Tonio said:
Unless he was talking about other people's personal lives, McGee was being rude and arrogant, in my view.
Actually, in this particular context, J. Vernon McGee was giving his perspective on the instance of Peter's walk with Jesus, along the shore of the Sea of Galilee, right after a meeting with him and a few other Disciples, where they shared one of their final meals with Him, which is described in the final verses of that chapter.
Jesus had just reaffirmed Peter back into the fold of the group(Disciples) after asking him the same 3 questions: "Do you love me more than these?" Most probably, because Peter had denied Jesus 3 times before, in the night prior to His Crucifixion.
Then Jesus told Peter how he would die(as a martyr) for Jesus's cause(he would be hanged upside down.)
One might think Peter would have been pondering these thoughts in his mind as Jesus led him along the shoreline, walking along with Him. Instead, as the scripture explains, Peter notes a figure who is following them a short distance behind them,(it is the Disciple, John). So, Peter asks Jesus, "What about him?"
Jesus replies, "If I choose to let him live, until I return, what is that to you?"
Jesus adds: "You follow me."
This is where Mr. McGee got those thoughts from. If Jesus had plans for another Disciple's future, that did not, or should not have concerned Peter. His concern should have been with his Lord - Jesus Christ.
Mr. McGee took this thought one more step further, which I agreed with: There are many who do not understand much of what is said in the Bible, and as such, it creates many questions they cannot get answers to. Many give up on it; call it a work of fiction, a work of man(meaning it is fallible), and therefore move away from it, casting it aside.
One more thought I associated with these: If you saw the move "Bruce Almighty", where the Lord is is going to transfer His powers to Bruce for one week, while He goes away on vacation.(A very funny movie, but with some very thoughtful overtones) Just as God is leaving, walking away from Bruce over a watery expanse, Bruce asks Him a nagging question:
"If you've given people the power of Free Will, how do you get them to love You?"
The Lord God replies: "NOW you see my problem."