The Masters

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Take out just Tom, let Ernie and Freddie compete with the boys.

Allow me to clarify; I'd LOVE to see Tom and Fred hang in there. It's just a damn tough walk for four days, long time on your feet. So, they get a little tired, legs just a little slow or gimpy on all those uneven lies. Not that Fred uses his feet for anything but walking... :lol:

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I take it all back! The forecast is sublime! 70's during the day, light breeze. Cool at night.

If any old guys are gonna be able to focus and execute for four days, at Augusta, this is the weather.

Tom will probably fall out of it tomorrow, but you have to be impressed once again with his desire - and ability - to compete. He's made the cut and, all things considered, he held it together pretty well today.

As for Tiger - what can you say? His ability to focus, his ability to grind, his seeming immunity to the potential negative effects of pressure, his singularity of purpose between the ropes, and his unmitigate-able desire to excel, accomplish and win, have always been what separated him from the field. It's never been about him being a better golfer than everyone else. It's always been about him being more of a competitor than anyone else. That part of you doesn't get rusty - at least, it hasn't for Tiger.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Tom will probably fall out of it tomorrow, but you have to be impressed once again with his desire - and ability - to compete. He's made the cut and, all things considered, he held it together pretty well today.

As for Tiger - what can you say? His ability to focus, his ability to grind, his seeming immunity to the potential negative effects of pressure, his singularity of purpose between the ropes, and his unmitigate-able desire to excel, accomplish and win, have always been what separated him from the field. It's never been about him being a better golfer than everyone else. It's always been about him being more of a competitor than anyone else. That part of you doesn't get rusty - at least, it hasn't for Tiger.

Personally, I never doubted Tiger would be in the thick of it. :angel: :lol:

As for Tom, amazing. It is NOT out of the question, giving it is not going to be hot, for him to hang in there.

As for Tiger, he has a LONG way to go to be the #1 competitor in golf history. Jack is his superior, by a wide margin. Tiger wins or packs it in. Jack won or finished second or third, major after major after major. Jack defines getting everything out of every single stroke, every single round, not Tiger.



Having Fun!
With apologies to those of you who are die-hard golf fans...

I don't pay much attention to golf, and haven't since the college football coach (who was also the instructor for the summer class I took on golf) kept telling me to stop swinging my hips when I swung the golf club. The recent "unpleasantness" surrounding Tiger Woods did not add anything to the appeal of the game either.

However, it was really a wonderful thing to read this article in Yahoo Sports about the winner of the Masters. Just warmed the little cockles of my heart...

Phil Mickelson, wife Amy give us one of Augusta's best moments - Devil Ball Golf - Golf Blog - Yahoo! Sports

Now THAT'S a role model for the game!


New Member
With apologies to those of you who are die-hard golf fans...

I don't pay much attention to golf, and haven't since the college football coach (who was also the instructor for the summer class I took on golf) kept telling me to stop swinging my hips when I swung the golf club. The recent "unpleasantness" surrounding Tiger Woods did not add anything to the appeal of the game either.

However, it was really a wonderful thing to read this article in Yahoo Sports about the winner of the Masters. Just warmed the little cockles of my heart...

Phil Mickelson, wife Amy give us one of Augusta's best moments - Devil Ball Golf - Golf Blog - Yahoo! Sports

Now THAT'S a role model for the game!

It is quite an ironic albeit happy story and contrast of life styles.:yahoo:


I'd just like to add that I almost felt, throughout the entire tournament Mickelson was overshadowed by the Tiger embarrassment. When the tournament was done all the news could talk about was Mickelson (who came in first) and Tiger (who came in 4th). I bet most don’t even know who came in second and third without have to go to to look it up.

How ironic that this great tournament, over-emphasized by a low-life, dungpile like Tiger, would result in the most beloved and respected player and family man on the field winning.

Tiger played in his expected form; raging temper, throwing/slamming/dropping clubs, and ranting expletives… I almost couldn’t even let my kid watch.

Nevertheless, the GREATEST man won and I feel great about it. It was a hugely satisfying twist of fate to see two so diametrically opposed personalities and performers on the course receive their due reward. Tiger the loser. Mickelson the victor.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I'd just like to add that I almost felt, throughout the entire tournament Mickelson was overshadowed by the Tiger embarrassment. When the tournament was done all the news could talk about was Mickelson (who came in first) and Tiger (who came in 4th). I bet most don’t even know who came in second and third without have to go to to look it up.

How ironic that this great tournament, over-emphasized by a low-life, dungpile like Tiger, would result in the most beloved and respected player and family man on the field winning.

Tiger played in his expected form; raging temper, throwing/slamming/dropping clubs, and ranting expletives… I almost couldn’t even let my kid watch.

Nevertheless, the GREATEST man won and I feel great about it. It was a hugely satisfying twist of fate to see two so diametrically opposed personalities and performers on the course receive their due reward. Tiger the loser. Mickelson the victor.

Pretty good show all they way around for many reasons.

Two telling moments; Early in his round, on the second green, with all the nerves and tension of getting going in the last pairing in the last round of one of the great sporting events in the world, a stamen from a far way pine tree, perhaps dropped by a bird as there was no breeze to speak of, point being this was literally out of the blue, fell right in Mickelson's line an instant before he struck his putt and the ball hit it and went off line and missed the hole, a putt that I would imagine looked to most like it was perfect. Looked so to me.

Phil's reaction? Mildly incredulous and even a bit of a smile. Took it in stride. Not the end of the world.

The other moment, Tiger after his round, steaming, angry and all he could talk about was himself and his obsession, winning, expecting to win, every time he plays. His round was over on the 14th. He fought hard. He played through the good and the bad. He had time and, more important, cause, to appreciate being their, having had a chance, the warm treatment of the crowd. He could have been, should have been thankful for the cameras and the interview when he finished.

Tigers strengths, his single mindedness and focus, are also his weakness. It was pointed out today, a reminder, that Tigers dad, upon his return from serving in Vietnam, first thing he did was divorce his wife, leaving her and his 3 kids, aged 13, 11 and 9 to marry his Vietnam sweetheart.
All is well in my world so far this year!!!

Saints won the superbowl!
Duke won the ACC AND the NCAA Tourney
Phil Mickelson won the Masters!

:yahoo:Awesome! :yahoo:


Nothing to see here
Saints won the superbowl! :yay:
Duke won the ACC AND the NCAA Tourney :burning:
Phil Mickelson won the Masters! :burning:


Pretty good show all they way around for many reasons.

Two telling moments; Early in his round, on the second green, with all the nerves and tension of getting going in the last pairing in the last round of one of the great sporting events in the world, a stamen from a far way pine tree, perhaps dropped by a bird as there was no breeze to speak of, point being this was literally out of the blue, fell right in Mickelson's line an instant before he struck his putt and the ball hit it and went off line and missed the hole, a putt that I would imagine looked to most like it was perfect. Looked so to me.

Phil's reaction? Mildly incredulous and even a bit of a smile. Took it in stride. Not the end of the world.

The other moment, Tiger after his round, steaming, angry and all he could talk about was himself and his obsession, winning, expecting to win, every time he plays. His round was over on the 14th. He fought hard. He played through the good and the bad. He had time and, more important, cause, to appreciate being their, having had a chance, the warm treatment of the crowd. He could have been, should have been thankful for the cameras and the interview when he finished.

Tigers strengths, his single mindedness and focus, are also his weakness.

So, for you, it was all about Tiger too. :ohwell:

It was pointed out today, a reminder, that Tigers dad, upon his return from serving in Vietnam, first thing he did was divorce his wife, leaving her and his 3 kids, aged 13, 11 and 9 to marry his Vietnam sweetheart.

I'm trying to figure out what this has to do with anything: Tiger losing, Mickelson winning, The Masters...?

The only point I really had to offer regarding Tiger in all of this is how sickening it is all the attention he is getting that nearly overshadowed the Mickelson heartwarming victory. In the end it eventually became about Phil. And then, of course, Tiger. To h3ll with those that came in 2nd and 3rd. What an insult to them and golf.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
First thing I write is this;

Two telling moments; Early in his round, on the second green, with all the nerves and tension of getting going in the last pairing in the last round of one of the great sporting events in the world, a stamen from a far way pine tree, perhaps dropped by a bird as there was no breeze to speak of, point being this was literally out of the blue, fell right in Mickelson's line an instant before he struck his putt and the ball hit it and went off line and missed the hole, a putt that I would imagine looked to most like it was perfect. Looked so to me.

Phil's reaction? Mildly incredulous and even a bit of a smile. Took it in stride. Not the end of the world.

And your response???

So, for you, it was all about Tiger too. :ohwell:

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I'm trying to figure out what this has to do with anything: Tiger losing, Mickelson winning, The Masters...?

The point I totally failed to make was that Tigers dad taught him to make everything else second and for Phil, there seems to be a good bit more to life than self.


professional daydreamer
I was thrilled that Mickelson won the Masters, and there were a few times I thought the Tiger was gonna' break down and cry. :ohwell: