Multiple trees through multiple homes in Golden beach. Several structures collapsed.
A friend and I went to hear friends play at the Southern Trail Distillery last night - we left PF about 5:20 and got to ST just about 5:55. We drove right up Rt. 5 past Golden Beach Rd, etc. and saw all the darkness following us from behind along the river - but we got to ST in time to avoid any storms. (Band played inside!) But storm it did! WOW. The power flickered several times and we thought we would lose it, but it didn't go out.
We left about 8:15pm to go hear another musician friend play over here at Lord Calvert Bowling and as we came up on Golden Beach Road, there was a tree (planted in the median) which had fallen down onto the highway. It was cracked right in half. A police car was stationed there to maintain the traffic flow.
Once we got over to Lord Calvert, we saw that the parking log was completely empty- found out when I got home they had to cancel due to loss of power. I'm sure we didn't lose power at my house in PF, or Thing1 would have notified me as soon as it happened. He did tell me that bad weather was coming, because he gives me updates on the weather whenever I go anyplace anymore.