The Return of the Face Diaper


Well-Known Member
For your consideration ...

I betcha if vendors, repair and service people, delivery folks, etc., said screw you we aren't gonna follow your draconian BS and stopped visiting any schools in need of anything, these people would change their tune.

Such as sending a letter .....

Dearest Sandra,

We regret to inform you that because of your Karenesk attitude and willfulness to trample of the rights of others, we will not be delivering, repairing, servicing, etc., as the case may be, to any of the schools under your supervision. Learn to fix your own equipment and problems from now on.


A liberty loving American.

Then these idiots would turn around and sue their employer when they get covid. For not making them wear protection.

Doctors and nurses do it all day long with no problem.

Stop being a baby and protect yourself and others from a sometimes deadly virus.

It's really not that hard.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Then these idiots would turn around and sue their employer when they get covid. For not making them wear protection.

Doctors and nurses do it all day long with no problem.

Stop being a baby and protect yourself and others from a sometimes deadly virus.

It's really not that hard.

The hangover abated and "Sheeeeeeesssssss Baaaaaaaaaaaaa-aaaaaaaaaack!"


PREMO Member
Then these idiots would turn around and sue their employer when they get covid. For not making them wear protection.

Liar ...

Doctors and nurses do it all day long with no problem.

BS ... Liar

The #1 Health Concern of Wearing a Mask Too Long

Medical study reveals a real downside to long-term mask wearing.

Can the wearing of a protective N95 mask all day long be too much of a good thing? Yes, according to a medical report from the mid 2,000's which finds that the long-term wearing of a protective medical mask can lead to prolonged headaches.

The study came from the Department of Medicine at the National University Hospital, Singapore, and the findings were based on a 2003 epidemic of severe acute respiratory distress syndrome, in which healthcare workers mandatorily wore the protective N95 face-mask. Simply put, the study concluded that healthcare providers may develop headaches following the use of the N95 face-mask. Shorter duration of face-mask wear may reduce the frequency and severity of these headaches.

Protective masks have never played a bigger part in public health than they currently play during the coronavirus pandemic. Guidelines from the White House coronavirus task force has strongly encouraged public mask-wearing while also encouraging social distancing. But like many issues in today's hyper-partisan world, wearing masks has become something of a political football.

Medical Journal Warns About Masks’ Potentially Devastating Consequences

This dogma was illustrated by Anthony Fauci’s response to the situation in Texas, which repealed its mask mandate and saw cases plummet. Asked to explain this result, Fauci responded: “I’m not really quite sure….It could be they’re doing things outdoors.” He declined to even consider the fact that perhaps masks are not effective at controlling spread of the coronavirus. In other words, the theory that universal masking stops the virus is becoming non-falsifiable.


The entire paper is worth reading. It cites most known studies and knowledge in the scientific literature prior to the Spring of 2020, including the WHO: “Facemasks are not required, as no evidence is available on its usefulness to protect non-sick persons.”

The author goes on to explain a myriad physiological dangers associated with mask wearing:

In addition to hypoxia and hypercapnia, breathing through facemask residues bacterial and germs components on the inner and outside layer of the facemask. These toxic components are repeatedly rebreathed back into the body, causing self-contamination. Breathing through facemasks also increases temperature and humidity in the space between the mouth and the mask, resulting in a release of toxic particles from the mask’s materials. A systematic literature review estimated that aerosol contamination levels of facemasks including 13 to 202,549 different viruses. Rebreathing contaminated air with high bacterial and toxic particle concentrations along with low O2 and high CO2 levels continuously challenge the body homeostasis, causing self-toxicity and immunosuppression.

And some psychological harms of masks:

As described earlier, wearing facemasks causing hypoxic and hypercapnic state that constantly challenges the normal homeostasis, and activates “fight or flight” stress response, an important survival mechanism in the human body. The acute stress response includes activation of nervous, endocrine, cardiovascular, and the immune systems. These include activation of the limbic part of the brain, release stress hormones (adrenalin, neuro-adrenalin and cortisol), changes in blood flow distribution (vasodilation of peripheral blood vessels and vasoconstriction of visceral blood vessels) and activation of the immune system response (secretion of macrophages and natural killer cells). Encountering people who wear facemasks activates innate stress-fear emotion, which is fundamental to all humans in danger or life threatening situations, such as death or unknown, unpredictable outcome. While acute stress response (seconds to minutes) is an adaptive reaction to challenges and part of the survival mechanism, chronic and prolonged state of stress-fear is maladaptive and has detrimental effects on physical and mental health. The repeatedly or continuously activated stress-fear response causes the body to operate on survival mode, having sustained increase in blood pressure, pro-inflammatory state and immunosuppression.

And the conclusion:

The existing scientific evidences challenge the safety and efficacy of wearing facemask as preventive intervention for COVID-19. The data suggest that both medical and non-medical facemasks are ineffective to block human-to-human transmission of viral and infectious disease such as SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19, supporting against the usage of facemasks. Wearing facemasks has been demonstrated to have substantial adverse physiological and psychological effects. These include hypoxia, hypercapnia, shortness of breath, increased acidity and toxicity, activation of fear and stress response, rise in stress hormones, immunosuppression, fatigue, headaches, decline in cognitive performance, predisposition for viral and infectious illnesses, chronic stress, anxiety and depression. Long-term consequences of wearing facemasks can cause health deterioration, developing and progression of chronic diseases and premature death. Governments, policy makers and health organizations should utilize proper and scientific evidence-based approach with respect to wearing facemasks, when the latter is considered as preventive intervention for public health.

This article represents a new challenge to the pro-masking position. It argues that masks are not merely a “talisman,” as the Journal of the American Medical Association said in April 2020 (before the authors were forced to retract three months later). The situation is far worse: masks are not just useless, but actively damaging to individual health and social well-being.

Stop being a baby and protect yourself and others from a sometimes deadly virus.

It's really not that hard.

Covid has a 99% Survival Rate ...

Paul E. Alexander – April 9, 2021

What is indeed frightening is that all of these blue and similar surgical face masks cause plastic fiber inhalation and the outcomes could be devastating, especially to our children. These plastics will degrade very slowly over time and as such, in the lungs it may remain and just build up to dangerous levels. We do not even know what is an ‘acceptable’ level, for there should be none, zero! There is debate that the immune system can attack such foreign objects, thus driving prolonged inflammation which may lead to diseases such as cancer. And reused masks which pervade our daily lives, and based on our personal experiences, do produce more loosened fibers. Dr. Richard Urso showed us just how dangerous these are by putting them under a microscope, revealing the melt-blown polypropylene plastic. Some masks even contain fiberglass and this is very dangerous as we know to inhale. We as parents make these decisions, we have to step back and question many of these decisions we are making that seem suboptimal. If it does not seem right, then you have to push back and question and demand the science, demand the data from these seemingly untethered experts.

We certainly are not getting the due diligence and protection from public health experts, the relevant health agencies, and policy makers that we need. They are failing us! Covid-19 has crystallized this. The government leaders are quick to tell us that they are relying on the advice of these experts in their advisory groups who seem incapable of reading the science or are just blinded to it. It is an academic sloppiness and cognitive dissonance that is terrifying by these experts should they come upon anything that differs from their beliefs or views, even when they are clearly wrong!

Moreover, the mass media seems incapable of doing the investigative type of journalism to fully inform the populace on what the public needs to know. We close by reiterating the warning in the JAMA publication that “Face masks should not be worn by healthy individuals to protect themselves from acquiring respiratory infection because there is no evidence to suggest that face masks worn by healthy individuals are effective in preventing people from becoming ill.” We raise this issue of potential harm due to synthetic fibres, chlorine, and chemicals from Covid masks as a public health warning and call on the public to make its own relevant risk-management decisions, weighing the benefits versus the harms (downsides) of such a course of action. Especially with the surgical masks (blue) or similar that quickly get moisture laden with use, fibers tend to get loose and may enter the mouth and nose.


Well-Known Member
Then these idiots would turn around and sue their employer when they get covid. For not making them wear protection.

Doctors and nurses do it all day long with no problem.

Stop being a baby and protect yourself and others from a sometimes deadly virus.

It's really not that hard.
So now it’s a “sometimes deadly” virus? I thought you clowns were saying we would all die if we didn’t mask up and get the jab.

Looks like you were duped again and just let it slip that you figured it out.


Well-Known Member
So now it’s a “sometimes deadly” virus? I thought you clowns were saying we would all die if we didn’t mask up and get the jab.

Looks like you were duped again and just let it slip that you figured it out.

Can you point me to where anyone said that?

You do understand how viruses work right? If they killed their hosts immediately they wouldn't spread.

You are a very very dumb person and a danger to the public


PREMO Member
Can you point me to where anyone said that?

Yo Boy Lunch Box Joe Made Such Statements Lying Dumbass

CDC walks back claim that vaccinated people can’t carry COVID-19

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has walked back the claim made by its director that vaccinated people don’t carry the coronavirus.

CDC chief Rochelle Walensky said earlier this week that “vaccinated people do not carry the virus, don’t get sick.”

But the health agency clarified the statement Thursday, saying “the evidence isn’t clear” and that Walensky was “speaking broadly.”

Dr. Deborah Birx says she 'knew' COVID vaccines would not 'protect against infection'

DR. BIRX: I knew these vaccines were not going to protect against infection. And I think we overplayed the vaccines, and it made people then worry that it's not going to protect against severe disease and hospitalization. It will.
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the poor dad
Are masks returning to planes trains and busses? I hope not - I’m flying in February.



Just sneakin' around....
Had to have a tooth pulled yesterday, so went to the office expecting masking. Pleasantly surprised. No masks for patients or the staff behind the counters. Only the doctors and assistants wore masks, but they wore them all of the time, never took them off.


PREMO Member

Farce mask: it's safe for only 20 minutes

April 27, 2003 — 10.00am

Health authorities have warned that surgical masks may not be an effective protection against the virus.
"Those masks are only effective so long as they are dry," said Professor Yvonne Cossart of the Department of Infectious Diseases at the University of Sydney.

"As soon as they become saturated with the moisture in your breath they stop doing their job and pass on the droplets."
Professor Cossart said that could take as little as 15 or 20 minutes, after which the mask would need to be changed. But those warnings haven't stopped people snapping up the masks, with retailers reporting they are having trouble keeping up with demand.

John Bell from the Pharmaceutical Society of Australia, who owns a pharmacy in Woollahra, Sydney, said mask supplies were running low.
"At the moment we don't have any because we haven't been able to get any in the last few days," MrBell said. "In the early stages it was unbelievable; we'd get people coming in all the time."


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
Prior to the pandemic - medical staff wore masks BRIEFLY as needed. Then they were tossed.

Here's a test - if you can SMELL ANYTHING through your mask - it's almost a certainty it does absolutely nothing to prevent the virus.
You might as well wear a fishnet over your face, because the particles of the virus are WAY TOO SMALL to be hindered by a mask porous enough to let in smells, like cigarette smoke or a fart.

Then there's other measures we've taken - like those plexiglass windows at walk up tellers and such. Some of them are JUST HANGING there, about two feet wide, and otherwise open on either side. They don't even hinder a fart or the smell of cigarette smoke - they're even WORSE.

We DO a lot of things because we feel they do SOMETHING. But we now know, they do almost nothing.

The President said the pandemic is over. It's been three years. For once, he's probably right.


#*! boat!
PREMO Member
Went to see a friend last weekend..he resides in the VA home in Charlotte Hall. They require you to use hand sanitizer and don a surgical mask to enter the facility.

First time I'd been there since the COVID shutdowns. My buddy had been moved to a far end of the facilities with other residents who had survived the initial epidemic....he said 18 of the guys on his previous wing had died. Just that one wing of rooms. I can understand why they are still uber-careful.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
Went to see a friend last weekend..he resides in the VA home in Charlotte Hall. They require you to use hand sanitizer and don a surgical mask to enter the facility.

First time I'd been there since the COVID shutdowns. My buddy had been moved to a far end of the facilities with other residents who had survived the initial epidemic....he said 18 of the guys on his previous wing had died. Just that one wing of rooms. I can understand why they are still uber-careful.
My MIL lives in assisted living. Although they provide masks, the only people wearing them now are staff. Visitors do have to check in, have their temps taken but otherwise, nothing.


Well-Known Member
Then these idiots would turn around and sue their employer when they get covid. For not making them wear protection.

Doctors and nurses do it all day long with no problem.

Stop being a baby and protect yourself and others from a sometimes deadly virus.

It's really not that hard.
How does the mask protect from the flu? it doesnt if you can smell food,cigars..ect..etc thru it how does it stop a microscopic particle? it doesnt surgeons where them to stop liquids from entering their mouths stop believing your TV and the democrats


Well-Known Member
Prior to the pandemic - medical staff wore masks BRIEFLY as needed. Then they were tossed.

Here's a test - if you can SMELL ANYTHING through your mask - it's almost a certainty it does absolutely nothing to prevent the virus.
You might as well wear a fishnet over your face, because the particles of the virus are WAY TOO SMALL to be hindered by a mask porous enough to let in smells, like cigarette smoke or a fart.

Then there's other measures we've taken - like those plexiglass windows at walk up tellers and such. Some of them are JUST HANGING there, about two feet wide, and otherwise open on either side. They don't even hinder a fart or the smell of cigarette smoke - they're even WORSE.

We DO a lot of things because we feel they do SOMETHING. But we now know, they do almost nothing.

The President said the pandemic is over. It's been three years. For once, he's probably right.
Never was a Pandemic to begin with it is all Govt' propaganda to see who will and how many sheep will follow