The Invasion that is underway:



No - I don't.

And IMO, you've set your threshhold for "bashing" a lot lower than I did, so you could spin my post your way. (shocker, that).

What I consider "bashing" to be is a deliberate insult, misrepresentation or attempt to provoke someone. (Such as claiming a state is under Sharia rule because two simpletons did something stupid.)

Or posting every single negative article about a certain group that you can possibly dig up. That might be considered bashing.

Using the term "Sky Pixie" might be considered "bashing".

And, no I don't feel the need to comb every Relgion thread post by post keeping a score. If you feel the need to do so, in order to make yourself look tolerant and make Christians look EEVIL, then by all means, do so.

The fact is the vocal atheists in here are every bit as intolerant, arrogant and ignorant as the Christian Fundies they so revile.


New Member
I love how you have to go back hundreds of years to find abhorrent Christian behavior, yet one only has to go to find abhorrent Muslim behavior. Yet the Christians are the bad ones.


Anyway, I'm officially bored with this conversation. All you intolerant atheists give me a headache and it's dismaying that someone has to explain the difference between logic and faith to you people.

the point being, and i know its hard for you to keep up, islam hardly has a corner on atrocities towards our fellow humans.

as i said i am not anti christian or muslim. but aint it interesting that even the dreaded head of IRAN announced that KILLING IS WRONG, even in the name of religion


New Member
Would I be correct if I interpreted this statement to indicate you believe that "You are right, and I am wrong"?


Faith and logic can coexist just fine when dealing with unknown variables (creation of the universe perhaps).

Where faith and logic split are things like Jonah in the belly of the whale or Noah's Ark, etc.


Where faith and logic split are things like Jonah in the belly of the whale or Noah's Ark, etc.

So, people who believe in such nonsense are just ignorant rubes who have no bead on reality.

Whereas YOU - who has a rigid and unbreakable grasp on logic and reality - are correct when you say they're totally full of crap.


New Member
So, people who believe in such nonsense are just ignorant rubes who have no bead on reality.

Whereas YOU - who has a rigid and unbreakable grasp on logic and reality - are correct when you say they're totally full of crap.

well I wouldn't have said it like that, but sure.

If you actually think a person could survive in a whale's stomach (whales aren't fish either) (nor do they prey on peoples (save maybe orca which certainly don't frequent the sea around the middle east region)) and then be vomited onto land, you are a fool.


Maybe you should go back and re-read what some of your tolerant bretheren said about other Christians. if you want we'll wait for your apology

1) It'll be a cold day in hell before I apologize for anything I've said here today.

2) I've never claimed that the Christians in here are any more tolerant than you. I'm just trying to point out that YOU are every bit as intolerant as they are. Yet you decry their intolerance, seeming not to notice your own.

3) If you think I'm defending the intolerance of my fellow Christians, think again.

Its awfully peculiar that you only jump on those that "posts every single negative article about Christian. Yet when a Christian posts every single negative article about (insert belief here) (typically either Muslim or Mormon lately) you are oddly quiet. Why would that be?

That would be because it has nothing to do with my point.

I know, you know, everyone (including them) knows they can be an intolerant lot. I'm just pointing out that street runs another direction, a fact of which you seem to be oddly silent.

Plus, I don't need to point it out, because you will not miss a chance to.
Both of us don't need to carry that burden.

Sky pixie is generally only used when one of your brethern makes an intolerant claim against others


You've used it to me personally before.

And I've always made it a very specific point to not be intolerant of other religions here.

Now but you did feel the need to post every thread that was on the first page of the Religion forum, because you attempted to use it as proof that poor wittle Christians are picked on.

Indeed - because a claim was made that Christians do most of the bashing. I still disagree with this.

And I certainly wasn't trying to start a "Your group is more intolerant than my group" dick-waving contest.
Last edited:


New Member
Aren't you one of the ones that piss and moan when Christians say they're right and others are wrong?

piss and moan?




I'll tell you what, go spend three days in a whale's stomach and prove me wrong.

I don't argue right and wrong per say, I try to argue for, and with, logic and evidence. When people try and tell me information I know to be factually and logically false, I'll stick up for the evidence (that more then often gets completely ignored).


Harley Rider
what part of religious freedom do you not understand?
sure, but looking at the actions of (I think it was) 11 or 12 muslims and applying the same feelings to over 1 billion of them .....
As seen through rose colored glasses
PSST there were lots and lots of Muslim organizations including CAIR that did the same.
I'll deal with the 3 stooges first. (No offense to the real 3 "fella's")
You empty heads have the right to think what you want. Like it or not your father the devil is what makes you think that we're forcing it down your throats. You also have every right to tell me that I'm wrong in what I'm telling you about God. You have every right to tell me that I had better believe in your liberal mentality or I'll suffer forever somewhere. You have that right, wrong as it might be. What you 3 stooges do not understand is that what Hessian is saying is true and the muslim's subtle way of taking over is what is going to destroy us all one day BECAUSE OF LIBERAL IDIOTS LIKE YOU 3! Muslims do not want to OFFER us their salvation they want to convert or kill. If you can't see that, get off the forums and stay in your sheltered homes! You, your brothers in the aclu and your liberal politicians are the problem in this country! Why do we need a military? Who the hell are we fighting in Iraq? Our benefactors? You 3 should be tried as traitors and enablers but God will deal with you in the future. Oh and you don't have to believe THAT if you don't want to.
...tough is it, really, to be glad you don't live under Shari'a law and to acknowledge that, if not for the ascent of Christianity, we all would be? And that that is a good thing.
Thank you! Well said! This is the lib's problem. They are sooo evil that they think Islam is just a "live & let live" religion except for what - a "few"....11 or 12 XAQUIN? Would we need our major military force for 11 or 12 Xaquin?
That's because you're looking to pick a fight and you know you're wrong. Bash Christians if you want. It makes you look like a dumbbell, but what the heck - this is America. Just be a man about it and stop getting all pissy and feigning innocence when someone calls you on it.
Yep! These stooges have no idea or clue what it's like to REALLY have religion FORCED on them until the muslims take over. With their liberal friends in office and the Obamination on deck, they ain't seen nothing yet! What will those 3 fools do when a sword is at their necks and they're being told it's Allah or die? THEN they'll know how good they could have had it under Christianity. Of course, once they cross over & meet the Jesus they denied, their trouble is only beginning.
I love how you have to go back hundreds of years to find abhorrent Christian behavior, yet one only has to go to find abhorrent Muslim behavior. Yet the Christians are the bad ones. :killingme
Anyway, I'm officially bored with this conversation. All you intolerant atheists give me a headache and it's dismaying that someone has to explain the difference between logic and faith to you people.
Lib's have the worst case of short term memory. They always call us intolerant, bashing and haters but they are exactly that against Christians.


piss and moan?




I'll tell you what, go spend three days in a whale's stomach and prove me wrong.

I don't argue right and wrong per say, I try to argue for, and with, logic and evidence. When people try and tell me information I know to be factually and logically false, I'll stick up for the evidence (that more then often gets completely ignored).

When God tests your faith, all is possible if you hear Him, and believe.....


Lem Putt
Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows CE; IEMobile 7.7) 320x240; VZW; Motorola-Q9c; Windows Mobile 6.0 Standard)

Xaquin44 said:
If anyone cares to remember, it was these nutties that flew planes into our World Trade Center and Pentagon, and killed thousands of people. Which is not to say that all Muslims are freakjobs and I still believe most are good people - but comparing Islamic fundies to Christian fundies is the height of absurdity.

sure, but looking at the actions of (I think it was) 11 or 12 muslims and applying the same feelings to over 1 billion of them ....

It's just as absurd I think.

I find it amazing that someone who doesn't even know how many terrorists were behind 9/11 thinks he can educate the rest of us about the "religion of peace."


piss and moan?




Semantic garbage.

I'll tell you what, go spend three days in a whale's stomach and prove me wrong.

My point has nothing to do with whale's stomach's and I think you know it.

The point is how you b!tch and complain - excuse me... become argumentative - when someone behaves the exact same way you just admitted to behaving.


New Member
Semantic garbage.

no, it was pretty much you saying I piss and moan, when in fact I do not.

My point has nothing to do with whale's stomach's and I think you know it.

The point is how you b!tch and complain - excuse me... become argumentative - when someone behaves the exact same way you just admitted to behaving.

you seem to be confusing #####ing and complaining with 'debate'

I suggest

also, I admit to debating using fact, logic, and evidence. That's hardly the same as simply saying 'god did it'.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
It's interesting... note that one of the driving forces behind religions is the tendency towards moral relativism where some people simply couldn't make judgements between wrong and more wrong, right and more right and need everything spelled out.

So they can take exception to that, too.



Harley Rider
If you actually think a person could survive in a whale's stomach (whales aren't fish either) (nor do they prey on peoples (save maybe orca which certainly don't frequent the sea around the middle east region)) and then be vomited onto land, you are a fool.
"A fool says there is no God". Faith in God (which you don't have) is what makes one believe that a man CAN & DID live inside a big fish for 3 days. You loose again!
Aren't you one of the ones that piss and moan when Christians say they're right and others are wrong?
I find it amazing that someone who doesn't even know how many terrorists were behind 9/11 thinks he can educate the rest of us about the "religion of peace."
Maybe he can only count to 11 or 12. 21 if he's naked....:whistle: :lmao: