The Game Is Starting!


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They called Giants on holding when the Pats were holding on the Giants reciever and he just tried keeping him off.

They called a 15 yard on the Giants on the recieve, and Gumbel kepot saying "Watch the Giants 81." I watched and he did NOTHING. He gots back up after a tackle and talked a little chit.

The Giants played the better game. It's alright, the Pats are gonna get theirs when they play Jacksonville. :evil:

It doesn't appear so. Know why? Because they lost.:evil:

p.s. - Gumbel sucks
Truth v. The Machine » Archives » Critics Agree: Gumbel’s Play-by-Play Sucks
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Larry Gude

Strung Out

No they won't.

They played good last night, but I can think of 5 other teams who'd crush them if they played against them like that.'re going to far Andy. There were 16 teams, so far, who couldn't beat them including a whole bunch of playoff teams yet you got five that will beat them?