The science of ketosis


I am so very blessed
I did Atkins about 10 years ago. I quit due to kidney stones, on both sides, at the same time, that were too big to pass and had to get zapped. BUT, I did lose weight! :lol:

I w.atch my water intake like a hawk because I'm susceptible to stones... I drink a 1/2 gallon of iced tea at work and constantly have an ice cold glass of water when I home..


Registered User
Good for you!

I am eating healthy, no diet. I eat when I'm hungry and do mainly veggies and fruits. If I want a burger I eat one or even two.

I've been trying to gain weight, as well as curbing my IBS.

My gf took me to her place last night. I don't have a scale. 120 lbs?

I have a lot of carbing to do.

I'm baking a cake tomorrow. A healthy cake but with lots of chocolate.

I have to eat healthy. My body started falling apart in 2008-2009 and any time I eat fried foods, fast food, anything that is not generally healthy...omg I pay for it. My greatest weakness is bread and potatoes. I love them, they love my

Plus I have a very slow metabolism and I swear it has slowed down even more as I get older. So if I don't watch what I eat very carefully, I gain weight. I can't afford to gain weight because it puts too much stress on my lower back. Catch 22 always...


not impressed
You gals are great. I've put on 20lbs this pregnancy. I'm losing this baby weight though right after he gets here. I've already started on the healthier eating and am down 7 and still pretty much eat when I want. Just making smarter choices.


Registered User
You gals are great. I've put on 20lbs this pregnancy. I'm losing this baby weight though right after he gets here. I've already started on the healthier eating and am down 7 and still pretty much eat when I want. Just making smarter choices.

20 pounds...I laugh at 20 Pounds...:killingme

I gained almost 100 pounds when I was pregnant. 20 pounds..pfftt..I can gain that in 2 weeks with my eyes closed. Literaly..not watching myself eat them taters. Not watching myself eat that homemade bread. Not watching myself eat that homemade chocolate cake...not watching..not watching...


Now days...I watch everything!:evil:


I bowl overhand
I jinxed myself.. no gout attacks since December?? How about no gout attacks since last night??

And this is a good one, good enough to ground me from the bike for awhile..