I think they see the violation of a person's rights, and the needless taking of a life.vraiblonde said:Post your theories here! What do you suppose is making the Republicans turn this woman into their own personal political football? Do you think it's because of the abortion issue? Or pandering to the "religious right" (whatever that means)? Or trying to take attention away from other matters?
I'll listen to all comers because I can't for the life of me figure it out.
You've sufficiently persuaded me on this issue that I'm not strongly on the "save Terri" side. But what I am now is undecided, and without sufficient evidence, I don't think I can choose a side. I've now seen outright refutations on both sides of things previously reported as bona fide facts. Not disputes. Refutations. Assertions that are clearly proven false. Even a few facts stated on this board that I've seen later is just medically untrue.
That's why it bothers me a little when everyone clambers aboard the bandwagon, because they presume some things are facts, when they're not. I've argued this issue on other boards, and it surprises me who's on what side on the issue.
When you build an argument, you try to base it on a few facts. The most basic fact in Terri's case is her PVS condition. I talked this weekend with a medical professional who has dealt with PVS victims over the last 30 years. Her opinion is that Terri is very severely brain-damaged and could not ever hope to recover from that state - but that she is *NOT* PVS. That appears to be the opinion of one of Terri's former neurologists as well. So the situation is still, the basic fact of her condition is seriously in dispute.
I'm neither of the opinion of "well, the courts have ruled, so why am I challenging their opinion". The hell with the courts. The court has repeatedly removed and re-inserted her feeding tube. They are arbiters of *law*, not of *truth*. To go back and forth as they have clearly demonstrates this. If they change their mind about it tomorrow, will *they* then be wrong?
I still don't have a good answer for why Michael Shiavo didn't divorce her and why he doesn't relinquish guardianship to her parents. From what I've seen, while he hasn't made a fortune from her case (his lawyers, however, *HAVE*), he's turned a small sum, and it's a serious conflict of interest for him to be the last word as to whether or not she gets divorced from him. His actions over the last several years effectively constitute divorce, without the legal details.
What I dispute then, is his right to retain guardianship. He can't speak for Terri, and himself at the same time. This would be a violation of her rights, which is one of the things the Republicans are crowing about - the only person who legally has a right to speak for her has a conflict of interest, and therefore, she is being denied her due process rights. She has a right to have someone other than Michael decide whether or not she gets divorced.
I think there's enough dirt on the husband's side to warrant investigation. But at the moment, time is on his side - *he* can wait, Terri can not.