dog :biggrin:


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Damn... I must be getting blonde hair or something...

I just tore my hair out trying to find this thread again under "Dogs" before I realized all this Dog-Talk wasn't in the pet section. :confused:



* * * * * * * * *
Staff member
PREMO Member
Originally posted by Kyle
Having my dog confined to a box would be counter productive to his role as sentry in the home.
:clap: I've never trained my dogs like that either. Now, if only crates were legal for kids. :really:


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Originally posted by Sharon
:clap: I've never trained my dogs like that either. Now, if only crates were legal for kids. :really:

I know a few parents who should use a crate on their kids. :lol:


My Sweetest Boy
Originally posted by Kyle
Damn... I must be getting blonde hair or something...

I just tore my hair out trying to find this thread again under "Dogs" before I realized all this Dog-Talk wasn't in the pet section. :confused:


We NEVER stay on topic. I think it's the Radar O'Reilly system for threads.


American Beauty
PREMO Member
I'll have to agree with Kyle and Sharon. I never crated my dog and she is no problem at all. She can be left all day and not have an accident.

As for crating kids... I know some parents that should be!