The American Child After Same-Sex Marriage



Originally posted by vraiblonde
The whole point of sex is to procreate.

I use it for satisfaction and is the side effect. :shrug:


Asperger's Poster Child
Originally posted by Barbra
Vrai, when you have sex w/ Larry, is your goal always to procreate? If it isn't, then you must stop because you're having unnatural sex. :duh:

"Every sperm is sacred, every sperm is great,
If a sperm is wasted, God gets quite irate..."


Originally posted by Barbra
Well, you know what, Archi? It begins @ home. If you're an azzhole, your kid is gonna' turn out to be an azzhole.

So does this statement hold true with a "married homosexual couple adopting a kid.

"If you're a homo, your kid is gonna turn out to be a homo.


b*tch rocket
Originally posted by Barbra
Honey, how's about we try a little fudge packing this evening?" Are you going to tell me that two men having anal sex is unnatural, but for a man and a woman it isn't?

Cause as a female, my "fudge" don't stink? :confused:

Sorry Barbra, couldn't resisit. :wink:


Originally posted by Barbra
GFY, Archi.
:duh: yet another unnatural act. Wait, if archi did that could he marry himself? Could he get protection from hate crime laws which would make a felon out of anyone who told him to GFY?


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by Barbra
Vrai, when you have sex w/ Larry, is your goal always to procreate? If it isn't, then you must stop because you're having unnatural sex.
Barbra, darling, it doesn't hurt my feelings to be judged on things I choose to make public. I'm not insecure about MY sexuality. *ahem*


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by Barbra
Furthermore, I am not being a "some of my best friends are queers" bigot.
Then you're being incredibly defensive with your liberal "I'm okay, you're okay" horseshit.


Originally posted by vraiblonde
Then you're being incredibly defensive with your liberal "I'm okay, you're okay" horseshit.

I thought she was saying " I'm a beaver muncher and find this total :bs:"



Livin' Like Thanksgivin'
I got your back Barbara...
Although I don't really agree that it is natural, I don't believe it is our government's place to dictate morality. So I don't think they have the right to tell me I can't shack up with a guy if I want to.

And to further press the issue, I don't think it's the government's job to recognize marriages. What I do suppose is their right, is to recognize civil unions, and that all marriages should be civil unions, but not all civil unions a marriage. To me, marriage is a religious institution, and the only ones who should be able to 'officially' recognize a civil union as a marriage, is a church.

Government should be a reflection of morality, not an enforcer of it. What I want to do inside the privacy of my own bedroom, or who I want to love, is between myself, my bedmate, and my God.

I give a rat's @$$ what the government thinks.


Asperger's Poster Child
Originally posted by sleuth14
I got your back Barbara...
Although I don't really agree that it is natural, I don't believe it is our government's place to dictate morality. So I don't think they have the right to tell me I can't shack up with a guy if I want to.

And to further press the issue, I don't think it's the government's job to recognize marriages. What I do suppose is their right, is to recognize civil unions, and that all marriages should be civil unions, but not all civil unions a marriage. To me, marriage is a religious institution, and the only ones who should be able to 'officially' recognize a civil union as a marriage, is a church.

Government should be a reflection of morality, not an enforcer of it. What I want to do inside the privacy of my own bedroom, or who I want to love, is between myself, my bedmate, and my God.

I give a rat's @$$ what the government thinks.

As a straight man, I say :yeahthat:


Livin' Like Thanksgivin'
And I noticed that no one has yet to address the issue of whether oral is an unnatural act.

Anyone here ever not gived or received? If the definition of 'unnatural' is whether or not the act can result in procreation, then call me 'unnatural', and I'll be d*mn surprised if there are any sexually active on this board who can live up to that definition.



Most people do feel that way, but the issue isn't being kept in the bedroom between a bedmate and God. It is all over the news, in your face.


Originally posted by sleuth14
And I noticed that no one has yet to address the issue of whether oral is an unnatural act.

Anyone here ever not gived or received? If the definition of 'unnatural' is whether or not the act can result in procreation, then call me 'unnatural', and I'll be d*mn surprised if there are any sexually active on this board who can live up to that definition.

Hey arch, another poll for you.


Asperger's Poster Child
Originally posted by sleuth14
And I noticed that no one has yet to address the issue of whether oral is an unnatural act.

I brought it up but there weren't any takers.


Livin' Like Thanksgivin'
Originally posted by IM4Change

Most people do feel that way, but the issue isn't being kept in the bedroom between a bedmate and God. It is all over the news, in your face.

What exactly is in your face? I don't see a buncha people havin' gay sex in the streets.

I have a few guy friends that I consider to be my brothers. We have hugged, slapped hands, slapped backs, hell... I can think of one occasion where two of my best friends even had one of those violent kisses as jokes, ya know.

I love those guys. I would give my life for them.

And until we start havin' gay sex in the streets, you don't know what we do when we go home at night.


Livin' Like Thanksgivin'
Originally posted by Tonio
I brought it up but there weren't any takers.

That's what I was referring to. I was pointing out that no one had cared to tackle your post.


Asperger's Poster Child
Originally posted by IM4Change

Most people do feel that way, but the issue isn't being kept in the bedroom between a bedmate and God. It is all over the news, in your face.

I'm not bothered by the sight of a gay couple walking down the street, or even if they give each other quick kisses. But long drawn-out kissing with tongue in public is inappropriate, not matter what the orientation.

A few years ago, my wife and I went to Cape Cod and visited Provincetown at the tip of the cape. We found out that it's a big vacation spot for gays. Some of the gift shops had cutout dolls of Joan Crawford and Nancy Reagan. The mischievous side of me wanted to treat it like a tourist exhibit--"Look honey, real live gay people!"


Originally posted by sleuth14
I got your back Barbara...
Although I don't really agree that it is natural, I don't believe it is our government's place to dictate morality. So I don't think they have the right to tell me I can't shack up with a guy if I want to.

And to further press the issue, I don't think it's the government's job to recognize marriages. What I do suppose is their right, is to recognize civil unions, and that all marriages should be civil unions, but not all civil unions a marriage. To me, marriage is a religious institution, and the only ones who should be able to 'officially' recognize a civil union as a marriage, is a church.

Government should be a reflection of morality, not an enforcer of it. What I want to do inside the privacy of my own bedroom, or who I want to love, is between myself, my bedmate, and my God.

I give a rat's @$$ what the government thinks.
So by changing the name it will make everything cool? WAKE UP ! Call it marriage, civil union, or whatever. It is not a religious thing it is a LEGAL thing. Try going to a church and getting a divorce is marriage is just "religious".

Government is a reflection of morality, it is called societial norm. Right now in this counrty the norm in society is that marriage/civil union or whatever is between a male and a female. The traditional, natural fmaily unit. It is a small very vocal minority that is :tantrum: because they cannot get there way.

You can shack up with whoever you want. You can do whatever you want in youre bedroom. You can go to Applebees and gaze adoringly across the table into Bubba's eyes, but the question is what is going to happen to our morality (majority) if the government gives legitimacy by giving legal status to a same sex unions and this non-stop BS of calling everyone a bigot or a hick if they do not embrace your choice of a same sex mate.


Asperger's Poster Child
Originally posted by Barbra
Be careful tho'. You might go gay by just looking @ the website. :rolleyes:

:lol: Yeah, you might start checking out guys' butts and talking like Christopher Lowell on the Discovery Channel. (My mother-in-law watches him. I'm convinced that his schtick is all an act, because no one could be that over-the-top mincing and prancing in real life. He probably talks like Joe Pesci when the cameras are off.)


Originally posted by sleuth14
What exactly is in your face? I don't see a buncha people havin' gay sex in the streets.

On the news, the radio, the newspaper, talk shows, hollyweirds announcing their sexual preference, etc. etc., and it is already an issue in the next election. Sure, they are not getting busy in front of me in the streets, but I do think the issue is in everyone's face everyday.