The police chargers are...



your a retard, why would you speed down the road at 90. The police have been trained and know how to drive fast you do not. That cop shoul dhave pulled you over and ####ed you for being such a retard and endangering everyone else on 4. You must be

whoever left this please cut you off and I am curious... :huggy: TIA

but just so you know...when I was going 90, it was after a stop light, the cop and I left everyone in the dust. I don't care if they are trained to drive fast. Breaking the law is breaking the law. If he can do it, then so am I.

Michael Delaney

Porsche 917K
The police in fact are not well trained to drive fast. The local police have very little if any training in car control driving skills. Some of them are among the worst examples of drivers I have seen.

somdebay said:
your a retard, why would you speed down the road at 90. The police have been trained and know how to drive fast you do not. That cop shoul dhave pulled you over and ####ed you for being such a retard and endangering everyone else on 4.
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Big Poppa
Michael Delaney said:
The police in fact are not well trained to drive fast. The local police have very little if any training in car control driving skills. Some of them are among the worst examples of drivers I have seen.

LOL extremely well put. I dont see any reason for them speeding down a back road where the speed limit is 35. If they can do it why cant i.


Speaking of which i seen one of there cruiseres flipped over off the side of the road on 5 a few months ago.


The Dark One
Jeez. Speeding/street racing is for ignorant teenagers. Keep that #### at the track. Just because YOU think you know how to drive, doesn't mean granny sees you when she makes a lane change right in front of your speedracer ass. DIAF please.


New Member
somdebay said:
your a retard, why would you speed down the road at 90. The police have been trained and know how to drive fast you do not. That cop shoul dhave pulled you over and ####ed you for being such a retard and endangering everyone else on 4. You must be

whoever left this please cut you off and I am curious... :huggy: TIA

but just so you know...when I was going 90, it was after a stop light, the cop and I left everyone in the dust. I don't care if they are trained to drive fast. Breaking the law is breaking the law. If he can do it, then so am I.

I agree, they ARE the law, not ABOVE it. PFfffffft...and to whoever wrote that to you, I can't help but laugh. Whether they are trained to drive like that or not, it doesn't mean they're allowed to in a non-emergency situation...PLUS, people like me :giggle: grew up driving on the autobahn and have driven much faster than 90 and are well aware of how to control a vehicle at high speeds. Therefore, without them knowing your background, they should stfu :lalala: :wench: :evil: :biggrin:


New Member
X-Factor said:
Jeez. Speeding/street racing is for ignorant teenagers. Keep that #### at the track. Just because YOU think you know how to drive, doesn't mean granny sees you when she makes a lane change right in front of your speedracer ass. DIAF please.

Very true - not everyone is a conscious and aware driver, and they may not see you coming at those speeds, but a lot of people also try to cut off people to play traffic cop, which I believe to some extent is illegal since when someone is attempting to pass, it's illegal to intentionally speed up to prevent the pass. *shrug* Everything is relative to the situation to which it is applied. Good point though.


snow_angel2000 said:
I agree, they ARE the law, not ABOVE it. PFfffffft...and to whoever wrote that to you, I can't help but laugh. Whether they are trained to drive like that or not, it doesn't mean they're allowed to in a non-emergency situation...PLUS, people like me :giggle: grew up driving on the autobahn and have driven much faster than 90 and are well aware of how to control a vehicle at high speeds. Therefore, without them knowing your background, they should stfu :lalala: :wench: :evil: :biggrin:

I actually have driven on the autobahn before when on vacation there, so much fun, rented a porsche while I was there. fun fun. Plus I've been driving on the beltway for forever, the average speed there when not rush hour is 90.


New Member
to Mike
You must be an idiot to make a statement like that, You have no idea what training they have. ALL the local police have at least 40 course hours on a certified course, How do I know this, because I am one of the instructors, So please keep your stupid comments to yourself if you dont know the facts.

Michael Delaney

Porsche 917K
Tell me about this 40 hours of training. :bigwhoop:
I am a very well trained driver, having been trained by BSR, National Auto Sport Association, PCA, and Track Time Driving School. I know what I am observing when I see police officers driving at a high rate of speed around a turn sporting the detroit lean. Definately not a sign of a well trained or safe driver. I was told by a police officer that their training took place in a parking lot and was only on a few relatively low speed driving techniques which does not qualify them to drive safely at high rates of speed.

bad1032 said:
to Mike
You must be an idiot to make a statement like that, You have no idea what training they have. ALL the local police have at least 40 course hours on a certified course, How do I know this, because I am one of the instructors, So please keep your stupid comments to yourself if you dont know the facts.
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I bowl overhand
bad1032 said:
to Mike
You must be an idiot to make a statement like that, You have no idea what training they have. ALL the local police have at least 40 course hours on a certified course, How do I know this, because I am one of the instructors, So please keep your stupid comments to yourself if you dont know the facts.
I know this an old post but I have to add..

If I'm driving 95 down 235 and someone changes lanes in front of me.. and lets say I'm driving a Dodge Charger.. what would my stopping distance be??

Now if my Charger has "POLICE" stickers on the side? What would my stopping distance be??

WHAT if my lights were flashing, and my siren (that nobody can hear with their windows rolled up) is blaring.. what would my stopping distance be then??

Makes no difference how well trained you are, doing 90 - 95 on 235 in traffic is stupid and reckless in my car, and is just as stupid and reckless in a police car.