The Masters



yeah....they are. It takes hella endurance to be able to do what they do......Pro MX'ers are some of the most fit athletes in the world.

:buddies:....You know I'm just messin'......Tiger is awesome, and I hope for a great Masters........will watch it to the final hole.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Tiger finishing sloppy; Miussed the putt at 16 and 17 and flushed one over the green on 18 and played the wrong shot to chip on.

Shoulda been a nice, solid -5 with birds at 13, 14, 15, 16 and 17.

Chad Campbell shoots the only 'bad' 65 in the history of the game, yacking on 17 and 18 after a fantastic round.

Larry Mize is -5.

Phil is +1 on a scoring day.

Anthony Kim, +3, Rory McIlroy, E and Ryo Ishikawa, +1, what a great group!


Tiger finishing sloppy; Miussed the putt at 16 and 17 and flushed one over the green on 18 and played the wrong shot to chip on.

Shoulda been a nice, solid -5 with birds at 13, 14, 15, 16 and 17.

Chad Campbell shoots the only 'bad' 65 in the history of the game, yacking on 17 and 18 after a fantastic round.

Larry Mize is -5.

Phil is +1 on a scoring day.

Anthony Kim, +3, Rory McIlroy, E and Ryo Ishikawa, +1, what a great group!

true, but you know Tiger....he'll lurk just close enough to stay in the leaders minds today, kind of a way to keep them roped in....tomorrow he'll start to make a few aggressive shots here and there to get himself in the final group. Then on Sunday his two pronged attack takes over. On one hand, he'll play aggressive as hell, and about 60-75% of the shots will work...but this will be enough to mentally crush the other leaders....they see him make a stupid shot and it rattles them...doesn't matter if the gamble didn't pay off the last three shots in a row and he had to pull par out of his a$$..

My wife says i have a man crush on Tiger, but I don't see it:killingme


:buddies:....You know I'm just messin'......Tiger is awesome, and I hope for a great Masters........will watch it to the final hole.

:buddies: alright....but i'm still pissed at you for making me admit car racers were athletes....the thought of saying something nice about NASCAR made me throw up a little in my mouth!:killingme

Larry Gude

Strung Out
true, but you know Tiger....he'll lurk just close enough to stay in the leaders minds today, kind of a way to keep them roped in....tomorrow he'll start to make a few aggressive shots here and there to get himself in the final group. Then on Sunday his two pronged attack takes over. On one hand, he'll play aggressive as hell, and about 60-75% of the shots will work...but this will be enough to mentally crush the other leaders....they see him make a stupid shot and it rattles them...doesn't matter if the gamble didn't pay off the last three shots in a row and he had to pull par out of his a$$..

My wife says i have a man crush on Tiger, but I don't see it:killingme

A few aggressive shots? He played fabulous t to green. The putts he missed were two putts that he just doesn't miss when he's on. The one on 17 was virtually a gimme for him. He's struggling with the speed and that's not a good sign for him. He can be off some t to green and still get it done. When his putting isn't there, well, none of them win when they ain't putting real good.

They interviewed one of the young guys and he said something very interesting; he and his peers grew up watching Tiger and that means they grew up expecting the amazing shots and incredible talent and the aggressive putting; they are not intimidated. The flip side, the kids point, was that the older guys, Tigers peers, grew up where this kind of stuff was magic, not commonplace thus they are the ones who get intimidated. So, maybe a kid, maybe Campbell, sticks with him to the end? A write called it being a victim of his, Tigers, own success. The inevitable.

God, it would be great to see Tiger in a legendary Sunday battle!


A few aggressive shots? He played fabulous t to green. The putts he missed were two putts that he just doesn't miss when he's on. The one on 17 was virtually a gimme for him. He's struggling with the speed and that's not a good sign for him. He can be off some t to green and still get it done. When his putting isn't there, well, none of them win when they ain't putting real good.

They interviewed one of the young guys and he said something very interesting; he and his peers grew up watching Tiger and that means they grew up expecting the amazing shots and incredible talent and the aggressive putting; they are not intimidated. The flip side, the kids point, was that the older guys, Tigers peers, grew up where this kind of stuff was magic, not commonplace thus they are the ones who get intimidated. So, maybe a kid, maybe Campbell, sticks with him to the end? A write called it being a victim of his, Tigers, own success. The inevitable.

God, it would be great to see Tiger in a legendary Sunday battle!

hmmm tell that to Sean O'Hair...he didn't do to well with Tiger at Bay Hill....btw did you see his camera/computer set up in his basement? He has all of this swing analyzer software and stop motion imagery..that is sick!

But seems historically that Tiger has all of his mental lapses in the first two days...but always keeps the leaderboard in striking distance...and I don't care what any of them long as he's within that distance he is always in the back of their minds...

Larry Gude

Strung Out
hmmm tell that to Sean O'Hair...he didn't do to well with Tiger at Bay Hill....btw did you see his camera/computer set up in his basement? He has all of this swing analyzer software and stop motion imagery..that is sick!

But seems historically that Tiger has all of his mental lapses in the first two days...but always keeps the leaderboard in striking distance...and I don't care what any of them long as he's within that distance he is always in the back of their minds...

:lol: point taken.

See, I don't see a mental lapse other than the chip on 18. It's just his putting isn't razer shape. He said, post round, that he's happy with his iron play and driving and got fooled by the wind on a couple of shots.

You're right; until someone beats him, head to head, when it matters most, it's all talk to build their courage.

So, to me, this is all about his putting and he better get it going because guys are going to shoot low numbers with this weather.
Well do tell. Some of us have to take 2 hour lunches with our daughters and can't just watch the Masters all day. :lol:

They showed it a few times on ESPN. He was left off the tee and didn't have a look at the green. So, he hit a low stinger that skirted around a tree, hooked about 50 yards, landed in the fairway, rolled onto the green, and cozied up to the pin for a birdie.

I can hit stinging hooks all day long - all I have to do is try to hit stinging slices. :killingme
Tiger double bogeyed the first hole on moving day. He just doesn't have it anymore - I'd be surprised if he ever wins another major.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Tiger double bogeyed the first hole on moving day. He just doesn't have it anymore - I'd be surprised if he ever wins another major.

That is absurd. The man has been off for eight months and has looked very good in very limited play since returning AND just won a tournament, Bay Hill, two weeks ago, against a strong field, on one of the tougher tracks.

Had he putted just a little better on Thursday, he'd have shot 67. A little better yesterday and he would have shot 70 and been -7 starting this AM.

He's very likely out of the Masters this year as no one not in the top 10 after the cut has won in the last 18 years. However, one of the surer bets in sports is him passing Jack, and soon, and winning that 19th pro major.

That's 5 to go and he's 34 this December. Jack won his last one at 46 against a bunch of young lions. That's 12 years.

As I've argued before, this game at this level is about one thing; putting. Tiger is human and he's going to have 6 footers he misses over the course of a tournament and he won't win those weeks.

That is absurd. The man has been off for eight months and has looked very good in very limited play since returning AND just won a tournament, Bay Hill, two weeks ago, against a strong field, on one of the tougher tracks.

Had he putted just a little better on Thursday, he'd have shot 67. A little better yesterday and he would have shot 70 and been -7 starting this AM.

He's very likely out of the Masters this year as no one not in the top 10 after the cut has won in the last 18 years. However, one of the surer bets in sports is him passing Jack, and soon, and winning that 19th pro major.

That's 5 to go and he's 34 this December. Jack won his last one at 46 against a bunch of young lions. That's 12 years.

As I've argued before, this game at this level is about one thing; putting. Tiger is human and he's going to have 6 footers he misses over the course of a tournament and he won't win those weeks.


You seem to have forgotten that I don't use the sarcasm smilie. :lol:
Oh. Well, uh, OK. :stupid:

Happens to the best of us - it's hard to 'hear' sarcasm, when it's in text form.

I wouldn't count him out of this Masters just yet. A tough hill to climb? Sure. But, he's still got 29 holes left to assert his 'Tigerness'. He may be the best grinder in the history of American sports, and he never lets the current situation affect how much focus he brings to each shot.

My sarcasm above was directed at the Tiger critics - you know the ones who were ready to count him out a number of years ago when he was going through his 'slump'. Back a few years ago, when he had gone though a short period of not winning a major, I used to laugh at some of my golfing buddies who said that he had lost it, and that the field had caught up with him. It was absurd, and of course, before long he caught fire again and won everything in site. So, I try not to miss any chance I get to poke fun at those critics - in specific or in general.

We should start a pool to guess when he'll win #19.
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Larry Gude

Strung Out
Happens to the best of us - it's hard to 'hear' sarcasm, when it's in text form.

OK, but, when we use sarcasm, we expect people who know us or are at least fairly familiar with us, we expect them to 'get it'.

I just missed it. I was like "Hey, that freaking Tilted guy is usually pretty well thought out and never says anything blatantly stupid...what the hell is he thinking?" :lol: