The science of ketosis


professional daydreamer
Low carb diets are so unhealthy and dangerous, that my primary care provider uses it.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I have been on low carb for about three years now. I lost about 40 pounds, my Cholesterol is 140, and my triglycerides are 90 - down from 900 in October '07. I wear 34" waist pants for the first time since I got out of the Navy 20 years ago.

Dewd, that is awesome! :buddies:


There is concern about the kidneys in such a diet because of the high protein, not the ketosis itself.

Consuming too much protein does put a strain on the kidneys, but that's not the only concern. High protein diets also put your body's stores of calcium on the fast-track making the risk of stones greater, plus when ketone levels get too high, it puts heavy strain on your organs.


Jam out with ur clam out
And to mention it again because I have seen it several times int his thread...ketosis is NOT ketoacidosis..which is very harmful and in diabetics ONLY. Ketosis is a natural healthy metabolic process. There is concern about the kidneys in such a diet because of the high protein, not the ketosis itself. That is generally not a problem if followed the correct way. The main problem from "heart people" is that people take it the wrong way and consume too much fat, and often ignore the high fiber veggies and unprocessed grains they well as natural antioxidents found in fruits and veggies.


someone I worked with has her young son on the ketogenic diet. Its proven that this diet helps control seizures in some that have epilepsy. I remember talking to her about how she plans out his strict diet. It had done a great job in controling the number of seizures he would have in a day.. normal number before the diet would be 30-40 a day... I think he was down to 10 or less.


Jam out with ur clam out
Consuming too much protein does put a strain on the kidneys, but that's not the only concern. High protein diets also put your body's stores of calcium on the fast-track making the risk of stones greater, plus when ketone levels get too high, it puts heavy strain on your organs.

:yay: true.... it would be wise to chat with your doc to do blood test to just keep and eye on your levels if doing this diet.

As my friend (who is a Dr. herself) and has a great relationship with her sons Dr does as well. Just for diff. reasons.

Good luck with it.


Low carb diets are so unhealthy and dangerous, that my primary care provider uses it.

One would hope that your primary care provider is educated enough on anatomy, and dietary matters enough to know the risks involved and how to mitigate them if not side-step them altogether.


A horse of course!
I've been using Alli (orlistat) to eliminate the excess fat in food 'as needed' and I portion control anything high in fat or calories. Been doing it for 3 months and have lost almost 30 lbs.

YES there are nasty side effects but only if you continue to eat a high fat food in an excessive portion. If you eat a high fat/calorie food in a portion no larger than the palm of your hand, you're golden.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I love Tab and get it whenever I can. Damn heathens.

Most people eat more carbs than their body requires, so you build up this store of glucose in your body. Purging it, then keeping your carb consumption low so it doesn't build back up again makes sense.


not impressed
How's everyone doing on their diets? I performed a search on ketosis and one of the results led me here.
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New Member
I would like to add that smoking also does wonders for weight loss but that doesn't mean it's good for you.

Oh, and lots of doctors and nurses smoke, too.


Active Member
I would like to add that smoking also does wonders for weight loss but that doesn't mean it's good for you.

Oh, and lots of doctors and nurses smoke, too.
You got that right MMM. I have a cigarette hanging out of my yap right now.!!


Soul Probe
I did Atkins about 10 years ago. I quit due to kidney stones, on both sides, at the same time, that were too big to pass and had to get zapped. BUT, I did lose weight! :lol:


New Member
You got that right MMM. I have a cigarette hanging out of my yap right now.!!

Which is fine for you to choose to do that, you know, if that works for you. My point was that it's controversial for a reason and it won't work for everyone so do your own reasearch. Saying definitively that something is safe or healthy (or vice versa) is a very bold thing to do.


Hot Flash
I'm down to 130 and holding. Only 5 pounds to go and I will be at my goal weight!!:yahoo:

Good for you!

I am eating healthy, no diet. I eat when I'm hungry and do mainly veggies and fruits. If I want a burger I eat one or even two.

I've been trying to gain weight, as well as curbing my IBS.

My gf took me to her place last night. I don't have a scale. 120 lbs?

I have a lot of carbing to do.

I'm baking a cake tomorrow. A healthy cake but with lots of chocolate.


I am so very blessed
Pseudo atkins sice 2weeks before Christmas.. Down 35 pounds.

What is more amazing is no more tums, from somebody that would eat 4-10 a day to having less than 4 since Christmas? Huge plus..

I suffer from Gout and when I have an attack I can't walk, people warned me when I started that Atkins is not only the worst diet for sufferers but many got gout from it.... Not a single attack since I started, and even intentionally tried to see if it was the diet... Oysters on the half shell followed by a steak smothered in mushrooms... GUARANTEED gout attack within 24 hours.... Nothing.

No more heartburn, indigestion or other GI problems since starting. No more Gout, and 35 less pounds... What's the negative?

OOPS. :itsbob: