itsbob said:I know this an old post but I have to add..
If I'm driving 95 down 235 and someone changes lanes in front of me.. and lets say I'm driving a Dodge Charger.. what would my stopping distance be??
Now if my Charger has "POLICE" stickers on the side? What would my stopping distance be??
WHAT if my lights were flashing, and my siren (that nobody can hear with their windows rolled up) is blaring.. what would my stopping distance be then??
Makes no difference how well trained you are, doing 90 - 95 on 235 in traffic is stupid and reckless in my car, and is just as stupid and reckless in a police car.
What would you have done, say if three geeky teens in a Dodge Neon pulled up next to you in an old Supercharged Town Car on Great Mills Road while you have your dogs in tow, and they say they want to race you for your dogs?