The Child Support Solution.


JPC, Sr.

The Truth Shall Set Us All Free.

MMDad said:
In order to have a $500/month obligation, the parent must have an income of more than $42K. Anyone who makes that much and can't afford $500 to feed, clothe, and care for their child is a deadbeat and deserves what they get.
:popcorn: I kind of agree with the posters opinion that $42K could pay $500. per month but the law now demands that amount from parents making $20K and from parents making less then that.

$20K, is ruffly $10. per hour for 40 hour week with no lack of work. BUT the present child support laws demand at least 25 percent of take home pay or up to 65 percent of take home pay. Thus we have deadbroke poor parents deadlocked in jail with out the ability to obey the law when they want to.

:wench: ------------------------------- :buttkick:


* * * * * * * * *
Staff member
PREMO Member
JPC said:
the parent with the money to provide for the children need to be the one with custody.
Suppose both parents can equally provide support...

Then suppose the child lives with Parent A. Parent B gets mad and decides not to contribute any money since they were considered equal in finances and does not have the child. Do you still feel Parent B owes no support to this child? Doesn't that now make them unequally burdened as far as supporting their child goes? :popcorn:

Suppose both parents only make 25K per year.


Lem Putt
JPC said:
:popcorn: I kind of agree with the posters opinion that $42K could pay $500. per month but the law now demands that amount from parents making $20K and from parents making less then that.

$20K, is ruffly $10. per hour for 40 hour week with no lack of work. BUT the present child support laws demand at least 25 percent of take home pay or up to 65 percent of take home pay. Thus we have deadbroke poor parents deadlocked in jail with out the ability to obey the law when they want to.

:wench: ------------------------------- :buttkick:

LIAR! Look at the law! Don't make crap up!


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
MMDad said:
LIAR! Look at the law! Don't make crap up!
But it is easier for him to make it up. That way he doesn't really have to know anything; which obviously, he doesn't.


curiouser and curiouser
MMDad said:
Have you ever seen a 14 year old boy near a large pizza? Don't blink or you'll miss it. Your son was lucky his step father was man enough to raise him.
Ditto on 2-4 year olds and hot dogs or pb&j sandwiches. :faint:


Registered Smarta$$
JPC said:
I kind of agree with the posters opinion that $42K could pay $500. per month but the law now demands that amount from parents making $20K and from parents making less then that.
Again, please perform some basic research before spouting off statistics or laws you seem not be able to comprehend. $20k income would be less than $300/month or $75/week.
And again, that is for basic support, not "extra".


JPC said:
:yay: If a Court, by the Maryland Child support guidelines, decided that a separated parent can only pay $500. per month or less then that means the separated parent truly can not afford to pay the child support at all. This would be a big improvement for the child support reform. Some parents that can only pay $50. or $100. per weekly paycheck is just too poor to pay c/s at all. Rich people like Donald Trump have pre-nuptuals that get around the law and other tricks too but poorer working class parents live by their paycheck and when one can not meet over $500. then they can not afford to pay at all. Deadbroke poor parents in jail is rediculous.

:yay: With 12 months then $500. per month is $6,000. per year and that is not even lower class level. It pillages the paying parent and only gives a pittance to the custodial. Paying $50. per week with 52 weeks per year is $2,600. and it cost the gov $25,000. per year to keep some of this large group of parents in jail and in prison. Each one is $25,000. each, and all the children are fine. No child needs the child support. All the children already have all of their needs already provided and the child support is only to give the custodial extra money. The cost of jail would pay the full child support payment and have plenty left over, per each parent in jail.

:yay: If we have ultimate concern for children then when there is a custody dispute then the law needs to decide which parent already has the money and that parent with the money needs to be given custody. If our concern is for the children then they go to the money and not this fool opposite way. Male and female are equal now. If both parents are working class living paycheck to paycheck then the one with more money gets the kids or maybe joint custody but surely must not give the child to the parent that has less cash or else that is dumping the children. A child can sleep on daddy's couch. Thats okay! Children really eat very little. Small stomach, small mouths. Nobody has to eat steak and shrimp.

:yay: If a separated parent could only pay $125. per week then they need that just for themselves to survive. If the custodial feels burdened then give the child to the separated parents.

P.S. Mystic Mom,MysticMom put the question to right here...

MM, I plan to make the changes happen by being the new Delegate for 29B and there work to change the law. First after election I will press hard at informing the general public and thus pressure the other Delegates to cooperate.

:whistle: ---------------------- :howdy:
I will come back and dismantle your pathetic rantings when I have time later today.

JPC, Sr.

The Truth Shall Set Us All Free.

Lil'Nymph said:
You are a true R-E-T-A-R-D

:bigwhoop: The many parents in jail right now in Leonardtown that I call "deadbroke parents" while others call them "deadbeat parents", so what is the difference in that name calling? Calling them "deadbroke parents" is not a compliment that I am calling them. The difference is that I am refering to them by a physical attribute while calling them "deadbeat parents" only attacks the person and that is a big part of why it is wrong to do. It is hating the sinner and describes no sin. BUT in reality there is no sin there to describe so no sinner either and that too is why it is only cheap slander. Thus the child support as it is now is ill-gotten gain because the custodial is receiving stolen money. That name calling slander is only a cover-up of the unjust deeds that are used to collect the ill-gotten cash. We really need to stop hiding the true sins and reform child support now.

:huggy: ----------------------------- :howdy:


New Member
Nickel said:
Ditto on 2-4 year olds and hot dogs or pb&j sandwiches. :faint:

Well if you did not raise your child and did not visit your child, how would you know how much they could put away, especially during those all wonderful growing spurts?


New Member
JPC said:
:bigwhoop: The many parents in jail right now in Leonardtown that I call "deadbroke parents" while others call them "deadbeat parents", so what is the difference in that name calling?

How do you know about these people in the jail? Do you visit them, do you go speak to them and ask how they got there? Or do you know just from your own experience being put into jail?


Lem Putt
JPC said:
"deadbroke parents" is not a compliment that I am calling them. The difference is that I am refering to them by a physical attribute

"Deadbroke" and "deadbeat" are not physical attributes. Cranio-rectal inversion syndrome is.

JPC, Sr.

The Truth Shall Set Us All Free.

Merlin said:
Again, please perform some basic research before spouting off statistics or laws you seem not be able to comprehend. $20k income would be less than $300/month or $75/week.
And again, that is for basic support, not "extra".
:popcorn: The $75. per week is still too much and it cripples the paying parent so it too needs to be stopped. That was the whole point that child support is excessive and unjust and the children are all already provided for fine.

:bigwhoop: ----------------------- :buttkick:


mv = margaritaville
JPC said:
:popcorn: The $75. per week is still too much and it cripples the paying parent so it too needs to be stopped. That was the whole point that child support is excessive and unjust and the children are all already provided for fine.

:bigwhoop: ----------------------- :buttkick:

It makes me wonder how you mange to make it out of your house in the morning. Does someone hold your hand and help you?

How much would you pay to make sure YOUR child was ok? Did you pay? (*I doubt since you went to jail*) But did you at least pay ONCE? Or just not care?

And don't give me that b.s. that you were there for him. Because you know you weren't. I think you should go to Dr. Phil he would like you!


Registered Smarta$$
JPC said:
The many parents in jail right now in Leonardtown that I call "deadbroke parents" while others call them "deadbeat parents", so what is the difference in that name calling? Calling them "deadbroke parents" is not a compliment that I am calling them. The difference is that I am refering to them by a physical attribute while calling them "deadbeat parents" only attacks the person and that is a big part of why it is wrong to do.
A rose by any other name would smell...

It is hating the sinner and describes no sin. BUT in reality there is no sin there to describe so no sinner either and that too is why it is only cheap slander.
Financially abandoning you child is a sin

Thus the child support as it is now is ill-gotten gain because the custodial is receiving stolen money. That name calling slander is only a cover-up of the unjust deeds that are used to collect the ill-gotten cash. We really need to stop hiding the true sins and reform child support now.
Child support is not "stolen". It is either voluntaritly given, or as a result of a court order. Paying court ordered judgements is not stealing, any more than paying traffic fines is stealing.

JPC, Sr.

The Truth Shall Set Us All Free.

Merlin said:
A rose by any other name would smell...

Financially abandoning you child is a sin

Child support is not "stolen". It is either voluntaritly given, or as a result of a court order. Paying court ordered judgements is not stealing, any more than paying traffic fines is stealing.
:coffee: Taking some one else's money by force and or threat is stealing. That being one of the big sins in every denomination on earth. Real sin is stealing. Failing to pay the thief is not a sin in any interpretation.

:bigwhoop: ----------------------------- :buttkick:

JPC, Sr.

The Truth Shall Set Us All Free.

fttrsbeerwench said:
My ex thinks I'm stupid...

The day after he was told that since he was three months behind and he could have his license revoked if he doesn't pay something....
I find it so funny that the very next day there as one third of the amount due posted in my account...
:coffee: See the example above. That is what extortion and threatening and stealing by force means. The poster got some stolen money. It is only slightly different then armed robbery in the the law does it.

:wench: ---------------------------- :smack:


New Member
JPC said:
:coffee: Taking some one else's money by force and or threat is stealing. That being one of the big sins in every denomination on earth. Real sin is stealing. Failing to pay the thief is not a sin in any interpretation.

:bigwhoop: ----------------------------- :buttkick:

Easy answer...don't want kids or the possibility of child support? Keep it in your pants! You choose to have sex with your wife, both of you were there, both of you should have supported that child! :smack:

JPC, Sr.

The Truth Shall Set Us All Free.

Josimmon said:
How do you know about these people in the jail? Do you visit them, do you go speak to them and ask how they got there? Or do you know just from your own experience being put into jail?
:popcorn: From all the above I know many of the parents being abused by the system. I know many that are out in the community too. Plus I have internet contact with many more.

Try here, Kids Rights Radio link here.

And here, Kids Rights Blog link,

:elaine: -------------------------- :whistle:


wandering aimlessly
JPC said:
:coffee: Taking some one else's money by force and or threat is stealing. That being one of the big sins in every denomination on earth. Real sin is stealing. Failing to pay the thief is not a sin in any interpretation.

:bigwhoop: ----------------------------- :buttkick:
Are you calling your son a thief?


Part 1

JPC said:
:yay: If a Court, by the Maryland Child support guidelines, decided that a separated parent can only pay $500. per month or less then that means the separated parent truly can not afford to pay the child support at all. This would be a big improvement for the child support reform. Some parents that can only pay $50. or $100. per weekly paycheck is just too poor to pay c/s at all. Rich people like Donald Trump have pre-nuptuals that get around the law and other tricks too but poorer working class parents live by their paycheck and when one can not meet over $500. then they can not afford to pay at all. Deadbroke poor parents in jail is rediculous.

First of all lets assume that for the sake of argument the combined income of the divorced parents is 50/50, the man and woman making exactly the same income.

In accordance with Maryland Code 12-204 Child support guidelines, in order for the child support award to be $500 per month the combined monthly income would be $9250.00. In keeping with our assumption of the 50/50 split the monthly gross income for each parent would be $4625.00. To assume that a person grossing $4625.00 per month cannot afford to pay $501 per month in child support is totally and utterly ridiculous AND is indicative of the lunatic ranting and absurdly uninformed opinions of James “Deadbeat” Cusick. What James “Deadbeat” Cusick is saying is that someone who grosses $55,500 per year cannot afford to pay $501 per month in support for his/her child.

Second, pre-nuptial agreements are not used for child support. Pre-nuptial agreements are to establish marital property agreements in case the marriage is dissolved. Child support awards for very wealthy people whose income exceeds the maximum amount listed in the 12-204 guidelines would be made by the judge in accordance with Maryland code
12-204 (2) (d) Income above schedule levels.- If the combined adjusted actual income exceeds the highest level specified in the schedule in subsection (e) of this section, the court may use its discretion in setting the amount of child support.

An example of a “rich person getting around the law” would be

AP May 24 said:
Last month, the New York State Supreme Court's Appellate Division approved an increase from $5,000 to $21,782 per month to P. Diddy's ex-girlfriend, Misa Hylton-Brim. Representatives of both P. Diddy and Hylton-Brim say it's the highest child support payment in state history.

Looks like old P. Diddy really skated around his child support obligation doesn’t it you stinking retard.

Thirdly, if some parent can only afford $50 or $100 per paycheck then so be it. The child is THIERS, the obligation is THIERS. If the child support guidelines are applied the non-custodial parent is morally and legally obligated to pay it even if it is $20 per month.

Just because you didn’t feel the paternal obligation to pry $40 a week out of your selfish, lazy, psychosis ridden pocket to contribute to your child’s standard of living doesn’t make you a “deadbroke victim” it makes you a dirt eating selfish scumbag who should not have the gift of fatherhood.

So what is the course of action IF we followed James “deadbeat” Cusick’s fatally flawed and poorly thought out plan?

He has said many times that the financial support for that child should come from the state. So now on top of carrying 80% of the tax burden already, we working class are supposed to buck up and let the selfish indignant deadbeats keep their $500 a month to blow on MD 20/20, and Direct TV, while we fork out extra tax money to pay for their progeny.