The $250,000 dilemma

over or under

  • I make more than 250K, it means more taxes for me

    Votes: 5 18.5%
  • I make less than 250K, it means no additional tax

    Votes: 22 81.5%

  • Total voters


New Member
Make up the difference of what, our government's out-of-control spending? You want to talk about fair, how about our government stop spending grotesque amounts of money on garbage like the breeding habits of North Dakota bears, or researching the flavor of various Chinese green tea.

You saw the percentages I gave you… the top 50% of wage earners already pay just 3 percentage point below 100% of the federal dollars. You’d be more satisfied that they pay all 100%?

It wont because it takes the power out of the government’s hands to manipulate what we earn.

for the record, i am not in favor of government waste.
Unfortunately its the system we have, until it is changed we have to pay for it.

BTW, i liked your flip flop, straight from "i'm ok with them not paying anything" to "typical republican rant" If it is ok for some to not pay anything, others will pay more, that is just the way it is going to work if you are OK with some not paying.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
and they are both promising a healthcare system that will likely go the way hillary's did :shurg:

I don't know about that. Back when Hillary was trying to put it together, the idea of nationalized healthcare wasn't a huge pressing issue. Now that the lobbyists have turned it into a must-have cause, I'd be willing to bet something would get passed, regardless of which socialist puts it out there and how sucky of a plan it is.


for the record, i am not in favor of government waste.
Unfortunately its the system we have, until it is changed we have to pay for it.

BTW, i liked your flip flop, straight from "i'm ok with them not paying anything" to "typical republican rant" If it is ok for some to not pay anything, others will pay more, that is just the way it is going to work if you are OK with some not paying.

What are you talking about flip-flop? Under our current progressive tax system I understand that some will pay more than others. I don’t accept it as a viable means of taxation. I gave you my “if I had it my way” tax dream. EVERYONE would pay, even illegal immigrants. I’m against raising taxes for the wealthy just because they are wealthy. I’m not in favor of the rich paying more than they are already paying just because some aren’t paying at all. The rich pay enough. I gave you the percentages, which you seem to refuse to answer my question… would you be satisfied with the top 50% paying 100%? I mean they are already almost there why not just jack it up another 3% so the bottom 50% don’t have to pay a penny. Is that what you are in favor of?


New Member
What are you talking about flip-flop? EVERYONE would pay, even illegal immigrants. I’m against raising taxes for the wealthy just because they are wealthy. I’m not in favor of the rich paying more than they are already paying just because some aren’t paying at all.

psyops said:
I would be okay that they aren’t taxed at all.

you really cant have it both ways. If some pay none, then some will have to pay more, it is really that simple.


you really cant have it both ways. If some pay none, then some will have to pay more, it is really that simple.

You seem to have ignored where I wrote, " Under our current progressive tax system I understand that some will pay more than others. I don’t accept it as a viable means of taxation."

They (the rich) already do pay more. I’ll try this question again........... How much more do you want them to pay?


New Member
You seem to have ignored where I wrote, " Under our current progressive tax system I understand that some will pay more than others. I don’t accept it as a viable means of taxation."

They (the rich) already do pay more. I’ll try this question again........... How much more do you want them to pay?

and that is a flip flop from here
I would be okay that they aren’t taxed at all.

but thats ok......

and i dont want anyone to have to pay anymore, but if we do, it should be a fair and just system.


and that is a flip flop from here

but thats ok......

and i dont want anyone to have to pay anymore, but if we do, it should be a fair and just system.

A fair just system can't be obtained with our current tax code. It's not a flip flop to say I understand the curent code and disagree with how that code is applied. But if you want feel you win this debate by saying I've flip flopped then have at it.

I could equally say you've slip flopped on stating you think the rich should pay more then state the above " I dont want anyone to have to pay anymore". The only resolution to the tax problem if for government to spend less and lower EVERYONE'S taxes.

And again, you did not answer my question.


In My Opinion
your answers are false.
it does mean additional tax either way you look at it.

fix it so we can answer correctly.