The Mouse Wants To Talk To Your Children About Sex and Slavery


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Disney CEO Suggests ‘Essence of Our Brand’ Was Misused in Fight Against Anti-Grooming Bill

But even now, months later, Disney is attempting to appear as if it is taking the higher ground while describing the entire ordeal as a “complex” social issue.

Chapek said:

These are complex social issues where we absolutely, positively want to represent the needs and the expectations of our cast members, but we also realize that sometimes in such a divided world, there’s not alignment between what possibly large constituencies of our guest and consumer base are looking for in terms of the kind of content that they want to show their kids at this particular time.

“What we try to do is be everything to everybody. That tends to be very difficult because we’re the Walt Disney Company,” he continued, suggesting that the “essence” of the brand was misused in the company’s battle against parental rights.

“When you’re a lightning rod for clicks and for political podium speeches, the essence of our brand can be misappropriated or misused to try to fit the needs of any one particular group’s agenda. We want to rise above that,” the CEO said.

“We also realize that we want to represent a brighter tomorrow for families of all types, regardless of how they define themselves,” he added, attempting to walk the line.


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Disney investor sues over company’s response to ‘Don’t Say Gay’ bill

A Disney investor claimed the Mouse House created a “far-reaching” financial risk for itself by opposing Florida’s controversial so-called “Don’t Say Gay” bill, according to a new lawsuit.

The 22-page suit filed late Friday from investor Kenneth Simeone demands that Disney turn over its internal records about its opposition to the law limiting instruction on sexual orientation or gender identity in elementary schools.

By criticizing the law, Disney lost control over tax and improvement issues on the Orlando-based theme park, the suit said.

“The financial repercussions from Disney’s actions, and resulting harm to the company and its stockholders, have been swift and severe,” Simeone alleged in court papers.


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Woke Disney sparks outrage with new kids cartoon that claims America was 'built on slavery' - as it pushes reparations and says Lincoln had no desire to liberate the enslaved

  • Disney has been slammed for going woke yet again after a new cartoon series features black children rapping about reparations
  • The rap in Proud Family: Louder and Prouder has been branded 'blatant anti-white propaganda'
  • In California a reparations board insists every long-term black resident should get $5million in reparations


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Disney Cartoon Pushes Claim America is Racist, Repeats ‘Hands Up, Don’t Shoot’ Lie

Nate Hochman writes at National Review:

Disney+ to America’s Children: Lincoln Didn’t Free the Slaves

“Proud Family: Louder and Prouder,” a recent Disney+ reboot of the original “Proud Family” children’s cartoon (2001–05), was always going to be a social-justice routine. The franchise’s addition of new characters such as “Maya Leibowitz-Jenkins, a 14-year-old activist who isn’t afraid to use her voice for good” (per Seventeen) and singer-activist Lizzo — playing, for some reason, herself — had all the trappings of the ongoing effort to politicize even the most innocuous and innocent cultural products. As the Disney Channels Worldwide president said during an interview in early 2020, the company wanted the reboot to renew the original show’s “brilliant social commentary on our life and times,” delivered “under the guise of a family comedy.” Parents may be surprised to hear that “family comedy” needs to be a “guise” for anything at all, but such is the state of American culture.

More from the Daily Wire:

In the cartoon, that last line was punctuated by four black students glaring while the only white student on the stage with them held a sign that read “still has not atoned for.”
“Slaves built this country,” they shouted again, claiming, “We made your families rich,” as they listed plantation owners, northern bankers, New England ship-owners, the Founding Fathers, and current senators among those who had profited on the backs of slaves.

The cartoon even included the debunked “Hands up, don’t shoot” claim that originated after the Michael Brown shooting in Ferguson, Missouri.


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I guess adding Lizzo gives more depth to "rolling the film."

Most of my ancestors came to the US from Europe or Canada at least 2 decades after the 13th Amendment was ratified.


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Disney Gets Desperate, Punishes People for Talking Negatively About Its Live-Action 'Peter Pan' Monstrosity

Safe to say, the reception to this “modern” retelling of the old classic wasn’t a good one. From the trailer to the movie, the movie’s been denounced as yet another lazy Disney rehash of a property that should have been left well enough alone. As a result, Disney has begun turning around and doing what it can to silence and punish those who speak out against it.

Az of the YouTube channel HeelvsBabyface gave a review on his live stream which was struck down by Disney almost immediately. In his video, he shows you his channel’s backend so you can see that his video is blocked in all territories.

But it doesn’t stop there. As Az notes, other YouTubers who’ve talked about the new Peter Pan movie are watching odd things happen to their channel, including their comments sections being disabled by YouTube itself. YouTube Drunk3P0 has reportedly had his entire video on the movie blocked as well.

As Az shows in his video, the claims were all made by Disney Enterprises.

This is a desperate move by Disney to stop the bad reviews from getting out and about so that more people will pay to walk into theaters to see their newest abortion.

The thing is, if people like Critical Drinker or HeelvsBabyface never made videos about Peter Pan, people would probably avoid going to see it anyway. Disney has torpedoed a lot of the goodwill it had with general audiences across the country with its forcing of politics into the mix.


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Now Disney Says Bluebirds and Sunshine Are Racist, Too

Cover the kids’ eyes. “Zip-A-Dee-Doo-Dah,” after the bit about it being a wonderful, sunshine-filled day, continues: “Mister Bluebird’s on my shoulder / It’s the truth, it’s actual / Ev’rything is satisfactual / Zip-a-dee-doo-dah, zip-a-dee-ay / Wonderful feeling, wonderful day, yes sir!” That’s basically it. There is nothing in the song about blacks or whites or anything having to do with race at all. The Left hates the song because it is joyful, which Leftists never are, and because it was sung in the movie Song of the South by a black man, James Baskett, in a context that suggests that human beings could still be happy even amid circumstances of oppression and injustice. That kind of thinking blunts the revolutionary ardor, and that will never do.

Above all, Song of the South has frequently been denounced as racist, and so even though there isn’t anything remotely racist about the song “Zip-A-Dee-Doo-Dah” itself, it is associated with a racist production, and so it has to go. One wonders how the wokesters who run Disney came to this conclusion. Were they inundated with complaints from black Americans and their Leftist “allies,” who found themselves weeping at the collective memory of the chains of the slaver and the lash of the overseer whenever they heard that it was a wonderful, sunshiny day?

Were the Disney offices overwhelmed with angry emails from people berating the sinister media giant for reminding them of the awful Song of the South (of which Disney is so ashamed that it doesn’t offer it for sale, despite the critical acclaim it received upon its release and its historical and cultural significance)? Or (and this is, of course, much more likely) did no one express any offense at all, but the woke censors prevailed anyway?


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And it turns out that during the interim, the old Disney-controlled board handed all its actual power over to Disney in perpetuity leaving the new DeSantis’ appointed board with almost no power.

Ahead of an expected state takeover, the Walt Disney Co. quietly pushed through the pact and restrictive covenants that would tie the hands of future board members for decades, according to a legal presentation by the district’s lawyers on Wednesday…
The previous board, which was known as the Reedy Creek Improvement District and controlled by Disney, approved the agreement on Feb. 8, the day before the Florida House voted to put the governor in charge.
Board members held a public meeting that day but spent little time discussing the document before unanimously approving it in a brief meeting.


I’m not an attorney but void ab initio is a legaleze way of saying the agreement may be void from the start. Finally, the Governor’s office also released a statement:

The Executive Office of the Governor is aware of Disney’s last-ditch efforts to execute contracts just before ratifying the new law that transfers rights and authorities from the former Reedy Creek Improvement District to Disney. An initial review suggests these agreements may have significant legal infirmities that would render the contracts void as a matter of law. We are pleased the new Governor-appointed board retained multiple financial and legal firms to conduct audits and investigate Disney’s past behavior.



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Shortly after announcing it is suing Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, Disney blocked pedestrian access to and from the U.S. Armed Forces’ flagship resort in the continental United States. The decision to do so further demonstrates that the Disney of 2023 is not the Disney of 1971 (when Walt Disney World opened) or the Disney of 1955 (when Disneyland did so). Unlike modern Disney’s previous questionable actions, however, this one comes directly at the expense of U.S. military families and veterans—and needlessly and senselessly so. Moreover, the action is tied to the Reedy Creek Improvement District, over which DeSantis, the Florida legislature, and Disney have been battling.

The resort in question, the Shades of Green Resort at Walt Disney World, is owned and operated by the U.S. military for the benefit of current and retired military personnel and their families. It is one of just four Armed Forces Recreation Center resorts worldwide and the only one on the U.S. mainland. Located about a half-mile from Disney’s Polynesian Resort, Shades of Green enjoys a prime location that affords easy access, on foot, to Disney’s monorail system.

Or, at least it did until Monday, when Disney abruptly cut off access.

Originally opened as the Golf Resort in 1973, it became Shades of Green in 1994 after the Department of Defense leased it from Disney. Steve Bell of the website Military Disney Tips writes, “At the time all branches of the military wore some form of green utility/battle dress uniform. It was decided to call the resort Shades of Green to refer to [these] different shades of green.” According to Bell, the Defense Department bought the resort outright in 1996 for $43 million and has subsequently put another $120 million into improvements and expansions, although Disney still owns the land on which it sits.
