The Packers are crazy...

Larry Gude

Strung Out
...not welcome Favre back with open and willing arms.

2007 highlights;

Pro bowl, All pro, 4155 yards, 28 tds, 15 ints, 95.7 qb rating, won their division, destroyed the Seahawks in round 1, took the eventual champ Giants into OT.

I understand the argument against his indecision and how it may or may not affect team mates and the organization, but, guess what? Coaches get paid more than assistants, owners get better seats than fans, starters get more slack than back ups. The world ain't fair. Fairness is not the point nor purpose of excelling.

So Brett's an air head. BFD. He the only superstar in all of the NFL or sports or entertainment as a whole that is kinda goofy, a little spoiled, inconsistent?

Brett made as many hi or low lights last year as ever including some plays that will be in NFL super highlight films forever.

He played yet another full season last year.

I mean, how much more do you need?

He is clearly not YA Tittle hanging on well past the 'use by' date. He is not Montana with Steve Young holding a clipboard behind him. He's not Marino knowing the team as a whole is simply outclassed. He's not Elway trying for 3 in a row. The Packers are good and young and will very likely NOT do better this year with Aaron Rogers than they would with Favre.

I mean, bring Favre in and let him compete for the job. If Rogers is better, so be it, but for crying out loud, don't tell Brett Favre you can come be a back up. THAT would be a disruption, a team full of guys perhaps annoyed by the Brett retirement follies, but more annoyed that the better QB is holding a clip board. You wanna be Rogers, given the job and have a legend still in his prime standing there?

They can't get rid of him. Imagine Brett Favre coming to Lambeau and beating the Packers. The team and fans could not get more dispirited.

I just see no other way for the Packers to do anything but welcome him to camp with open arms and tell him he's still gotta do like everyone else and earn the job.


Supper's Ready
...not welcome Favre back with open and willing arms.

2007 highlights;

Pro bowl, All pro, 4155 yards, 28 tds, 15 ints, 95.7 qb rating, won their division, destroyed the Seahawks in round 1, took the eventual champ Giants into OT.

I understand the argument against his indecision and how it may or may not affect team mates and the organization, but, guess what? Coaches get paid more than assistants, owners get better seats than fans, starters get more slack than back ups. The world ain't fair. Fairness is not the point nor purpose of excelling.

So Brett's an air head. BFD. He the only superstar in all of the NFL or sports or entertainment as a whole that is kinda goofy, a little spoiled, inconsistent?

Brett made as many hi or low lights last year as ever including some plays that will be in NFL super highlight films forever.

He played yet another full season last year.

I mean, how much more do you need?

He is clearly not YA Tittle hanging on well past the 'use by' date. He is not Montana with Steve Young holding a clipboard behind him. He's not Marino knowing the team as a whole is simply outclassed. He's not Elway trying for 3 in a row. The Packers are good and young and will very likely NOT do better this year with Aaron Rogers than they would with Favre.

I mean, bring Favre in and let him compete for the job. If Rogers is better, so be it, but for crying out loud, don't tell Brett Favre you can come be a back up. THAT would be a disruption, a team full of guys perhaps annoyed by the Brett retirement follies, but more annoyed that the better QB is holding a clip board. You wanna be Rogers, given the job and have a legend still in his prime standing there?

They can't get rid of him. Imagine Brett Favre coming to Lambeau and beating the Packers. The team and fans could not get more dispirited.

I just see no other way for the Packers to do anything but welcome him to camp with open arms and tell him he's still gotta do like everyone else and earn the job.

I couldn't agree with you more. Despite all of the drama, indecision, etc., Favre is, and always will be, a Packer in fans' minds. They are going to need him, and my guess is they will do very well if (I should say "when") they get him back this year as the starter once again.

Looking forward to getting through this drama part, though. Football season is right around the corner.


Football addict
I just want to see the man play. Whether it be Green Bay or Houston, it matters not to me. The man brings excitement and that's what the business is about.

I'm betting that if he lands as the back-up in Green Bay that Rogers goes down with an injury and he's catapulted to the #1 spot again. Well, that might just be what I want.:lol:


New Member
He will end up playing for the Packers! The team will wise up in after about a week or two for training camp.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Favre is a whiner crybaby puss head. He ditched his team and now wants to come crawling back because he misses the attention, and that's not fair to Aaron Rodgers. Effing diva - he thinks he can just come and go as he pleases, regardless of how it disrupts the team. :rolleyes:


My Sweetest Boy
Favre is a whiner crybaby puss head. He ditched his team and now wants to come crawling back because he misses the attention, and that's not fair to Aaron Rodgers. Effing diva - he thinks he can just come and go as he pleases, regardless of how it disrupts the team. :rolleyes:

As much as I like Favre, I have to agree with you.


Nothing to see here
Favre is a whiner crybaby puss head. He ditched his team and now wants to come crawling back because he misses the attention, and that's not fair to Aaron Rodgers. Effing diva - he thinks he can just come and go as he pleases, regardless of how it disrupts the team. :rolleyes:


Larry Gude

Strung Out

Favre is a whiner crybaby puss head, all time greatest quarterback still playing great. He ditched his team and now wants to come back, welcomed with open arms and ticker tape parade because he misses the attention, and that's not fair to Aaron Rodgers as if anything in football is. Effing Uber-diva - he knows he can just come and go as he pleases, regardless of how it disrupts the team and there is no 'I' in team and, as of now, there is no 'Brett' in team either. But there will be soon enough because he's the greatest quarterback of all time, still playing well and the Packers are fools if they don't want him. :rolleyes:




Well-Known Member
Favre is a whiner crybaby puss head. He ditched his team and now wants to come crawling back because he misses the attention, and that's not fair to Aaron Rodgers. Effing diva - he thinks he can just come and go as he pleases, regardless of how it disrupts the team. :rolleyes:

At the risk of sounding like Meg Ryan...................

yes. Yes!! YES!!!!

I thought Otter and I were the only ones....

Larry Gude

Strung Out

Larry, Larry, Larry :shakeshead

Greatest of all time? Montana? ......Unitas? ..........Graham? ......................

Bradshaw?(okay j/k)

But seriously........I don't know if he'd crack the top ten.

...must be joking. Certainly top 10, maybe top five.

Elway, Marino, Favre, Montana, Jurgensen, Unitas, not Bradshaw...

My God. Look at what he's done with the very limited weapons the Packers have had over his years. Bradshaw was on the greatest teams in NFL history, on both sides of the ball with awesome talent surrounding him. Elway didn't make it until he had help. You can't separate Montana from the weapons he had. Only Marino has done so much with so little. Unitas had help. Jergy had help.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I don't know crap about football players or how Favre stacks up in the all-time greatest, but I don't think any player is worth all this. A new star comes along every season, and this year it might be Rodgers - IF he's allowed to show his stuff.

If Favre is allowed to pull this crap, bawl on TV and get his way, it sets a bad example. There are already too many big heads in professional sports and I personally think it's time to set some limits and expectations from these multi-million $$$ divas. Then maybe they'll realize that it's about the game, not all about them.

Football is not a one-man show.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

I don't know crap about football players or how Favre stacks up in the all-time greatest, but I don't think any player is worth all this. . do know advertising, so you know this is solid gold, 'all of this'.

This is the dead season; no more NBA, the important golf tournaments are over, hockey is done. All we have is basebore and...? Training camps are opening with the relatively few stories generated by injuries and the occasional blossoming of a new guy that no one outside his teams town will know about until the season starts and then the pure 100% dullness of the pre season follows that. And Brett.

Are you telling me this is...bad...advertising???

Larry Gude

Strung Out

I There are already too many big heads in professional sports and I personally think it's time to set some limits and expectations from these multi-million $$$ divas. Then maybe they'll realize that it's about the game, not all about them.

Football is not a one-man show.

...stop that. Haven't you been paying ANY attention? Personal responsibility and the end of individualism are all the rage these days except for Brett! Didn't you hear? Adam is no longer Pac man!!! Do you realize what this means???


Adding Diversity to SOMD
I don't know crap about football players or how Favre stacks up in the all-time greatest, but I don't think any player is worth all this. A new star comes along every season, and this year it might be Rodgers - IF he's allowed to show his stuff.

If Favre is allowed to pull this crap, bawl on TV and get his way, it sets a bad example. There are already too many big heads in professional sports and I personally think it's time to set some limits and expectations from these multi-million $$$ divas. Then maybe they'll realize that it's about the game, not all about them.

Football is not a one-man show.

I agree with you... Football is a TEAM sport. Brett Farve has been playing this I'm going to retire/i'm coming back game for the past 2-3 years. The Packers have been very fair to him; he needs to understand that you can't treat people anyway you want and expect them to take you back....even if you are one the best QBs in the bast 10 yrs..

Larry Gude

Strung Out

Joe Montana/Steve Young. Aaron Rodgers should be allowed his chance.

...maybe that should happen. As I said earlier in this very thread; the Packers should say 'Come on down to camp, bubba! May the best man win the job!".

Let 'em compete for it.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Are you telling me this is...bad...advertising???

I think if Rodgers is the QB, half of the people will be watching to root him on, and the other half will be watching in hopes he screws up so they can go, "See? He's no Brett Favre." Rodgers will be under a lot of pressure to measure up, and that will make for some excitement.

With Brett, it will just be business as usual.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Is that...

I agree with you... Football is a TEAM sport. Brett Farve has been playing this I'm going to retire/i'm coming back game for the past 2-3 years. The Packers have been very fair to him; he needs to understand that you can't treat people anyway you want and expect them to take you back....even if you are one the best QBs in the bast 10 yrs..

...why they all get paid the same?



Well-Known Member
...must be joking. Certainly top 10, maybe top five.

Elway, Marino, Favre, Montana, Jurgensen, Unitas, not Bradshaw...

My God. Look at what he's done with the very limited weapons the Packers have had over his years. Bradshaw was on the greatest teams in NFL history, on both sides of the ball with awesome talent surrounding him. Elway didn't make it until he had help. You can't separate Montana from the weapons he had. Only Marino has done so much with so little. Unitas had help. Jergy had help.

Alright now. Take a breath. I said I was just kidding about Bradshaw. And the only top ten I would put Elway in is a top ten people I'd like to kick in the nuts. Even though I was born and raised a Patriot's fan, I will not get over his act: "I won't play for the Colts. I'm taking my ball and going home." That's why Eli can kiss my a$$ too. You knew the rules going into the draft. You don't want to play? Stay in college and get your effin degree. Otherwise buckle up your chinstrap, put your big girl panties on and play football you poossy.And I completely disagree about Montana. While he had very formidable weapons with the 49ers, when he was with KC he took them further then they had been since Hank Stram. And he did it with an elbow the size of "Wilson T. Volleyball". Marino?!?! No weapons??? With Duper and Clayton??? You stepped on it there big guy. All Jurgy ever had was a crippled Larry Brown and an old-before-his-time Charley Taylor.