The reverse Veep thread...

Larry Gude

Strung Out
OK kids, a new game and everyone can play!

Instead of playing the veepstakes game where we try to guess who would do a given candidate the most good, who is it that would most get under your skin regardless of where you stand now?

So, explain where you stand; Pro Obama for sure, then you'd explain who McCain could pick that would REALLY make you pro Obama. Pro McCain for sure and who could Obama pick to REALLY make you pro McCain. Leaning Obama, who would make you go Obama AND who would make you go away from Obama. Same for McCain. Just explain where you are and share with the class who just gets under your skin.

For extra credit, explain the course of action this irritant might drive you to.

For double bonus points, who could be picked that you'd be fine with?

I'll go first;

I don't like the idea of President McCain. I think Obama is a joke. I'm probably voting Paul. Maybe Barr. If Obama picks Edwards or Dodd, I might actually think about supporting McCain. Those guys make my skin crawl. He could pick Hillary and offend me less.

If Obama picked Biden, it would not bother me. If McCain picked Leiberman I'd be fine with that.


Well-Known Member
OK kids, a new game and everyone can play!

Instead of playing the veepstakes game where we try to guess who would do a given candidate the most good, who is it that would most get under your skin regardless of where you stand now? .

Gore, Kerry, Edwards, Clinton.


I'm Rick James #####!
What if you think the current election is between a giant douche and a turd sandwich?

Somehow the possibilities for different colors of douche bag, or having mustard on the turd sandwich instead of mayo doesn't seem to make either choice apealing to me.


Larry Gude

Strung Out

What if you think the current election is between a giant douche and a turd sandwich?

Somehow the possibilities for different colors of douche bag, or having mustard on the turd sandwich instead of mayo doesn't seem to make either choice apealing to me.


Perhaps the best episode. Ever!!! :buddies:

(South Park for the un-cool among us) :lmao:


For Obama:

Edwards - Proven loser as VP. Couldn't deliver home state for Kerry. No way he gets picked.
Dodd - Engineered the ENRON fiasco with Lieberman, so he's got a lot of baggage on economic issues, which look to be the determiner this year. Plus he's a Senator, and the rub on Obama is lack of executive experience. Dodd is out.
Clinton - :lmao:
Nunn - Nice guy, but another Senator.

I would say anyone with a Sen. in front of their name is a bad pick for Obama.

For McCain:

He's just going to be lucky to find someone who will say yes. I would like to see him pick Lieberman as that would make for an interesting election. I know my folks refused to vote for Gore in 2000 solely becuase he had Lieberman as a VP and they don't trust Jews, so the discrimination factor would be in play.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

I know my folks refused to vote for Gore in 2000 solely becuase he had Lieberman as a VP and they don't trust Jews, so the discrimination factor would be in play.

That's priceless!

"Well, I'd vote ol' Al or Dubbya or Johnny Mac or Hill'ree as long as they ain't got no damn untrustworthy Jew's with 'em!"


"Bob, why are you unhappy with your hooker?"

"She's a Jew!"



Lem Putt
I'm anti-Obama, so McCain will get my vote as the lesser evil. If McCain picks Huck, I'll either throw my vote away on a third party, or just not vote for anyone.

I don't see Obama picking anyone that would make me want to vote for him.


I agree with the above, I think Obama will have a hard time finding someone who won't hurt him significantly, though I'm sure a lot of people would like to claim his VP spot, and McCain, on the other hand, will have a hard time finding someone to say yes.

Leaning Obama, I think the only Obama dealbreaker for me would be Edwards or Clinton (but I don't think he would be dumb enough to select either) and then I'd probably go with a third party because I'm really not all that down with McCain (he was my favorite Repub candidate, though). I'd be fine with Biden for Obama, but he's just about the only one I can think of that wouldn't harm his campaign. If McCain picks Huckles or Romney he's out, I can't stand Romney, but I doubt McCain would tap either of them.


Well-Known Member
I agree with the above, I think Obama will have a hard time finding someone who won't hurt him significantly, though I'm sure a lot of people would like to claim his VP spot, and McCain, on the other hand, will have a hard time finding someone to say yes.

I think Obama's best bet is to go with someone with good creds but no national exposure. You don't want someone with a big name stealing your thunder. The field is wide open, there.


Well-Known Member
If McCain picks Huckles or Romney he's out, I can't stand Romney, but I doubt McCain would tap either of them.

You know what's weird? I've read enough about Romney to make me wonder about him - oddly enough, the dog thing still figures prominently - but what surprises me is just how many people I have heard say if he taps Romney, McCain absolutely has their vote.

I'm still thinking Pawlenty or Jindal - or Palin, as a long shot.

Really can't think of anyone bad enough for McCain to pick that would change my mind. Funny, I used to think a Giuliani/McCain ticket would be a slam dunk.


Well-Known Member
...was PO; Pre-Obama. :lmao:

What dog thing?

You're kidding? I thought that was the most well-known story about Romney.

You can look up the particulars, but basically he and his family went on vacation and they put the dog in a carrier on the roof. At one point, they stopped when brown liquid came down all over the windshield - the terrified creature had wet and soiled himself, and the contents of his carrier spilled out. Kind of makes you wonder how could someone do something so damned stupid.

Here you go:
ABC News: Did Romney's Dog Suffer on Car Roof?
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Larry Gude

Strung Out
Never heard that!!!

You're kidding? I thought that was the most well-known story about Romney.

You can look up the particulars, but basically he and his family went on vacation and they put the dog in a carrier on the roof. At one point, they stopped when brown liquid came down all over the windshield - the terrified creature had wet and soiled himself, and the contents of his carrier spilled out. Kind of makes you wonder how could someone do something so damned stupid.

Here you go:
ABC News: Did Romney's Dog Suffer on Car Roof?

...Clark Griswald strikes again. WOW!!!


Lem Putt
You're kidding? I thought that was the most well-known story about Romney.

You can look up the particulars, but basically he and his family went on vacation and they put the dog in a carrier on the roof. At one point, they stopped when brown liquid came down all over the windshield - the terrified creature had wet and soiled himself, and the contents of his carrier spilled out. Kind of makes you wonder how could someone do something so damned stupid.

Here you go:
ABC News: Did Romney's Dog Suffer on Car Roof?

I can understand how that might make you not want him to be the head of an animal shelter, but that really seems like a petty issue to not want him to be POTUS or VPOTUS over.

"He used poor judgement when travelling with a dog." Is that it?

The anti-Mormon crowd makes a little more sense, and they're :crazy:


Well-Known Member
I can understand how that might make you not want him to be the head of an animal shelter, but that really seems like a petty issue to not want him to be POTUS or VPOTUS over.

Please show me where I even suggested that...


NOT Politically Correct!!
You're kidding? I thought that was the most well-known story about Romney.

You can look up the particulars, but basically he and his family went on vacation and they put the dog in a carrier on the roof. At one point, they stopped when brown liquid came down all over the windshield - the terrified creature had wet and soiled himself, and the contents of his carrier spilled out. Kind of makes you wonder how could someone do something so damned stupid.

Here you go:
ABC News: Did Romney's Dog Suffer on Car Roof?

LOL, so much for the PETA vote...:lmao: