Thats' funny i do believe in Post 3 baydoll asked for (that would be solicited) comments. You may not like the "Man on Man" comment, which is fine your welcome to your opinion. But since Baydoll offered up Lott as an example of a worthy parable, commenting on the entire Parable of Lott is a critical comment.
BTW why was Lott used in the parable about S&G? Because in the Story about S&G he is held up as a "Good" Christian. S&G was bad, but Lott was good, because of that he and his "Good" daughters were spared. Which is why Baydoll used it in her post.
But to carry that premise you have to follow the story through, this Good man and his Good daughters then committed an act, it was a pretty important one too, since the passages make sure to tell you all about it. No where does it list any effect to those acts, except to say his progeny went on to found other nations. In the Bible, whenever an act was committed that God didnt like, what happened? Fire and Damnation. There isnt any with the story of Lott, after S&G. That is the Bible being Ok with Lott and his daughters as being OK
So because Lott was used, any comments about the Entire story of Lott, are Critical Comments. Believers only focus on the Man on Man part, since that is the implied result of S&G, yet ignore that this Good Man and his Good Daughters had a 3some without suffering God's wrath.
You want the story of Lott? S&G was rife with (Supposed) Man on Man love, God rains down Fire and Brimstone. God saves Lott from the destruction, because he and his daughters are the Good guys. Lott and his daughters bangbang, and this Entity that just laid waste to 2 towns and thousands of people, doesnt do anything.
Man on Man bad, Banging your Daughters Good