the aversion of macho Americans to ignoble defeat


I'm the Boss of Me
I don't suppose the parallels the author was trying to validate were apt in this case? Bush is convinced he knows how to run the war, ignoring the advice of his generals, insulated from reality? That was exactly Hitler's predicament.

The article itself isn't part of this discussion, and Godwin's law defined in reference to online discussions. The author is unaware that I've linked his article to this discussion. Your predetermination that the article is tripe is unmerited, and the application of Godwin's law to the article is wrong.

You may apply Godwin's law to the online discussion though. That would be an appropriate question.

Toxick said:
Any article that Godwinizes itself within four words is always bound to be a winner.

I stopped reading after this sentence. I honestly believe that if this how the article leads off, the rest of the article is tripe.


I'm the Boss of Me
The 'right war' is a type of war that a broad spectrum of our population would make shared sacrices for. This isn't that war.

PsyOps said:
How ridiculously obtuse. Would you be so kind as to define what a “right war” is? Oh and when that “right war” is defined, the only justification for Congress to authorize such a war is if at least one of their family members is sent?

If it was the “right war”, would you be volunteering?


I'm the Boss of Me
You're history is pretty bad. George H.W. Bush sent our troops to Somalia, not Bill Clinton.

Also, we only lost two Americans in Kosovo, and that was not due to combat. We haven't lost ANY during the peacekeeping occupation.

PsyOps said:
That’s pretty snide Forestal, considering Pete probably did more in a single day in Iraq than you did in your entire lifetime.

You wrote that war is supposed to be so awful that people try to avoid it? Who is out there purposefully making war awful? The military, the media, our president, you? War is indeed an ugly thing. Some have the stomach for it, some don’t. And some have a selective stomach for it depending on their political demands. You fall in the latter category. I’m quite certain you (if you were old enough) defended Clinton’s order to send our troops to die in Kosovo and Somalia, even though they were no threat to the US, had no WMD or nukes, or were collaborating with terrorist organizations.


New Member
forestal said:
Five times? Is that how many tours you've done in Iraq? What's the nature of your service? You have no authority or credibility whatsoever to question anyones service to our country dumbass

We're not done in Iraq. If you think we can prevail, you need to keep going back until we win. Why don't you go over and get a good dose of reality?? Because you are a coward.

It's takes a special person to risk their life for their country. True statement and you're not qualified Because you are a coward.

Some people can trust the President to make wise decisions that could endanger their lives. I cannot. Because you are a coward.

I will not put myself in position to allow someone else to send me to war based on a pack of lies. No lies were told. You are a coward.

I guess that would leave the Peace Corps, or Americorps, but I already have a job. Read: I am a coward.

I do give money to the International Red Cross, does that count for trying to help better the world? What a hero you are :duh:

Saddam didn't hold the keys for 100% of the Persian Gulf oil supply. I'm not interested in giving my age. Because you are a coward.

The less you know about me the better. Because you are a coward.

Frankly, your hostility is more than a little unnerving. Because you are a coward.

War is Hell. It's supposed to be so awful that people try and avoid it, Because you are a coward. but not George Bush.

He seems to relish his swagger as he plays soldier. He is not a coward. He served.

What do you have against energy efficient cars? Do you think that the oil is going to last forever? Don't you know that using less oil will make America more secure? Where did you get this tidbit of :bs:?
Here slaphappy.....


I'm the Boss of Me
I'm not trying to deceive, disparage or make a low comment.

I'm trying to stress the point that if the war is as important as he thinks it is, he needs to go back. We don't have enough soldiers to pacify Iraq. He's got the experience, and would be useful.

One entry found for snide.<form name="entry" method="post" action="/cgi-bin/dictionary"><table valign="top" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tbody><tr><td> <input name="hdwd" value="snide" type="hidden"><input name="listword" value="snide" type="hidden"><input name="book" value="Dictionary" type="hidden">
</td></tr></tbody></table> </form> Main Entry: snide
Pronunciation: <tt>'snId</tt>
Function: adjective
Etymology: origin unknown
1 a : [size=-1]FALSE[/size], [size=-1]COUNTERFEIT[/size] b : practicing deception : [size=-1]DISHONEST[/size] <a snide merchant>
2 : unworthy of esteem : [size=-1]LOW[/size] <a snide trick>
3 : slyly disparaging : [size=-1]INSINUATING[/size] <snide remarks>
- snide·ly adverb
- snide·ness noun

PsyOps said:
That’s pretty snide Forestal, considering Pete probably did more in a single day in Iraq than you did in your entire lifetime.

You wrote that war is supposed to be so awful that people try to avoid it? Who is out there purposefully making war awful? The military, the media, our president, you? War is indeed an ugly thing. Some have the stomach for it, some don’t. And some have a selective stomach for it depending on their political demands. You fall in the latter category. I’m quite certain you (if you were old enough) defended Clinton’s order to send our troops to die in Kosovo and Somalia, even though they were no threat to the US, had no WMD or nukes, or were collaborating with terrorist organizations.


forestal said:
You're history is pretty bad. George H.W. Bush sent our troops to Somalia, not Bill Clinton.

Also, we only lost two Americans in Kosovo, and that was not due to combat. We haven't lost ANY during the peacekeeping occupation.
Forest... This may help you a little.

Clinton Orders 5,300 Troops to Somalia

And I dont guess you really want to talk about the "Black Hawk Down" incident?

So you are saying it ONLY 2 people so no consequence. Tell that to the families of those two dead soldiers. Fact is they were sent into a conflict in a country that was no threat to the US, had no WMD or Nukes and served no national defense purpose. These are all the arguments you folks on the left like to use for reason why we should not have gone to war in Iraq. you want it both ways only when it's politically convenient.


PsyOps said:
Fact is they were sent into a conflict in a country that was no threat to the US, had no WMD or Nukes and served no national defense purpose.

Sounds like Darfur.


Toxick said:
Sounds like Darfur.
Just to be clear, I supported the efforts in Kosovo and Somalia and I stand by it today. It was the right thing to do. And it would be the right thing to do to go into darfur. We are a country with a conscience and should defend the defenseless. I'm no flip-flopper (for political reasons) when it comes to knowing what the right things is. Forestal and the hypocritical left stands in opposition of this war for political reasons.


Lovin' being Texican
forestal said:
the aversion of macho Americans to ignoble defeat
Hey!!! He's talking about most of you guys!!!

Wikipedia said:
Paul Craig Roberts is an economist

Nuff said. Next time you choose a weapon, turn it away from yourself before pulling the trigger.


Problem is (as I see it - and I can be blind) - America is not fighting a Stand up my Army against yours fight - but a hide and throw bombs, grenades, IED's. and Snipe from behind Civilians - not unlike Hamas in Lebanon BTW - and when the terrorists do stand up, we kill them en mass, I believe that lessoned was learned in Fallaujh - look @ Abu Musab al-Zarqawi thought he could hide for ever ... hahahaha - from wiki article on al-Zarqawi:
Zarqawi was killed on June 7, 2006 while attending a meeting in an isolated safehouse approximately 8 km (5 mi) north of Baqubah. At 14:15 GMT two United States Air Force F-16C jets identified the house and the lead jet dropped two 500-pound (230kg) guided bombs, a laser-guided GBU-12 and GPS-guided GBU-38 on the building located at 33°48′02.83″N, 44°30′48.58″E.

500 lb sure makes for a bad day .......

bottom line this is not a stand up fight, but one being fought on the streets of Baghdad and other places and by the leftest and main stream media on out TV's who never support any type of war - God know's if 737 were flying into skyscrapers one a month leftists would come up with some excuse to blame Americans and not want to go kill the SOB's responsible ....