The dishes are done man.


CageKicker Extraordinaire
You are a disgrace to the female gender! You allow this LAME, PATHETIC example of a man to belittle other women. I'm not the only female he does this to. He portrays himself to be a complete jerk. You defending him just makes you look completely foolish and if you honestly think your judgement is better, you both deserve each other. If I'm stupid, YOU ARE DUMBER THAN A BOX OF ROCKS!!!

You're just upset because she's more content than you. It's OK. When you grow up, you can be happy too. :huggy:

As for you, your FB is an idiot. She's wasn't being nice. That's like saying your not a Chauvenist PIG!!! Of course you like getting people up because you have nothing else better to do with your time and perhaps that last line of figuring out how to live a more fulfilling life should apply to you. Instead of female bashing, calling people stupid and fools, you should take a good long look in the mirror and see who REALLY IS THE ASS!!! Shoving my ideals down other people's throats? :lmao: I know you are kidding because this entire forum is LOADED WITH OTHER PEOPLE'S IDEALS INCLUDING YOURS!!! Aren't you the pot calling the kettle black..D***head!

At least I'm a happy ass :dance: And I've never once shoved my ideals down someone else's throat. Call them stupid? Sure. But if they want to be an idiot, that's their prerogative. :shrug:


:lmao: Why are you so defensive? I think you are funny!!! I wasn't implying he wanted to get married but since you brought it up and you have been seeing him for over a year, call me stupid, but that doesn't say much for you does it? :shrug:

Look pigeon head, you bought this on yourself, you should know better than to argue with him by now quit while you're ahead hon.


:blahblah: and you're a doodie head too :razz:

Chain doesn't care what you think, say or do, you're wasting your time and energy, you're fodder.