JPC said:

The Custodials notoriously use the children as a weapon against the separated parents and that too is unethical in the extreme.
It is, indeed, unethical in the extreme to use a child as a weapon against one's ex. It is absolutely reprehensible to turn your children against one of their parents regardless of what they've done - and I would never ever defend such behavior.
However, I have to take issue with your assertion that "custodials notoriously use children as a weapon".
As you may have gathered (or perhaps you've ignored it - who knows?) that I know a good many divorced couples, more than a few of them with children involved.
Despite the fact that there is severely intense bad-blood between several of these ex-couples - and in some cases, outright hatred - not a single one of them badmouth their ex in front of their children.
I didn't ace my Statistics course, however, I would think that I would have seen some of that behavior, if it were so prevalent among custodial parents.
I'm not saying it doesn't happen... but your use of the word "notorious" is out of place.
JPC said:

Your position is not sustainable except by low cheap shots like name calling slander and holding up the children as hostages to hide behind.
While I disagree with bringing your personal progeny into this conversation (other than direct reference to your neglect of said progeny vis a vis being a deadbeat) - regardless of age or relevance - I've seen no slander, nor cowering behind children.
You see, slander implies falsehood and malicious intent.
None of which appear in the post to which you're replying.
And although I personally regard asking about your children to be bad form, it was a valid question, and doesn't seem to be "hiding behind" anything.