The Child Support Solution.


New Member
Forcing a parent to be responsible is no different than disiplining a child for leaving a skateboard at the top of the stairs.

Deadbeat Dads are in jail as a last resort punishment. Dads that simply can't afford and PROVE that they can't afford child support, are not put in jail. Dads that ##### that they can't afford that new Cadillac because of child support payments are put in jail.

I lived it. I was the one going to school with my feet hangin' out the ends of my shoes, while my dad was sporting a new Buick, putting in a new pool, having an addition put on his house. Mean while, the house that I was living in was falling down around us, the car was a POS that rarely got us where we needed to be without some issue. And yet Dad still thought he was paying too much in child support and yet #####ed when my brother and I would go to his house "lookin' like homeless kids".

I'm not alone. I work with Dads now, and have for years, that do various things to hide their true income from the other half to avoid paying higher child support payments thinking that for some reason, because the marriage didn't work out and they no longer live at home, that they no longer need to make sacrifices for the kids. After all, the kids would REALLY like that new Harley wouldn't they?

You are a piece of work JPC. And I truly hope that I never meet you anyplace face to face. I would surely wind up in jail. And that is something that I have been easily able to avoid for my entire life.


wandering aimlessly
Ponytail said:
You are a piece of work JPC. And I truly hope that I never meet you anyplace face to face. I would surely wind up in jail. And that is something that I have been easily able to avoid for my entire life.
:love: He's not worth it and he's too stupid to understand why you'd whip his azz.


JPC said:
:popcorn: I kind of agree with the posters opinion that $42K could pay $500. per month but the law now demands that amount from parents making $20K and from parents making less then that.

$20K, is ruffly $10. per hour for 40 hour week with no lack of work. BUT the present child support laws demand at least 25 percent of take home pay or up to 65 percent of take home pay. Thus we have deadbroke poor parents deadlocked in jail with out the ability to obey the law when they want to.

:wench: ------------------------------- :buttkick:
You are a liar.

If each parent made $20K per year according to the guidelines each parent would be obligated to provide $240 per month or aprox $55.81 per week.


If the combined income was only $20,000 per year and the man was the only one earning the support payment would be $288 per month or $67 a week.


There is NO requirement of 25% to 65% ANYWHERE.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
Ponytail said:
You are a piece of work JPC. And I truly hope that I never meet you anyplace face to face. I would surely wind up in jail. And that is something that I have been easily able to avoid for my entire life.
I was thinking of going to the library at lunch, but thought better of it. I would hate to go to jail over this sorry excuse for humanity.


JPC said:
:coffee: Taking some one else's money by force and or threat is stealing. That being one of the big sins in every denomination on earth. Real sin is stealing. Failing to pay the thief is not a sin in any interpretation.

:bigwhoop: ----------------------------- :buttkick:
I feel the same way abut taxes. You are a thief by sucking up my tax dollars.


JPC said:
Taking some one else's money by force and or threat is stealing.

Sounds an awful lot like what happens to my paycheck every week.

And by association - living off tax money is stealing.

And suggesting that tax money be used to support their children is pretty effing heinous.


wandering aimlessly
2ndAmendment said:
I was thinking of going to the library at lunch, but thought better of it. I would hate to go to jail over this sorry excuse for humanity.
Please go. I think fttrs may need you to talk her out of clocking him.


Salt Life
Pete said:
An example of a “rich person getting around the law” would be

Looks like old P. Diddy really skated around his child support obligation doesn’t it you stinking retard.
Damn! I bet she's livin' large. :faint:


New Member
He thinks he's still posting on this site because people are listening.. :dork:

He's only really here for the entertainment value of a few people who find his rantings fodder for a bit of drama..

He will certainly be banned once the election is over and no one has any interest in his brand of garbage.

I have already gone to the library this this month... I walked over to the computers to see, just to see if he was there...

I'm tempted to call and complain, just to be an arse. See how far his "campaign" goes without his publiclly funded bullshiat spreader.

:chantingmatra: :peace:


New Member
fttrsbeerwench said:
He thinks he's still posting on this site because people are listening.. :dork:

He's only really here for the entertainment value of a few people who find his rantings fodder for a bit of drama..

He will certainly be banned once the election is over and no one has any interest in his brand of garbage.

I have already gone to the library this this month... I walked over to the computers to see, just to see if he was there...

I'm tempted to call and complain, just to be an arse. See how far his "campaign" goes without his publiclly funded bullshiat spreader.

:chantingmatra: :peace:

Psst...which one does he go to? I am studying to get my MCSE and need to get some more info...I could go to that library and meet you there..... :whistle:


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
fttrsbeerwench said:
I'm tempted to call and complain, just to be an arse. See how far his "campaign" goes without his publiclly funded bullshiat spreader.

:chantingmatra: :peace:
I was thinking about complaining to the library about use of public computers for the advancement of a political campaign, but I am not sure if it is illegal. They are "public" computers. I don't think the use of public computers could be construed as government endorsement of a candidate.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
Josimmon said:
Psst...which one does he go to? I am studying to get my MCSE and need to get some more info...I could go to that library and meet you there..... :whistle:
Lexington Park I think.


New Member
2ndAmendment said:
I was thinking about complaining to the library about use of public computers for the advancement of a political campaign, but I am not sure if it is illegal. They are "public" computers. I don't think the use of public computers could be construed as government endorsement of a candidate.

I was at the counter... So tempted to ask the libraian if she knew a political campaign was being run from the library computers..

I hardly doubt that use of public facilities and equipment would be allowed for use in the run for office... I thought most campaigns had to be personally funded or aided by donations... Either way, someone should be able to complain about the sladerous lies and harrassing comments he has made on here.. Which could be construed as abuse of the libraries computers..
I also thought that using the libraries computers for chat, forums or personal entertainment was against the rules..
Those computers are there for research and nessecary things, like say, paying bills..


New Member
fttrsbeerwench said:
I was at the counter... So tempted to ask the libraian if she knew a political campaign was being run from the library computers..

I hardly doubt that use of public facilities and equipment would be allowed for use in the run for office... I thought most campaigns had to be personally funded or aided by donations... Either way, someone should be able to complain about the sladerous lies and harrassing comments he has made on here.. Which could be construed as abuse of the libraries computers..
I also thought that using the libraries computers for chat, forums or personal entertainment was against the rules..
Those computers are there for research and nessecary things, like say, paying bills..

The St. Mary’s County Library’s Internet Safety Policy does not allow the following activity:

Access and display of materials that are obscene or constitute child pornography as defined by federal statutes, 18 U. S. Code, Sections 1460 and 2256, and Maryland Annotated Code, Criminal Law Article, Title 11, subtitle 2, Obscene Matter.

Inappropriate use of chat. (I think we can get him on this one)

Violation of copyright laws or software licensing agreements.
Making changes to the set-up or configuration of the software or hardware of the library’s public access computers.

Activity which seeks unauthorized access to any computer system to damage or alter software components of any network database, or to use computer resources for any other purpose deemed unacceptable by the library in consideration of the best interests of the public.

Activity which is disruptive, offensive, libelous, or slanderous. (I know this one fits)

Activity which violates another user’s privacy.

Unauthorized disclosure, use and dissemination of personal identification information regarding minors.


Josimmon said:
The St. Mary’s County Library’s Internet Safety Policy does not allow the following activity:

Access and display of materials that are obscene or constitute child pornography as defined by federal statutes, 18 U. S. Code, Sections 1460 and 2256, and Maryland Annotated Code, Criminal Law Article, Title 11, subtitle 2, Obscene Matter.

Inappropriate use of chat. (I think we can get him on this one)

Violation of copyright laws or software licensing agreements.
Making changes to the set-up or configuration of the software or hardware of the library’s public access computers.

Activity which seeks unauthorized access to any computer system to damage or alter software components of any network database, or to use computer resources for any other purpose deemed unacceptable by the library in consideration of the best interests of the public.

Activity which is disruptive, offensive, libelous, or slanderous. (I know this one fits)

Activity which violates another user’s privacy.

Unauthorized disclosure, use and dissemination of personal identification information regarding minors.
I disagree. His right to free speech must be respected. He has not said anything libelous or slanderous. He is a fool of epic proportions and there is no basis for stopping him from proving it everyday.


wandering aimlessly
Pete said:
I disagree. His right to free speech must be respected. He has not said anything libelous or slanderous. He is a fool of epic proportions and there is no basis for stopping him from proving it everyday.
And besides, all your responses are causing the women of the forum to fall for you all over again. :really: :lol:


Lem Putt
Pete said:
I disagree. His right to free speech must be respected. He has not said anything libelous or slanderous. He is a fool of epic proportions and there is no basis for stopping him from proving it everyday.

You are absolutely right. While it is morally wrong for him to steal his subsistence from the taxpayers, as well as stealing his internet access from us, it is not illegal.

By the way, we won't have to listen to him until the election, just until the primary.