The Mouse Wants To Talk To Your Children About Sex and Slavery


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
DeSantis Signs 'Don’t Say My Momma So Fat’ Bill, Forcing Democrats To Constantly Say 'My Momma So Fat’

TALLAHASSEE, FL—Looking more presidential every day, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis recently signed into law a brilliant piece of legislation called the “Don’t Say ‘My Momma So Fat’” Bill, forcing the nation’s democrats to go around all day yelling that their mommas are so fat.

“My momma so fat!” said prominent Florida democrat, Nikki Fried, in response to journalist questions about how her campaign for Florida governor was coming along. “DeSantis is bigoted and my momma so fat. We will not be silenced!”



PREMO Member

Paying For Our Own Destruction

Disney is a company for gay adults who need not only the acceptance of everyone else, but the approval and applause of us too.

It’s pathetic to see adults lie about what the Florida Parental Rights in Education Law does. It’s clear they’ve never read it, they likely received a fundraising email about it and that’s the extent of their knowledge on the subject. They were simply ready, conditioned really, to believe the worst of people they disagree with politically because that’s what Democrats have trained them to believe.

Either way, who cares? If you can’t do your job, or even comfortably exist while not telling 5-year-olds what genitals you enjoy, you shouldn’t be anywhere near children. Not because you’re a child molester or anything, but because there’s something fundamentally wrong within you. You don’t talk to other people’s kids about that stuff, lest you end up on the Chris Rock end of a Will Smith moment.

But every single day, kindergarten teachers are professing their inability to function in their jobs if they can’t proselytize about whatever delusional gender was just made up 20 minutes ago and you’re commanded to shut up and take it.

If you buy Disney products, you’re paying for this. If you watch ESPN or ABC, you’re paying for this. Think about that while you shake your head in disgust and confusion. How did a major corporation get taken over by a tiny fraction of an already insignificant percentage of the population?


Well-Known Member

Paying For Our Own Destruction

Disney is a company for gay adults who need not only the acceptance of everyone else, but the approval and applause of us too.

It’s pathetic to see adults lie about what the Florida Parental Rights in Education Law does. It’s clear they’ve never read it, they likely received a fundraising email about it and that’s the extent of their knowledge on the subject. They were simply ready, conditioned really, to believe the worst of people they disagree with politically because that’s what Democrats have trained them to believe.

Either way, who cares? If you can’t do your job, or even comfortably exist while not telling 5-year-olds what genitals you enjoy, you shouldn’t be anywhere near children. Not because you’re a child molester or anything, but because there’s something fundamentally wrong within you. You don’t talk to other people’s kids about that stuff, lest you end up on the Chris Rock end of a Will Smith moment.

But every single day, kindergarten teachers are professing their inability to function in their jobs if they can’t proselytize about whatever delusional gender was just made up 20 minutes ago and you’re commanded to shut up and take it.

If you buy Disney products, you’re paying for this. If you watch ESPN or ABC, you’re paying for this. Think about that while you shake your head in disgust and confusion. How did a major corporation get taken over by a tiny fraction of an already insignificant percentage of the population?
A lot of them HAVE read it, know exactly what the bill entails, and violently disagree with it. This is all a concerted effort between Government, education, and business (including the media) - and if that sounds triplely redundant, that's because it is - to isolate children from families and to inculcate the children with world views that are diametrically opposed to the ideals of most parents.



Well-Known Member
Also, I'm old enough to remember when the Religious Right accused the left of having a "gay agenda," for which, they were roundly mocked, criticized, and generally made fun of.

My, how the worm has turned.


Well-Known Member
We got Disney + two years ago for the kids. It was nice to stream classic family Disney movies for family movie night. Kids found some shows that we watched as kids, Tailspin Tales, Darkwing Duck, etc.
What are we supposed to do now, sit with the remote in hand, ready to turn it off when perverted stuff comes on?
As much as it will inconvenience us, Mrs just mentioned getting rid of D+. No more of my $ for agenda we don’t agree with.


Well-Known Member
We got Disney + two years ago for the kids. It was nice to stream classic family Disney movies for family movie night. Kids found some shows that we watched as kids, Tailspin Tales, Darkwing Duck, etc.
What are we supposed to do now, sit with the remote in hand, ready to turn it off when perverted stuff comes on?
As much as it will inconvenience us, Mrs just mentioned getting rid of D+. No more of my $ for agenda we don’t agree with.
And it is not an accident. It IS an agenda.


PREMO Member

Why Does Disney Hire So Many Pedophiles?

In case you think you’re merely witnessing a strategic marketing blunder or something more innocent, I’ve got news for you: Disney issued this statement about the anti-grooming Florida bill after a bunch of their employees got caught in a pedophile sex trafficking bust by the Florida police.

Let me repeat: After. Disney. Employees. Were. Caught. In. Pedophile. Sex. Bust.

This is not an isolated incident with Disney. In fact, you might say that Disney employees get arrested for child porn crimes and child sex crimes on a regular basis.

And it’s not just a problem with low-level Disney employees either — it starts right at the top. For example, the director of music publishing at Disney, Jon Heely, was charged with three felony counts of child sexual abuse in 2017.
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Willie Sutton was a famous bank robber.
He was asked " Why do you rob banks? His answer was, That's where the money is.

We don't need to ask why so many pedophiles work for Disney.
That's where the kids are.
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Well-Known Member
We got Disney + two years ago for the kids. It was nice to stream classic family Disney movies for family movie night. Kids found some shows that we watched as kids, Tailspin Tales, Darkwing Duck, etc.
What are we supposed to do now, sit with the remote in hand, ready to turn it off when perverted stuff comes on?
As much as it will inconvenience us, Mrs just mentioned getting rid of D+. No more of my $ for agenda we don’t agree with.
I'm old enough to remember when there were 3 channels (there was also UHF and VHF, but we never watched anything there), with wholesome (more or less) programming.

In fact, we didn't have a color television until 1967, when I was 11 years old. We were the first non-wealthy family in the area to have a color TV, and people would come over just to watch it.

black dog

Free America
Disney Florida employes about 77,000 people, I would bet the numbers of problem employees us about the same as those not employed by Disney.


PREMO Member

Walt Disney's Great-Niece Goes on Unhinged Rant About 'Right Wing Nonsense'

She began by claiming that the right has turned on business — that’s business in general, not merely woke corporations.

“Like all radical ideologues, the right wing has finally run amok and is coming to devour the hand that feeds it. Business,” she shrieked. “For my part I am delighted.”

For her part, if Disney’s business fails, so does her gravy train and her ability to trade on that famous name. She also accused “business” of “feeding the right wing” while “they rifle through the till and empty everyone’s pockets.”

Yep. But she went even crazier.

“This ‘anti-woke’ right wing nonsense is unsupported by a large majority of Americans,” she raged. “In fact most Americans are offended by it and wish it would just go away.”

Funny, Abigail, but the polling I’ve seen about the Parental Rights in Education bill in Florida shows that 61% in total support it, while two-thirds of parents are in favor of it and even 55% of Democrats think it’s a good piece of legislation. That’s a strange way to show that you’re “offended” and “wish it would just go away.”


..if momma ain't happy...
Have you seen their new movie "Red Panda"? Goggle it.

Was watching with my 10 yr old grandson. I got up and walked away. That's a subject his parents can address in their way.


Well-Known Member

Walt Disney's Great-Niece Goes on Unhinged Rant About 'Right Wing Nonsense'

She began by claiming that the right has turned on business — that’s business in general, not merely woke corporations.

“Like all radical ideologues, the right wing has finally run amok and is coming to devour the hand that feeds it. Business,” she shrieked. “For my part I am delighted.”

For her part, if Disney’s business fails, so does her gravy train and her ability to trade on that famous name. She also accused “business” of “feeding the right wing” while “they rifle through the till and empty everyone’s pockets.”

Yep. But she went even crazier.

“This ‘anti-woke’ right wing nonsense is unsupported by a large majority of Americans,” she raged. “In fact most Americans are offended by it and wish it would just go away.”

Funny, Abigail, but the polling I’ve seen about the Parental Rights in Education bill in Florida shows that 61% in total support it, while two-thirds of parents are in favor of it and even 55% of Democrats think it’s a good piece of legislation. That’s a strange way to show that you’re “offended” and “wish it would just go away.”
I have a friend who's mother was a Disney by birth. He refuses to have anything to do with the family.


PREMO Member

Disney Shareholder Warns the Company: Stop Wasting Money on Political Crusades editor Ray Keating is sounding an alarm for Disney management — specifically CEO Bob Chapek.

“Here’s a suggestion for Disney CEO Bob Chapek: Get back to business, that is, excellence in storytelling, and stop wasting shareholder’s money on political crusades that have nothing to do with Disney’s business,” Keating told Fox News Digital.

Keating, who has written about how Disney’s activism is bad for business, said Disney’s decisions on the Florida bill has meant the company is catching heat from both sides of the political spectrum. Ever since Chapek spoke up, critics on the right have condemned Disney as being too “woke” and even talked of boycotting the resort.
“Disney’s management succumbed to political pressure from activists on the Left, and now it’s getting hit from the Left and the Right,” Keating told Fox News Digital. “If I weren’t a shareholder, I’d find it amusing.”

Keating references one of economist Milton Friedman’s most important essays on “the social responsibility of business” to make his point. “The Social Responsibility of Business is to Increase its Profits” was written in 1970 — another time of great social upheaval when calls for an end to capitalism were even louder than they are today.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member