The Mouse Wants To Talk To Your Children About Sex and Slavery


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Ben Shapiro let Disney have it after a legacy media outlet admitted the extent to which the woke company’s flagship streaming program is taking on water.

In response to a Wednesday article in The New York Times on Disney+ losing millions of subscribers and deciding to scale back advertising and significantly raise prices, Shapiro came out swinging during the June 10th edition of The Ben Shapiro Show. “Disney is taking it directly in the teeth, The New York Times of course is attributing this to larger market forces, but the reality is that Disney has completely blown out a large segment of its user base,” Shapiro said.

The Times report on Disney+ was grim, reporting on a massive decline in customers and revenue. The article also made clear that Disney was abandoning hopes of recruiting lots of new customers through marketing and would instead raise prices for existing customers. As reported by the article, “Disney’s streaming operation lost $512 million in the most-recent quarter, the company said, bringing total streaming losses since 2019, when Disney+ was introduced, to more than $11 billion. Disney+ lost roughly 11.7 million subscribers worldwide in the three months that ended July 1, for a new total of 146.1 million.” The article went on to mention that Disney+ would now be charging $14 for an ad-free experience, up from $11 in December and $8 before that. All while Disney-owned Hulu would also raise prices.

Disney are idiots (for many reasons), but in this particular case it's especially egregious. They already had Hulu for their new streaming shows, they should have treated Disney+ as just the one stop shop for everything "in the Disney vault". Continue releasing new movies to the theater and new shows on their cable platforms, license newer content to the other streamers, release their stuff on Blu Ray, and once the early big money drops (maybe after a year or two) stick it on Disney+. And charge $5 a month or less for Disney+. Then it cannibalizes basically none of their big revenue streams and has no new production costs for streaming exclusives.


Well-Known Member
oh but we ' earn ' more money doing this ourselves
No, that was their biggest "loss" on paper, but they felt it was going to be made up for with subscriber retention. They used to license their new movies for tons of money to other streamers (all of whom except Netflix are also apparently losing money), and now they stick them straight onto their own platform. But the revenue for their platform is decreasing as subscribers flee, so where streaming of their films was pure profit before it is now a wash or any actual attributable profits are hidden by other losses incurred on that platform (it's not a loss, they didn't lose money on Dr. Strange Love because people quit Disney+ and not selling streaming rights isn't a loss either, just a lack of gain just like you don't lose money by deciding not to work overtime).


PREMO Member

Disney Already Knows Who to Blame for Its Next Massive Flop

This week — and far from the first time — Zegler trashed the beloved 1937 original animated Snow White.

“I mean, you know, the original cartoon came out in 1937 and very evidently so. Um… there’s a big focus on her love story with a guy who literally stalks her! [Laughs] Weird, weird, so we didn’t do that this time.” Instead, the “modernized” character has little use for anything aside from herself, apparently.

The poor girl got trashed for her remarks and posted a video whining about how she’d been taken out of context.

She’s still young enough that I’m inclined to cut Zegler some slack… yet when Twitter user John Ford called her “the most unlikable actress I have ever heard,” I couldn’t help but agree.

Zegler has been described as a “walking PR disaster” for the movie she’s supposed to be promoting. But what if that’s no accident?

Bear with me here, but one reason I don’t bother with late-night TV anymore, despite growing up worshipping Johnny Carson, is just how earnestly scripted the so-called interviews are. Star walks on and sits down, makes a scripted quip to the host, tells a pre-approved and well-rehearsed personal anecdote, agrees to run clip from new movie, cut to commercial.

Every second of the Hollywood star’s appearance has been pre-approved by their studio, agent, management, or all three.

That’s why this comment from a Twitter user named Sarah caught my eye. She argues that Zegler “is an actress and can presumably memorize a script — not sure why Disney isn’t giving her one to deal with this PR disaster.”


PREMO Member

Regardless, the fact that Disney had filed a lawsuit never meant that Disney had "beaten" DeSantis. For example, I lost track of how many lawsuits were filed against the Trump administration. So what? That doesn't denote victory. Oppositional forces have to actually win in court to beat someone. DeSantis and the board certainly feel confident in their prospects.

Disney's stock is currently at a year-to-date low, and it has less than half the value it had before DeSantis took office. Anyone who thinks that's "winning" is just a hack who wants to see the Florida governor fail at all costs.



PREMO Member
There are a couple of indications this week that Disney has had enough of the culture wars and will be taking it down a notch. First up, a report today about something said by CEO Bob Iger:

Walt Disney CEO Bob Iger told investors the company will “quiet the noise” in a culture war that has pitted social conservatives against the global media and entertainment conglomerate, according to an analyst note on Wednesday.
Iger’s brief statement, included in an analyst report from Needham media analyst Laura Martin, was part of an investors’ presentation on Tuesday at Walt Disney World Resort in Orlando, Florida…

I can’t move on without noting this truly terrible sentence from the same story. This is supposed to give readers the backstory:

The entertainment company was thrust at the center of the nation’s culture wars in 2022, when it publicly criticized Florida legislation restricting classroom discussion of sexual orientation and gender identity.

Notice that the phrasing of this sentence doesn’t really make sense. Disney “was thrust” into the culture wars “when it publicly criticized” Florida’s Parental Rights bill. Wouldn’t it be more accurate to say Disney thrust itself into the debate? No one forced them to do this. Also, the author describes the law as “restricting classroom discussion of sexual orientation and gender identity” which is both false and misleading. What the law actually restricts is “classroom instruction by school personnel or third parties” on these topics in grades K-3. Would it have killed the author to point out this was aimed at insulating very young children, ages 5-8, from lectures on gender identity? Somehow that always gets left out and I think we all know why.



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3 Disney workers, school athletic director among 219 arrested in Florida human trafficking sting

The seven-day undercover operation earlier this month led to 44 felonies and 242 misdemeanor charges against the dozens of suspects — 35 of whom are suspected of being in the country illegally, Polk County Sheriff Grady Judd said during a news conference.

Overall, 83 suspects were charged for soliciting prostitution or traveling to the undercover location to negotiate having sex in exchange for money, the sheriff said.

Freddy Escalona, 30, and Maria Guzman 36, were charged most severely with human trafficking due to “Operation Traffic Stop 2” that started Sept. 19.

Another 17 suspects were accused of collecting money from prostitution or helping prostitutes conduct business.

Caught up in the sting were three Disney workers, including a security guard, custodian and training coordinator, Judd said.

“What would an op be if we didn’t arrest someone employed by Disney,” Judd quipped.


Beloved Misanthrope


PREMO Member
🔥 ZeroHedge ran a delightful article yesterday, headlined “Desperate Disneyland Slashes Children's Ticket Prices By More Than 50%.

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I grew up in Florida. For my whole life, it was well known that Disney didn’t discount admission prices, apart from a small break offered to Florida residents during the hot, low-attendance summer months. Not discounting was part of the brand.

I guess those days are over now.

Now, after tangling with Governor DeSantis about what is properly characterized as Disney’s pro-grooming position, and probably eying an increasingly gloomy economic forecast, Disney has announced a half-off fire sale for kids’ tickets at its California location.

The Epoch Times, which also reported on the story, suggested that the discounts won’t be enough to get conservative parents back in the park. One recent Disneyland visitor told the Epoch Times, "I just don’t think we’ll be taking our kids back any time soon, especially after their new movie basically makes God into the bad guy.” (They were referring to Disney’s latest Pixar blockbuster, Wish.)

It seems like nothing’s been going Disney’s way since they picked that political fight with Florida in 2021 and lost their special tax benefits. Here’s a Bloomberg headline, run just yesterday:

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The Disney news is even bleaker than when Woody and Buzz got knocked out the window of Andy's moving truck and watched it drive away. Sayeth Bloomberg:

— “Disney+ has lost the company more than $2 billion so far this year and is bleeding subscribers as it tries to raise prices.”

— “Disney (is) worth $160 billion—less than half what it had been (worth) when (Iger) left in 2021.”

— The “movie division is suffering from a string of box-office bombs that call into question its most prized franchises.”

— “Even Disney World in Florida is reporting lower attendance. Iger blamed the humidity.” Hunga Tonga!

— A “current Disney executive close to Iger” explained, “the house is on fire.”

Get woke, go broke!



Beloved Misanthrope
Disney+ has some agreement with Verizon now to offer it's service free through them.

Let the decline continue. :yay:


PREMO Member

Disney Already Knows Who to Blame for Its Next Massive Flop

This week — and far from the first time — Zegler trashed the beloved 1937 original animated Snow White.

“I mean, you know, the original cartoon came out in 1937 and very evidently so. Um… there’s a big focus on her love story with a guy who literally stalks her! [Laughs] Weird, weird, so we didn’t do that this time.” Instead, the “modernized” character has little use for anything aside from herself, apparently.

The poor girl got trashed for her remarks and posted a video whining about how she’d been taken out of context.

Rachel Zegler!?​

Waiting for Gadot and Woke Snow

Well, she’s world weary of being criticized for being loud and proud. She’s a victim of her own boldness.

…In a quote she provided The Wrap for her feature in its 2023 “Latino Power List,” the actress of Colombian and Polish descent acknowledged “backlash” she has gotten for her “outspokenness.” The statement follow months of backlash the actress received for her comments on how outdated the original animated “Snow White and the Seven Dwarves” was.
Not apologizing for courting any controversy, Zegler’s statement indicated that she believes the pushback and criticism she has received are what comes with her being “fearless and loud” to earn her place in Hollywood.
She began by telling the outlet, “It’s an honor to be recognized in a way that both celebrates our heritage and lifts up the contributions we all make to this industry, where it can be particularly hard for us to be seen and heard in a meaningful way.”

She sighed heavily. Her plaintive appeal after running her jibs, dissing and dishing on the beloved 90 year old classic she was privileged to play the heroine of, caused an enormous amount of consternation in people who fondly remembered a charming love story.

…Zegler responded to similar comments on X in August, posting, “I hope the world becomes kinder.

We’d hoped she’d gotten smarter, humbler, grateful for the opportunity…but alas.

That, like acting, seems to be beyond her ken.

Disney has offered a peek at their petulant princess in an effort to keep the ticket buying public interested in this rolling trainwreck of a remake…
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PREMO Member

Woke Disney’s New Kids’ Christmas Film Features Homosexual Parents, Sexually Charged Dialogue

However, instead of lighthearted fare, viewers are once again treated to Disney’s political agenda and its need to pump the gay lifestyle into every project. And this particular film is rated TV-PG!

Indeed, the film only gets about 12 minutes in before viewers are treated to a family with “two dads” as kids sit around the Christmas tree opening gifts on Christmas morning, The Federalist reported.

Naturally, the two-dad family is treated as perfectly normal. But that is only the first LGBT agenda-driven segment because only ten minutes later two of the boys in the movie are seen talking about “hot” guys.

One of the characters named Jon (Deric McCabe), who is portrayed as exhibiting obvious gay characteristics, is talking with another boy about his own line of clothing. The character then tells his friend he offered his sell his designs to a boy, and says, “I told that hottie over there I’d sell it to him for $200.”

There is at least one more scene with gay sexual content when Jon describes yet another boy as “cute.”

The Federalist’s Eleanor Bartow notes that the film does not pinpoint what age Jon is supposed to be in the film, but he is palling around with fifth-graders and some of the kids in the film are even younger.

The star of the film, Winslow Fegley who portrays the precocious character “Andy,” is called a “Mischievous fifth grader” in Disney’s summation of the movie.

So, what we have here is Disney once again sexualizing kids under 11 years of age.