The laws of child support were changed and improved for the whole State of Maryland because of the unjust corruption from the St. Mary's County Court. This is true and verifiable by going to this link,
Courts Website for the State of Maryland. First click "Appellate Opinions" and look up Court of Appeals, March 8, 2000, Thrower vs. Support Enforcement, and anybody can see it for themselves.
The St. Mary's Court would not let child support parents have their right to legal representation and it put our County parents into jail without a real Judge and did not give the parents their right to a trial, and as a result of the above linked case the laws for the entire State of Maryland were changed just to stop the St. Mary's County Court and to make certain that the abuses would not happen anywhere else as it did happen here.
So now the St. Mary's Court has only done what the high Court has ordered it to do but nothing more. This Court of ours does not accept that it did anything wrong and it does not repair what it did do wrong.

When I get elected then the still biligerant Master of the SMC Court will either resign himself voluntarily or I will help him do it involuntarily. SMC does deserve better than that. Of course if I do not win then he gets to stay on the Bench because no other official in all of SMC has shown the guts to put that dirty snake out of our Court. SMC does deserve better. I will get him removed but the others only look away like timid little birds.
Child support is a big deal. Our Courts are putting dead-broke parents into jail and years into prison in demand of money that does not exist. Only poor parents go to jail.
In Maryland a little less than 25 percent of Court ordered child support gets paid while a little over 75 percent of Court ordered child support does not get paid. That means that most custodial parents do not get paid and most of the separated parents do not pay the money. So the systen is broken. It has failed already in its present form. It sencelessly turns parents into criminals and it alienates the children too. Child support is a failed policy that needs reform to make it family friendly.

When I get elected is when reforming will begin, and if I do not get elected then the problem will just continue because no one else has the guts to act. Maybe all of our other officials are primarily only concerned about their blind greed feeding off the profits from the Navy Base expansion and to hell with the rest of us. When I get elected then there will be this one that is not sold out to the big money / big business and there will then be this one that is not afraid to take action against the wrong doing.

