The Protestant Conundrum

Bird Dog

Bird Dog
PREMO Member
Elders? How Old Testament! I think Catholicism puts it all out there--the catechism of the Catholic Church is published both in print and online. It's hard to keep up with the splintered beliefs of the 33K different sects of, in the interest of fairness, why not put out there where you have chosen to worship since it is obviously the "right" place. He did it before, but has stated he wouldn't do it again. I could spend the time searching but please. Put up, or shut up.

There are more Strip Mall churches in Florida than Maryland. It would be hard to chose.


aka Mrs. Giant
So, with this realization, how can Protestants justly claim that Catholic interpretations of the bible are erroneous and therefore "non-biblical"?
They justify it the same way as their ancestors justified calling the Cherokee "pagans" upon finding out they worshiped only one G-d. :shrug: They justify it the same way the old Catholic Church justified killing "witches" and Jews. They justify it the same way the Muslims justify killing Christians today.

i.e. "If your G-d isn't MY G-d, then you are wrong".

Maybe one day everybody will wake up and realize, it's the same G-d. It's our "limited" human understanding that causes the differences. A great example of that human weakness is witnesses at a crime scene. Every witness saw something different, and it's up to the person taking the witness reports to draw a conclusion.

So are the Catholics right? Sure. Are the Protestants right? Sure. So are the Buddhists, Muslims, Jews, etc. You aren't supposed to be putting your faith in man, organized religion, or even a book anyway.


#*! boat!
PREMO Member
Nope--just checked the census rolls and there were no Druids on the island in 2010. Just Methodists, Catholics, crooked watermen, and Mosquitos...

We still keep a very low profile. And that bare spot in the swamp near the end of the road, where nothing will grow?....muah ha ha haa.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
We still keep a very low profile. And that bare spot in the swamp near the end of the road, where nothing will grow?....muah ha ha haa.

You should see Gilligan dancing around the bonfire wearing his goat's head. It's awe inspiring.


#*! boat!
PREMO Member
You should see Gilligan dancing around the bonfire wearing his goat's head. It's awe inspiring.

Just doing my part to try and grow membership. We get enough new paying members, ahma buy me something like Joel Osteen's :yay:
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New Member
a religion that worships trees, that is so silly it boggles the mind, how primitive man was, that is like a religion that believes that the Earth could stop in its rotation and we all wouldn't be thrown off into outer space or crushed by the gravitational forces of the sudden stopppp..errr... oh wait, never mind :)
There are *NUMEROUS* scriptural passages that justify each and every Catholic doctrine (I would spam the forum if I attempted to post them all, but a simple browser search for "biblical evidence of Catholicism" should suffice). So, with this realization, how can Protestants justly claim that Catholic interpretations of the bible are erroneous and therefore "non-biblical"

There is no Protestant "conundrum" here. Why? Because Catholicism cannot prove they hold the one true interpretation of scripture - i.e. the one true interpretation of the Christian faith. No Christian sect can. That makes them all equally 'valid' (or equally invalid) by default. What passages to take literally and what to take figuratively? What is the true intent of each passage? There's your "conundrum".


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
There is no Protestant "conundrum" here. Why? Because Catholicism cannot prove they hold the one true interpretation of scripture - i.e. the one true interpretation of the Christian faith. No Christian sect can. That makes them all equally 'valid' (or equally invalid) by default. What passages to take literally and what to take figuratively? What is the true intent of each passage? There's your "conundrum".

How dare you try to get this thread back on track. (Where's that dang bottle of BBQ sauce....)


Well-Known Member
But am I correct in that fundamentalist Protestants do not believe that all Protestants are saved Christians?

Fundamentalists, evangelicals, whatever. Absolutey not all, and I'll say probably most, that call themselves Protestants, Mormons, Catholics, etc., are not saved, simply because they do not believe.


Wow, someone missed the boat entirely. :whoosh:

We don't need the genealogical records of the Jews but rather a history of the Apostles and their successors, which we have.

Aside from Timothy, all of these say to trust in the Lord, not a book. Not one of those passages mentions the bible alone or scripture alone. You can't find one that does.

So, you believe in relying on scripture alone, in which scripture does not say to rely on it alone, which means you're really following a non-biblical doctrine all the while pointing fingers at Catholics for having what you perceive to be non-biblical doctrines. Oh ironies of ironies!

***With perhaps the exception of Inkah, not one of you, NOT ONE, addressed the issue as stated in the OP but rather chose to go off on other tangents.***

My point is that you are relying on sinful men. The Pope is just a man and a sinner as well and they are just one of the many interpretations that sinful men offer. My other point is that God revealed Himself as "I am that I am" and what my teachers are saying is that God is revealing Himself as "there is no one like me". You decide whom you want to depend on. Do you want to depend on sinful man or do you want to depend on the eternal one whom there is no like Him?

The second point is in my scripture selection above. The Church is made on the Apostles and Prophets which we believe were a one time thing.

The New Testament is particularly clear about the temporary role of the apostles, since they were chosen to give eyewitness testimony of the risen Christ (Acts 1:21-26; 5:32; Luke 1:1-4; 1 Cor. 9:1). Paul indicated that he was the last person to see the risen Christ and receive an apostolic commission (1 Cor. 15:8). The epistles of 2 Peter and Jude, among the very last New Testament writings to be penned, exhort the readers to avoid false doctrines by recalling the teachings of the apostles (2 Pet. 1:12-15; 2:1; 3:2, 14-16; Jude 3-4, 17). Peter and Jude did not say, "Listen to the apostles living today," but instead urged believers to "remember what the apostles said."

On that note, those are some of the reasons why we listen to God alone and I've stopped trusting man a long time ago because you're trusting a sinner over God.


Soul Probe
There is no Protestant "conundrum" here.

I'm surprised the point was lost on you, PC. You're usually a bit quicker than that.

Why? Because Catholicism cannot prove they hold the one true interpretation of scripture - i.e. the one true interpretation of the Christian faith.

No. Catholics don't have anything to prove to anybody. We go our merry way until Protestants start wanting to point hypocritical fingers at us.

No Christian sect can. That makes them all equally 'valid' (or equally invalid) by default. What passages to take literally and what to take figuratively? What is the true intent of each passage? There's your "conundrum".

According to Protestant doctrine, you are absolutely correct!


Soul Probe
My point is that you are relying on sinful men. The Pope is just a man and a sinner as well and they are just one of the many interpretations that sinful men offer. My other point is that God revealed Himself as "I am that I am" and what my teachers are saying is that God is revealing Himself as "there is no one like me". You decide whom you want to depend on. Do you want to depend on sinful man or do you want to depend on the eternal one whom there is no like Him?

The second point is in my scripture selection above. The Church is made on the Apostles and Prophets which we believe were a one time thing.

On that note, those are some of the reasons why we listen to God alone and I've stopped trusting man a long time ago because you're trusting a sinner over God.

The original point is still obviously lost on you. Do you not see the futility in attempting to prove anything using scripture? We all have our interpretations, so I really don't care if you think mine is incorrect or if I think yours is incorrect. According to Protestant doctrine of sola scriptura, it's all relative.