And, as we've said before, without faith and an open mind you'll never understand the "hidden" meanings in it.
This is the blueprint for the salvation of mankind, why are there "hidden" meanings? Why isn't it more clear?
You'd think God, as all powerful as he is, would be able to think up some foolproof ways. Instead, it appears as if he does exactly the opposite.
He could have revealed a trove of NT writings appear on a building that were clearly chiseled in during the period of time. You know, like the false god Amon-Ra did with the pyramids - direct and uninterrupted pedigree from the author's hands to our eyes today.
But.... nah, God didn't do that. He kept it "oral" since, as we all know, the oral method is impossible to circumvent or corrupt.
He could have allowed to survive records from Rome. After all, he did apprently let less important documents from the time survive fine.
But nah... he didn't do that either. He left it open to disagreement because after all - he merely wants people to believe so they don't wind up being damned forever.
Hey, he's God - he could have the words enblazoned in the sky for all to see - in every language - simultaneously.
But then... nah.... he'd rather have a few thousand reinterpretations filtered through a few million people over time, and allow the bible to change time and time and time again.
He could "wipe out" all competitive "sacred texts" as they were being written - you know, as "And they all bombed one another happily ever after" was written at the end of the Qu'ran, it could combust and disappear. Only the Bible could survive.
But nah - he doesn't do that either.
And of course, he could have made it so it said things that made sense. Like it could have accurately described how creation occured and the story could adhere to the verifiable evidence.
But nah, he doesn't do that EITHER! (I love the excuse for this one: People back then wouldn't understand the scientific complexity of evolution, so God chose a simpler way - as if all the other stuff in the Bible - global floods, plagues of locusts, parting seas, talking mules, the sun standing still in the sky - are somehow more understandable than "creatures change with each generation and species evolve". Hell, those shepherds were completely aware of such things - which is how they domesticated and bred better flocks. These were people in a time that were sophisticated enough to build the pyramids around atronomical blueprints as well - but somehow they're too primitive to understand a simplified version of evolution?? Riiiight.)
In the end, what God apparently does do is behave EXACTLY as if he didn't exist in the first place - which of course is no surprise.
He leaves gaps, he allows translations, he doesn't cross reference with other works, and he lets it sit there about as useful as a doorstop.
Which is why not everyone buys it as a book about truth.