The Mouse Wants To Talk To Your Children About Sex and Slavery


PREMO Member

Woke Fail: Disney Still Planning to Invest $17 Billion in Florida Despite Fight with Ron DeSantis

At a recent conference, Disney parks chief Josh D’Amaro reportedly said the company is still looking to expand or enhance existing attractions at Disney World in Orlando to the tune of $17 billion.

D’Amaro was speaking last week at the the J.P. Morgan Global Technology, Media and Communications Conference in Boston, according to a CNBC report. He told audience members that the $17 billion investment “gives you a sense of how aggressive we’re being in Walt Disney World.”

“And this includes things like the transformation of Epcot,” he said. “It includes things like there’s a new Star Tours attraction coming, we have a new Tiana attraction that’s coming. So, we’re thinking pretty aggressively about where we can take things in Florida.”

Among the coming attractions is a Moana -themed exhibit called “The Journey of Water,” which will be a self-guided outdoor trail where “you can play and interact with water as it travels from the sky to the oceans and back again,” according to Disney.


PREMO Member

Disney’s Chief Diversity Officer Latondra Newton Departs

Disney’s chief diversity officer is leaving the entertainment conglomerate after a six-year run.

Latondra Newton, who joined the Burbank-based studio in Feb. 2017 after leading Toyota’s inclusion efforts, is leaving Disney “to pursue other endeavors,” wrote chief human resources officer Sonia Coleman in a memo on Tuesday.

Newton is said to be joining another corporate board as she steps away from Disney. A search for a new chief of diversity, inclusion and equity efforts is set to begin.
🔥 Yesterday, the Huffington Post reported that the Mouse made a big bold move in an article headlined, “Disney Pledges To Help Repeal ‘Don’t Say Gay’ Bill After Florida Gov. Signs It Into Law.”

Practically as soon as Governor DeSantis set down his signing pen after autographing the Parents’ Rights in Education bill, the entertainment and media giant responded on social media, promising not only to work to get the new law repealed but also to support lots of gay activist groups. The Big Mouse said:

Got that? Disney’s “goal as a company” is not to entertain your kids or make uplifting movies or whatever. Its goal is now to repeal a law protecting children. The new law forbids sexual education of children in kindergarten through third grade, and forbids schools from secretly transitioning children without parental consent and involvement. Which seems reasonable, but it has really hurt the feelings of LGBTQ++ activists, who’ve been screeching that this bill could frustrate their urges to discuss their sex lives and intimate habits with little children.

Readers: If you dislike strong adult langage, please **** off and don't read this post.

Let's get one thing out of the way immediately: I don't support Disney OR DeSantis.

Like almost every social issue, symptoms get addressed instead of the disease.

Your lame and transparent straw man attack is nauseating. Disney has a political position, therefore you conclude that they don't make entertaining or uplifting movies? Have you always been retarded, or are you just totally dishonest? Since they are making money hand over fist, with millions of families loving their content, that makes you full of crap.

If you don't like Disney content, don't buy it. No one is going to notice or care.

A lot of LGBTQ people grew up with shitty environments at home and at school, and they are over-anxious to make certain that this does not happen to future generations of kids. They want to assure that shame and blame are not imposed on kids just for being who they are. Ignorance and denial factually were the only things being handed out to kids for years when it comes to any aspect of sex. Still is, in some places. If nothing ever changes, nothing ever improves.

Whether you like it or not, the entertainment industry attracts a lot of talent from marginalized people. When you attack Disney for it's position, you only give them ammunition to say: "See? We really ARE persecuted!"

While I can give them the benefit of the doubt that their intentions are good, the LGBTQ folks are their own worst enemies, playing right into the hands of dolts like DeSantis. Like all the other crap bag demagogues that came before him, he's just looking for a scapegoat. When you're fairly stupid, and your life is pathetic, what do you do? Find someone to feel superior to, someone to blame, someone to demonize. This is his audience, and this is what he's selling.

The issue isn't what should kids be taught in school. That debate began centuries ago. Plato insisted that audiences should only ever been shown depictions of virtue rewarded and vice punished. Aristotle disagreed, saying that negative impulses are in everyone, and that drama depicting such impulses provides catharsis, preventing the audience from acting out evil in real life.

Whether censorship does more harm than good is a debate unlikely to ever be resolved.

The question is not "what should children learn about sex, and when?", it is "who do children belong to, the government, or their parents?"

If they belong to their parents, then the answer is obvious. Abolish public schools, and make parents solely and completely responsible for the education of their children. No one is taxed to pay to send your kids to school, so they have no say about what your kids get taught.

You get to decide what to spend, what to teach, where to send them to what school if any. If your kid fails the standardized test, you lose custody, pay a fine, go to prison, and the kid goes to an orphanage. Simple.

The rules of mathematics and grammar aren't partisan issues.


Well-Known Member
Latondra Newton .
Yep --------Don't even have to look.
Leaving Disney to go F up some other company. Meanwhile Disney keeps digging their hole deeper.
Latondra Newton .
Yep --------Don't even have to look.
Leaving Disney to go F up some other company. Meanwhile Disney keeps digging their hole deeper.

Nope. Telling Gerry Falwell redneck nazi trailer trash retards to f uc k off seems to be working out just fine for Disney:

The Walt Disney Company Reports Second Quarter and Six Months Earnings for Fiscal 2023. BURBANK, Calif. –The Walt Disney Company (NYSE: DIS) today reported earnings for its second quarter ended April 1, 2023. Revenues for the quarter and six months grew 13% and 10%, respectively. May 10, 2023


Well-Known Member
Nope. Telling Gerry Falwell redneck nazi trailer trash retards to f uc k off seems to be working out just fine for Disney:

The Walt Disney Company Reports Second Quarter and Six Months Earnings for Fiscal 2023. BURBANK, Calif. –The Walt Disney Company (NYSE: DIS) today reported earnings for its second quarter ended April 1, 2023. Revenues for the quarter and six months grew 13% and 10%, respectively. May 10, 2023

Keep raising prices .


PREMO Member
Nope. Telling Gerry Falwell redneck nazi trailer trash retards to f uc k off seems to be working out just fine for Disney:

Such Tolerance ......

Disney Plus loses its magic touch as millions cancel their subscriptions

During its Q1 2023 earnings report, Disney confirmed that Disney Plus lost subscribers for the first time in its history. Between October and December 2022, the streaming platform's global user base shrunk by 2.4 million.

The main reason for this drop in users? Disney Plus Hotstar, the version of the streamer that's available in India and Southeast Asia. Some 3.8 million customers canceled their subscriptions between October 2022 and January 2023.

Luckily for Disney, the impact of that sizable blow was minimized somewhat by an increase in subscribers elsewhere. In North America, Disney added 200,000 new customers to its user base, while in non-North American territories (outside of India and Southeast Asia), its subscriber base grew by 1.2 million.

In total, Disney Plus's total user base now stands at 161.8 million, down from 164.2 million in October 2022. With Netflix adding 7.66 million new users in Q4 2022 – taking its overall total to over 231 million – Disney will see its subscriber decline as a major setback in its bid to become the world's best streaming service.


PREMO Member

Box Office Analyst Estimates Disney Lost $890 Million on Last Eight Theatrical Releases

The Walt Disney Co. is estimated to have lost a stunning $890 million on its last eight studio releases, including The Little Mermaid and Elemental, according to a box office analyst.

Disney could see even more red ink since these titles are all destined for the Disney+ streaming service instead of other streamers, like Netflix or Amazon Prime Video, where they could generate additional revenue.

The YouTube box office analyst known as Valliant Renegade laid out his argument in a recent video in which he estimated that many Disney blockbusters actually lost money or barely broke even during their theatrical runs despite the news media spinning them as hits.

They include Black Panther: Wakanda Forever, Thor: Love and Thunder, Ant-man and the Wasp: Quantumania, and Guardians of the Galaxy, Vol. 3.

Two of the titles were outright bombs — Strange World and Lightyear — while two others are still in theaters, The Little Mermaid and Elemental.


PREMO Member
🔥 Let’s check in with Disney and see how the entertainment giant is doing. Last week Fox News ran an inglorious story headlined, “What Disney’s Executive Exodus Means For CEO Bob Iger.”

Two top c-suite executives have recently fled the mega-entertainment giant: CFO Christine McCarthy, and Latondra Newton, who — as you can guess by the name — was the company’s Chief Diversity Officer.

Disney’s stock is at a five-year low:

Disney recently announced thousands of layoffs in the midst of its “strategic reorganization” to cut $5.5 billion in costs.

All of Disney’s recent movie releases have flopped, leading to nearly a billion dollar loss just from the theatrical division alone:

The only division that seems to be doing well is the parks. People are still going to stand in line and see the Mouse, for some reason. Apart from that, after publicly fueding with Florida last year over sexualizing young children, Disney is scraping the bottom.

Woke / broke.



PREMO Member

Released on May 12, the $50-million project was about a teenager who, instead of relocating to a distant planet, hijacked a rover with some friends to fulfill his late father’s last wish.

But as Breitbart’s John Nolte pointed out, the film’s attempts to infuse social commentary into what might have been an entertaining plot might have been part of the reason for its failure to launch.

“The film thinks about the inequality that leaves many living on the lunar surface as a permanent workforce while far wealthier individuals fly off to the paradisal Omega. The kids so desperately, so to speak, want to be ‘the masters of their own destiny,'” film reviewer Robert Daniels wrote of “Crater” — which he gave three stars.

“On their journey, they pass half-built cities and abandoned futuristic test homes emblematic of the half-promises fully broken by the local government. This is also a pro-union movie that sees festering inequality as a symptom of nefarious capitalists,” he added.



Beloved Misanthrope
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PREMO Member

The Walt Disney Company Reportedly Shelved Anti-Child Trafficking Film ‘Sound Of Freedom’ After Obtaining Rights In Merger With Fox

While discussing the film with director Alejandro Monteverde, Harmon first revealed, “This film has been through the ringer. It was originally done by — Fox was going to be the distributor back in the day.”

After briefly pitching viewers to invest in the P&A for the film, Harmon returned to the story about how the film was shelved by The Walt Disney Company, “Going back to that story, Fox was originally going to distribute it. Then Disney buys Fox and for whatever reason Disney shelves it.”

“And it took you, and your team, and Eduardo a year to basically get the rights back,” he explained.

Harmon would later clarify his comments in an email communication with Bounding Into Comics saying, “To clarify my earlier comment, Disney didn’t distribute Sound of Freedom for reasons unknown to us. We are grateful to be the distributor for this important film.”


PREMO Member
After a dismal $60 million opening, the Disney Grooming Syndicate’s Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny collapsed somewhere between 50 to 60 percent with a dreadful $25 to $28 million second weekend — and couldn’t even manage one consecutive first-place finish.

What had once been one of the most popular and bulletproof franchises ever created finally met its match in Kathleen “Franchise Killer” Kennedy and her anti-entertainment identity politics. Kennedy might be offscreen, but she is the true villainess in Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny, which should’ve been called Indiana Jones and Talentless Queendom of Woke Child Grooming Nazis.

Indy also met its match this week from the fifth chapter of the Insidious horror franchise, which opened to $31 million.

Some believed Dial of Dud would hold on to the number one spot this weekend, a headline the child abusers at Disney desperately needed, but that didn’t even come close to happening.



Just sneakin' around....
I'm torn about the new movie release, "Haunted House". I've seen a few ads for it, looks like a hoot, and the Haunted House has been a major attraction forever. But at the same time, don't want to donate to the 'new woke' Disney, and have no idea what subliminal messages they've put in the new movie.


PREMO Member
🐭 Uh-oh! Disney’s last stronghold, its profitable theme parks, are beginning to show signs of flaccid weakness. From yesterday’s Wall Street Journal:

Imagine that. No waiting! The article rambles around in search of a theme, getting nowhere, but quoted Fourth of July weekend holiday-goers who reported walking on to empty Disney rides and making last minute reservations at top park restaurants, which if you’ve ever been there, good luck. Usually.

I wonder what it could be? Maybe the reason for low park attendance is that parents don’t want to take their kids to Groomer Mountain, the Haunted Basement, or on the Pedo Plume Ride. I’m just saying. Don’t cancel me.



PREMO Member
Disney Crowd Sizes ‘Shockingly Low’ Amid Backlash

Walt Disney World crowd sizes over the July 4th long weekend were “shockingly” thin, according to tracking data provider Touring Plans, which predicted that the low-attendance trend seems poised to continue amid ongoing conservative backlash to what some describe as a woke agenda.

Disney has been embroiled in a legal and political fight with Florida governor Ron DeSantis which was triggered by the company’s opposition to a bill that bans discussing sexual orientation or gender identity in kindergarten through third grade.

The company has also faced streaming losses and its stock was recently downgraded in part due to fears of lower attendance at its Disney World and Disneyland theme parks

but, but, but .... Sapidus said Disney was doing just fine making money hand over fist - ignore the millions of Disney Plus loses
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