The Ten Biggest Lies about Smoke & Smoking


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Staff member
PREMO Member
The World Health Organization ran one of the most exhaustive tests on SHS ever done. After years of meticulous record keeping of all the data, their ultimate findings showed no measurable relationship of SHS to any form of cancer or other illness. The only measurable fact they did discover was that of all adult children who came from homes where both parents smoked had had a 22% better chance of NOT contracting lung cancer than did adult children who came from homes where both parents did not smoke. The W.H. O attempted to hid these facts from the public until several astute reporters forced them to make their facts public.

More reading and the "10 Lies" here

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I have ZERO problem...

Sharon said:
Silly me! :blushing:

Does this mean you're not interested in the EPA report on SHS? :shrug:

Click here for details or here to read more about the dangers of SHS. :eyebrow:

...with, say the government, LOCAL government, offering bars a tax break to go smoke free to kinda prime the pump so to speak. Then an owner can choose.

I am AGAINST mandating smoke bans in bars. I have no problem banning it in restaurants. I have no problem banning it in group places; movie theatres, planes, grocery store etc.

There is a legitimate public concern where people are more or less trapped in a place that is about something else; food, movies, travel, but there is NONE in a bar. No one HAS to work there. No one HAS to go there.

It's a FREAKING BAR. Clearly, if we accept banning smoking in a BAR, the next step is banning drinking for the same reasons; public health.

Drinking causes car deaths, people lose parents, it affects work, makes medical costs rise etc.

It is so far beyond what I consider my Constitutional mindset to even consider a ban outside that all I can do is point and say "fascism".


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
I have a problem with all bans. It is not governments job to regulate those type of issues. Please show me where in the U.S. or Maryland Constitutions that either the feds or Maryland has the right to do so. They don't.

What happened to freedom? Hello? This is supposed top be the Free State. This is the United States, home of the Liberty Bell, "Let Freedom Ring".

Slippery slope gets more slippery and steeper all the time. Big Brother is here and getting more powerful and he is not associate with The Holding Company or Janis Joplin.


Asperger's Poster Child
Larry Gude said:
I am AGAINST mandating smoke bans in bars. I have no problem banning it in restaurants.
I agree for the most part. My preference is for restaurants to voluntarily install separately ventilated smoking sections, instead of having government force them to do this. Ruby Tuesday has a bar section separate from the eating area, which makes sense to me.

I'm almost 40 and I still don't understand why people smoke in the first place. I think cigarette smoke is one of the nastiest, foulest smells in the world, almost as bad as feces. Maybe the smokers I know manage to pick the tobacco equivalent of rotgut booze.


Football addict
Sharon said:
Uh huh...
© Copyright 2005 The Smoker's Club, Inc. Please repost with link back to this original article.

The World Health Organization :blahblah:
So why are they saying the exact opposite on their website?

World Health Organization (WHO)

International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) Monograph on Active and Passive Smoking

A monograph issued in 2002 by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) classified secondhand smoke as a human carcinogen. The report, which reviewed all significant published evidence related to tobacco smoking and cancer, both active smoking and secondhand smoke exposure, estimated that nonsmokers exposed to secondhand smoke are 20 to 30 percent more likely to develop cancer. The IARC issued a press release about the findings and also posted summaries of the findings online.

This monograph superceded a report released in 1998 by the WHO, linking lung cancer to secondhand smoke exposure. Big Tobacco's local allies sometimes claim that this report concluded that secondhand smoke is not harmful. Nothing could be further from the truth. Internal tobacco industry documents reveal plans to manipulate the findings of the 1998 WHO report out of fear that the report could have a significant impact on public opinion and smokefree policy efforts.

The WHO issued a press release in 1998 informing the public that tobacco industry misinformation about WHO's position on secondhand smoke should not be believed.

Check out The World Health Organizations site if you like...

P.S. Just because 'supposedly' there is no known cause for cancer doesn't mean that putting various poisons into your body won't increase that chance of cancer or any other disease (you pick).

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Yes it does...

2ndAmendment said:
I have a problem with all bans. It is not governments job to regulate those type of issues. Please show me where in the U.S. or Maryland Constitutions that either the feds or Maryland has the right to do so. They don't.

What happened to freedom? Hello? This is supposed top be the Free State. This is the United States, home of the Liberty Bell, "Let Freedom Ring".

Slippery slope gets more slippery and steeper all the time. Big Brother is here and getting more powerful and he is not associate with The Holding Company or Janis Joplin. promote the general welfare.

Women and minorities are free'er now than 50 or 10 or 150 years ago.

I think it perfectly in keeping with the traditions, well established in the first half of the 19th century to spend public money on infrastructure for the common good. At the time, roads and train tracks and canals opened up commerce and opened up the nation.

What if they'd understood then the negative impact that sewer systems of the day, or more accurately, lack thereof, were the main culprits in huge outbreaks of public illness and death?

Wouldn't there have been an argument then that ONLY government could address such an issue? As it was, not until after the civil war did we develop sanitary commissions who actually knew what they were doing.


Routinely Derailed
All I know is that I feel a LOT healthier since I quit smoking and started avoiding secondhand smoke. When I was a smoker I was increasingly irate about the increasing bans, and I was sensitive to negative comments about the smoke. Now 3 years later I find that cigarette smoke really bothers me a lot and I don't like walking through it to go into a building. But complain about it to anybody, much less push for laws about it? NO. But I can tell you this - having seen (smelled and breathed) things from the other side, I can readily understand the seemingly unreasonable stance non-smokers are taking.

Yesterday I attended a memorial service for a great man, dead at 64 from lung problems - I don't know whether it was the lung cancer or the other lung damage he had that killed him. He quit smoking several years ago, but it was already too late when he did quit. I saw him struggling to get a decent breath for years. It's true that people have a right to choose with regard to smoking, but I wish the probable health problems weren't so bad for those who choose to continue.


No Longer the Kid
My old man had a heart attack after he quit smoking....and he was still young... hadnt smoked his whole life, but smoked for a good while... But he quit, then had the heart attack...

Ive known people who smoked since they were 16, and died in there 90's, still smoked till there dieing day...

I believe that the ones who get really sick, or get cancers, are more than likely the ones who dont exercise enough, or eat healthy enough... Ive smoked for 6 years now, I go to the gym daily, and I play Softball, and some football with the friends here and there, and 7 outta 10 times, walk 18 when I go golfing...

I feel perfectly healthy, I can run around and not get all winded

Now, I will admit, and I have said this, I dont like smoke around my food when Im eating... if Im outside, I dont care, but inside, I dont like it... Im a smoker, but I dont not smoke in my house, but its also because I just take my dog outside when I go smoke, and I know when people come over, ashtrays do get knocked over, new carpets, I dont want any burns :lol:

But I believe they could make cigs a lil more healthier for the smoker, by taken out some of the crap thats in them... but hey, back in the day, they didnt have any of that stuff, smokin straight tobaccoo, and they still lived long lives(for there time, before all the meds we have today)...

Its a hit or miss subject, but Ill take my chances, and light up when ever I please.....
Softballkid said:
My old man had a heart attack after he quit smoking....and he was still young... hadnt smoked his whole life, but smoked for a good while... But he quit, then had the heart attack...

Ive known people who smoked since they were 16, and died in there 90's, still smoked till there dieing day...

I believe that the ones who get really sick, or get cancers, are more than likely the ones who dont exercise enough, or eat healthy enough... Ive smoked for 6 years now, I go to the gym daily, and I play Softball, and some football with the friends here and there, and 7 outta 10 times, walk 18 when I go golfing...

I feel perfectly healthy, I can run around and not get all winded

Now, I will admit, and I have said this, I dont like smoke around my food when Im eating... if Im outside, I dont care, but inside, I dont like it... Im a smoker, but I dont not smoke in my house, but its also because I just take my dog outside when I go smoke, and I know when people come over, ashtrays do get knocked over, new carpets, I dont want any burns :lol:

But I believe they could make cigs a lil more healthier for the smoker, by taken out some of the crap thats in them... but hey, back in the day, they didnt have any of that stuff, smokin straight tobaccoo, and they still lived long lives(for there time, before all the meds we have today)...

Its a hit or miss subject, but Ill take my chances, and light up when ever I please.....

Sure, it's your life. You should be allowed to live it. Want to jump out of a plane or go mountain climbing or should the government ban that too?
I'm just thinking, "all things in moderation", though . Don't be smoking 2 packs a day and expect your lungs to put up with it forever. I sure don't like the government "butting" into our lives to the degree where they ban anything for our own good. Once again I blame the insurance companies. :howdy:


professional daydreamer
Softballkid said:
I believe that the ones who get really sick, or get cancers, are more than likely the ones who dont exercise enough, or eat healthy enough... Ive smoked for 6 years now, I go to the gym daily, and I play Softball, and some football with the friends here and there, and 7 outta 10 times, walk 18 when I go golfing...

I think people are predisposed to certain illness and disease, part of our genetic make up. How else would you explain people like George Burns? Why did some people catch the plaque, and others didn't? Why do some of the healthiest people in the world just drop dead while jogging?


professional daydreamer
ylexot said:
These discussions always make me think of the Dennis Leary "No Cure For Cancer" album :killingme

I don't "follow" any particular comedian, so I'm not familiar with the album. However, Dennis Leary is a riot. Nothing is sacred.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
Larry Gude said: promote the general welfare.

Women and minorities are free'er now than 50 or 10 or 150 years ago.

I think it perfectly in keeping with the traditions, well established in the first half of the 19th century to spend public money on infrastructure for the common good. At the time, roads and train tracks and canals opened up commerce and opened up the nation.

What if they'd understood then the negative impact that sewer systems of the day, or more accurately, lack thereof, were the main culprits in huge outbreaks of public illness and death?

Wouldn't there have been an argument then that ONLY government could address such an issue? As it was, not until after the civil war did we develop sanitary commissions who actually knew what they were doing.
That clause is one of the most improperly interpreted phrases in the entire U.S. Constitution. Only liberals read it so that government has the power to help/control individuals. Go back to the Federalist Papers and what the founders said of that clause and you will find that that the way it is used today is not what they had in mind.


Super Genius
BuddyLee said:
Uh huh...

So why are they saying the exact opposite on their website?

Check out The World Health Organizations site if you like...

P.S. Just because 'supposedly' there is no known cause for cancer doesn't mean that putting various poisons into your body won't increase that chance of cancer or any other disease (you pick).
I'd like to see the actual report, not a summary. I couldn't find it through any of those links. It's a bit difficult to pick apart a summary.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
Let me reiterate. I am not a smoker. I started smoking when I was 8 and quit when I was 16. During that time, I was an occasional smoker. I am totally against government bans of the personal choices of people or impositions by government on business. Government at any level is a necessary evil, not a benevolent good.


Super Genius
elaine said:
I don't "follow" any particular comedian, so I'm not familiar with the album. However, Dennis Leary is a riot. Nothing is sacred.
I highly recommend it. :yay: He does probably a 15-20 minute tirade on smoking and the anti-smokers. :killingme


Super Genius
I FOUND IT! :biggrin:

I love to smoke. I smoke seven thousand packs a day, ok. And I am never ####ing quitting! I don't care how many laws they make. What's the law now? You can only smoke in your apartment, under a blanket, with all the lights out? Is that the rule now, huh?! The cops are outside, "We know you have the cigarettes. Come out of the house with the cigarettes above your head." "You'll never get me copper! I'm never coming out, you hear? I got a cigarette machine right here in my bedroom. Yeah!"

Know what I'm gonna do? I'm gonna get one of those tracheotomies. So I can smoke two cigarettes at the same time. I'm gonna get nine tracheotomies all the way around my neck. I'll be Tracheotomie Man! "He can smoke a pack at a time! He's Tracheotomie Man!"

I'm looking forward to cancer, man. I want that throat cancer. That's the best kind. You know why? You get that throat cancer, you get that voice box thing. Know what I'm talking about? ..[Talking as if has a voice box].. Sure it's scary, but you can make a lot of money with a voice box. Get a voice box, walking around the streets of Manhattan, "[VB] You got any spare change?" "Ahhh!! Here's my whole wallet, get away from me! Ahh!"

Imagine a whole family with voice boxes. That'd be creepy, wouldn't it? They'd be out in that backyard everyday during the summer. "[VB] Dad, can we go to the beach?" "[VB] Yes, get your mother and the dog. We'll leave right now. Sparky, come here." "[VB] Arf Arf Arf Arf Arf Arf Arf" Ahhhh!!

Or the ultimate irony. A guy with a voice box pulling up to the drive through window at McDonald's. That has to suck, huh? "Can I help you?" "[VB] Big Mac and a large order of fries." "Stop making fun of me." "[VB] I'm not making fun of you." "I'm getting the manager." "[VB] Get the ####ing manager, I don't care."

I can remember a time in this country when men were proud to get cancer, God dammit! When it was a sign of manhood! John Wayne had cancer twice. Second time, they took out one of his lungs. He said, "Take 'em both! Cuz I don't ####in' need 'em! I'll grow gills and breathe like a fish!"

Babe Ruth, greatest baseball player to ever play the game. He had a voic box. He was the first American to have a voice box. Yeah! "[VB] This is Babe Ruth, the Sultan of Swat, the Bambino, I smoke twenty-five God damn cuban cigars a day. I had meat for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. I ####ed eighteen prostitutes a night! 'course, I'm dead now. I'm up here in heaven. Lou Gehrig is up here with me. God love Lou Gehrig. Jesus Christ, poor Lou Gehrig. Died of Lou Gehrig's disease. How the hell did he not see that coming? You know. We used to tell him, Lou, there's a disease with your name all over it, pal! There ain't no Babe Ruth disease, I'll tell you that much right now. Have a hot dog and a Hummer. Go ahead, it's on me."

I don't know. Personally, I think Billy Martin said it best when he said, "Hey! I can drive!" Because we tried to be nice to you non-smokers. We ####ing tried. Okay? You wanted your own sections in the restaurants. We gave you that, huh. But that wasn't enough for you. Then you wanted the airplanes. We gave you the whole God damn plane! You happy now? You own the ####ing plane! I'd like an explanation about that one folks because I will guarantee you if the plane is going down, the first announcement you're gonna hear is, "Folks, this is your Captain speaking. Look, uhm, light 'em up, 'cause we're going down, okay. I got a carton of Camels non-filters, I'll see you on the ground. Take it easy." Actually, it'd be more like this, "[VB] This is your Captain speaking. Smoke 'em if ya got 'em. Rrrr Rrrr"

The filters the best part. That's where they put the heroine. Only us real good smokers know that ####ing secret. Yeah, we tried to be nice to you non-smokers. We tried. But you just ####ing badger us, you know? You won't leave us alone! You got all your little speeches you're always giving to us. All these little facts that you dig out of a newspaper or pamphlet and you store that little nugget in your little ####ing head, and we light up and you spew 'em out at us, don't ya? I love these little facts. "Well you know. Smoking takes ten years off your life." Well it's the ten worst years, isn't it folks? It's the ones at the end! It's the wheelchair kidney dialysis ####ing years. You can have those years! We don't want 'em, alright!? And I guarantee if I'm still alive, I'll be smoking then. I'll be in my wheelchair, with my adult diapers on and my twenty-five year old non- smoking born again christian son behind me. I'll be going, "Hey! Make sure you wipe this time. I was itching all week for Christ's sake! And get me some more wippets. I'm almost out, you ####ing pussy! Come on!"

Because you're always telling us, "You know, ever cigarette takes six minutes off your life. If you quit now you can live an extra ten years. If you quit now, you can live an extra twenty years." Hey, I got two words for you, ok. Jim Fix. Remember Jim Fix? The big famous jogging guy? Jogged fifteen miles a day. Did a jogging book. Did a jogging video. Dropped out of a heart attack when? When he was ####ing jogging, that's when! What do you wanna bet it was two smokers who found the body the next morning and went, "Hey! That's Jim Fix, isn't it?" "Wow, what a ####ing tragedy. Come on, lets go buy some buds."

It's always the yogurt sprout eating mother ####ers who get run over buy a bus drive by a guy who smokes three and a half packs a day. "Sorry officer, I didn't see him. I was too busy smoking!"


No Longer the Kid
2ndAmendment said:
Let me reiterate. I am not a smoker. I started smoking when I was 8 and quit when I was 16. During that time, I was an occasional smoker. I am totally against government bans of the personal choices of people or impositions by government on business. Government at any level is a necessary evil, not a benevolent good.

:faint: good grief... I thought I was bad at 16, and thought it was bad to see 14 yr olds doing it now... but 8...d*amn

But I agree, I dont think the gov. needs to be involved with all that they are...