The sales pitch continues...

Larry Gude

Strung Out

What happend to 'Uncle'? Aren't you getting a bit familiar?

what I do not agree with is people pushing a political ideology and hiding behind God to legitimize it.

Falwell, Robertson any ANY politicians that use God to make a point are, by definition, going to be 'hiding' behind God. That's the whole point.

"God said no filibusters."

I'll give you a FREE tip: One reason, one of many, that modern liberals say so many utterly stupid things (not you, not this case, but in general) is that in this modern age we get to hear all they said, not just the Dan Rather edited sound bite we used to get before Limbaugh, the Net and cable TV. And we get to hear the responses from liberals when they get all bent out of shape trying to say "That's not what I meant!".

When your opponent (notice I didn't say enemy) opens his gaping maw and puts forth a proposal to make an azz of himself, yield the floor. Let Frist or Falwell or Robertson go on and on about how God spoke to them, just them, about filibusters.

You can't make them look bad to their followers.

But they can.


Larry Gude said:
...on #3, Kerry inspired NO energy for himself and inspired plenty against him to go along with the energy W motivated for himself because he is a defined guy. Kerry votes were anti-W votes.

Opposition against W failed and I think it would fail against Hillary. A lot of people were for W and a lot of people will be for Hillary. I think 'for' trumps 'against'.

One thing that you have to give Hillary credit for is that she's a very shrewed politician. Remember back when Arnold was running for governator and Ariana Huffington was running against him and then suddenly quit? She quit because as long as she ran and quit, she would always be Ariana Huggington, former candidate. If she ran and lost, she would always be the woman who got beat by an actor. I see Hillary the same way. If she was as gung-ho to be President as most people think, she would have jumped into the 2004 election with both feet (and cankles.) The Democrats were well prepared to offer her the canidacy on a silver platter, all she had to do was ask for it... but she didn't. Why? I think it was because she would be at about even odds of beating Bush, and those odds weren't good enough for her. If the odds of success weren't good enough in 2004, they dang sure aren't going to be any better in 2008.

Larry Gude said:
#1. She, as President of the US will be giving up nothing to her husband. She'll have his ass living on an airplane advocating the administrations position on this that and the other thing rather than spend more than a few seconds in the Whitehouse getting in her way.

Sorry Larry... but you're living in fantasy land. Aside from a few fanatics, how many Democrats give a rat's butt about Hillary Clinton for herself? They don't like Hillary, they like Bill. They wouldn't be voting for Hillary to be Pres, the would be casting a proxy vote for Bill. Did you notice all the support that Hillary got from Democrats during Hillarycare? There was just about zip! She won't have his ass anywhere but in the White House because that's what the electorate will demand and I think she knows that fact quite well.

Larry Gude said:
#5? I don't understand?

Being President is a bit like one of those deals with the devil you see in movies where in return for your soul you get everything you ever wanted for a year. Then you die and go to hell. The Presidency gives you four or eight years of being the most powerful person on Earth, but then you have to give it up no matter how good or bad you did. Think about Pat Moynihan. He was the senior senator from one of the most important states in the country. People were kissing his ass, and currying his favor for decades while Presidents came and went. That's more of the kind of power I think Hillary would want, especially after experiencing the eight-year limit with Bill.

As for the significance of Air Force 1, you're opinion is being shaped by the reports of media geeks and low-level pols who gush about how great it is. People who really understand power don't give a crap about what airplane they fly on.

Larry Gude said:
As far as 4 or 8 and done, she's 58. The election is 3 years, 61. One term, 65, two 69. I think eve nafter one term the party starts and she spends the rest of her days being feted as the first woman Pesident and one of the greatest stories in politics of all time. ?

Ocne again, I think you really need to get past the conventional wisdom and focus on the kind of woman Hillary is. She was willing to put up with years and years of Bill's playing around as governor and president, and never left him no matter how badly he embarassed her. Now her supporters will say that this just shows her loving and devoted side, but that's a tough case to make when it's so blatantly obvious that they only want to spend as little time together as need be. There's only one reason that a woman would endure so much crap in less-than-loving relationship, and that's because she's getting something else from the arrangement.

Now, factoring in all of that, do you really feel that this is a woman who's going to be content to serve 4 or 8 and then go out hitting the balls on the back nine? Do you really think that this is a woman who would prefer lecturing at colleges to being the senior Senator from New York, and maybe the leader fo the Dems in the Senate? Had she left Bill I would say yes, but anybody who would put up with all that crap, for that long, in a marriage that was that bad... no way. She's going to want to be a player until she goes out the door under a sheet.

So, again, who is her opponent? ?


Larry Gude

Strung Out
Like I said...

...we'll be battlin' this one to the end.

We got us a bunch of Democratic women in our family and they all LOVE Hillary. She's so tough. She's so strong. She's so determined. Put up with that naughty Bill. They admire her. They adore her. She is the American Princess Di to them, royalty.

Whatever Hillary's flaws, she was in the WH for 8 years, she is a lawyer, she is a US Senator. There will be no reservations about her resume. She's been around.

She didn't run against W because she would have LOST. Objective analysis before the race, left and right, said it's a long shot to beat a sitting President in time of war especailly when the economy is fine.

2008 against an opponent who most likely will not have the advantage of being VEEP. How is that a longer shot than '04?

Hillary's support during healthcare is another story in another book written long, long ago. She has since been filling her dance card out very, very nicely for a run at the Presidency. Maybe it's just for her memoires?

You and I read Hillary very, very differently. I'm sorry but you're not going to convince me that Hillary would take guaranteed Senator for life over guaranteed President for 8 years.

and that's because she's getting something else from the arrangement.

Yeah. Something else. You say Senator, I say President.

She won't have his ass anywhere but in the White House because that's what the electorate will demand and I think she knows that fact quite well.

Boy do we see 180 degrees. You say they love Bill and they do. Presidents always send the old lady off to win cheap and easy support for whatever. Bill will be the most traveled first spouse in history.

do you really feel that this is a woman who's going to be content to serve 4 or 8 and then go out hitting the balls on the back nine?

Yep. I feel she's looking at 8 years in the Whitehouse and retiring. She'll be pushing 70. Bill finished too young. Not her in this scenario.

Hillary Clinton is running around doing and saying the right things for a run. She didn't go to Baghdad for NYC. She's not offering an olive branch on abortion for NYC. The Hillary I saw with the 7 Dwarfs back in the Dem primary was a super star, not some 2nd fiddle to Bill. She is paying her dues and it is NOT to secure re-election in New York. As long a Chuck Schumer is around, she's already the conservative Senator.

As I say, we'll argue this until we have an answer and it's a simple as that; your position is Senator is good enough.

It makes me laugh just saying it; "Hillary Clinton wishes to go no higher than US Senator".

We'll see. One thing we don't see is the same Hill.

Condi you say.

Would be the greatest Presidential race in our history.


Larry Gude said:
...we'll be battlin' this one to the end.

Them sound like bettin' words! I got a nice crisp $1.00 bill that says she don't run. Do you wanna put up or shut up? :wink:

Bustem' Down

Give Peas a Chance
vraiblonde said:
It's going to be interesting to see if the voters fall for this little revision. The "real" Hillary, huh? So that one that spent 8 years as First Lady was the "fake" Hillary? How 'bout the corrupt lawyer before that? Was that the "fake" or "real" Hillary?
:lol: Nobody is real in politics, real people wouldn't get elected.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Well you sound nervous so...

Bruzilla said:
Them sound like bettin' words! I got a nice crisp $1.00 bill that says she don't run. Do you wanna put up or shut up? :wink:


What is the bet seeing's how she's already doing Presidential fundraising?

Officially declares for the primary?

Wins the primary?

Do I get a medical exception or a 'spend more time with the family' exception?

(PS: Just in case...Do you accept wrinkled dollars? I don't have any crisp ones and don't really foresee a need in the next few years!)