the stages of relationship


New Member
vraiblonde said:
It's no act. I have never - WOULD never - do that.

I was looking for people to admit this. Damn, you are not helping here. :roflmao:

We have a rule that there is nothing THAT important to talk about when either of us are in THAT position.


J.F. A sus ordenes!
LexiGirl75 said:

Perhaps you should look at her offer differently. On those days have sex with her and make it really good too. But, don't talk to her during the act. The object is to get her to show how much she's into it first so that she MUST make a statement. Once she does you nonchalantly go "Huh, what, oh... forgot you were here...". Then get up and leave like she just so ruined it for you. :yay:

Disclaimer: Do not try this at home. The people in this idea are not real and the success of the execution unknown.

Thats was too funny. Just coughed up pepsi on my monitor!!! :killingme


J.F. A sus ordenes!
sweetpea said:
Dear god man! :smack: You're supposed to kiss and make up before going to bed.

I agree but sometimes that doesn't always work. I was told once by a family elder that you should never go to bed angry. I try my best to live that way but there are days when my dear Alice needs to go to the moon!

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Probably the biggest...

vraiblonde said:
Larry and I act the same after 8 years of marriage as we did when we were dating, pretty much. There's more familiarity, so we're not trying to tear each other's clothes off all the time. But we still observe the niceties.

He knows that if he ever farted in front of me, I'd plug his butthole up so fast he'd explode.

...change is I don't always put the whole constume on anymore. Most nights, I just put on the Batman mask and reduce the diolague down to '...exactly, Robin, off to the Batcave...' over and over again instead of the whole speal.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
One of the distinguishing...

bohman said:
That sounds like a challenge, Larry.

...characteristics of men who have aged as gracefully and as well as I have is a common habit of having stopped doing those things that often kill off the younger of the specie. Having lived through death defying feats is hardly grounds for :poke:

On top of that, the rewards for your woman looking at you, at least occasionally, as the debonair, gentlemanly stud you used to be as opposed to viewing you as Al Bundy are, shall we say, oft times as deep and meaningful as they ever were. :love:

When I need to get in touch with my inner Neanderthal, I just wait until Pete or otter or Air or Speedo are about halfway through their swing. I don't want THEM casting a 'come hither' at me. :jameo:


Nothing to see here
Larry Gude said:
...characteristics of men who have aged as gracefully and as well as I have is a common habit of having stopped doing those things that often kill off the younger of the specie. Having lived through death defying feats is hardly grounds for :poke:
<img src="">



CageKicker Extraordinaire
flomaster said:
What happens when your SO pisses you off during the day and then expects to get busy at night like the earlier issue never happened. When I say I don't want to, she calls it witholding from her as punishment. That's not the way I see it. I see it as too pissed to pop. :popcorn:

Never had that problem. Personally, I like it more when I'm mad at her. Even better if she's mad back. Of course, I'm also the type that finds crying to be a "turn on."

**Disclaimer: This does not in any way imply that I do, or endorse, making someone else miserable for my, or your, pleasure.**


100% Goapele Head!
LexiGirl75 said:
:lmao: @ knowing he's alive...

Your kick-ass nature keeps me inspired. :flowers:

the stages of relation... 11-15-2006 10:49 PM Could u apply a bit more suction?

This wasn't meant to be a suck up and I'm not looking to obtain anything on the forums that could be achieved by kissing up to anyone. :shrug:

To me being your own woman is an admirable trait and she doesn't hold back on her thoughts no matter who it is (kick-ass). There have been times when we didn't see eye to eye but I took notice in how she always held her own regardless of who her audience was.

We all know she loves Larry and Larry loves her and from what I can see their relationship allows them to be themselves pretty or ugly. They know who they are, who they're married to and where they stand and it doesn't take away from them.

I equate the security they have with that of tv's husband and wife team, Dan and Roseanne. Dan is more laid back (like Larry) and Rosie is more of a fire-ball (like Vrai). The show portrayed a marriage where Dan was not threatened or put off by Rosie's nature and Rosie knew that when it was all said and done Dan was the King to her Queen. Rosie never felt like she "had" to bite her tongue and Dan never felt like he "had" to reaffirm his masculinity.

Now, about me... :biggrin:

When/If I marry I want to be able to be my same expressive self and know that my husband can handle it. Not expressive in a sense of being disrespectful, rude or tactless but, that I have no intentions of holding back my feelings, thoughts and opinions just to appease him or others. I have a voice I'm not afraid to use and a mind that analytically just won't quit. They come in the package so he will have to accept me for who I am flaws and all.

And at the same time I don't mind if he decides I'm just a little bit "different" :twitch: as long as he can love and appreciate this "just a little bit different" woman he's married to. He'll just get with the program, heed the warning signs, strategize a method to survive, and sit back and wait for the sparks to stop flying. Then when he sees I'm done chime in like Larry did. :lmao:
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New Member
CandyRain said:
Told ya I'm meeting the wrong guys. Yes, he stopped french kissing. I got pecks in the morning and pecks when he saw me. Foreplay was him looking at me and throwing down. :bawl:

this must be common with all guys, because me and my ex were together for 2 1/2 years and he RARELY kissed me during sex either


I know nothing
ashliekay711 said:
this must be common with all guys, because me and my ex were together for 2 1/2 years and he RARELY kissed me during sex either

this is not true. we only stop kissing when women stop giving hummers
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mv = margaritaville
I must be in some strange relationships, because if I didn't get what I wanted, I just held him down til I got it. Weather it was kisses, or .....well anything.


Set Trippin
mv_princess said:
I must be in some strange relationships, because if I didn't get what I wanted, I just held him down til I got it. Weather it was kisses, or .....well anything.


All Up In Your Grill
mv_princess said:
I must be in some strange relationships, because if I didn't get what I wanted, I just held him down til I got it. Weather it was kisses, or .....well anything.

Either that or just say "Holla back, I can find it somewhere else..."


mv = margaritaville
nachomama said:
Either that or just say "Holla back, I can find it somewhere else..."
This is a true statement, but i really don't have the problem, and at the current moment, I DONT have the problem.