My 5 year old wanted some left over pizza a week or so ago. I asked him if he wanted it cold or heated up.
He proceeds to tell me "Mom, don't you know that all cold things go to your brain and all warm things go to your tummy?"
I say "no, I had no does that mean you want it cold or warm? (trying not to laugh).....
boy with this look like duh on his face "mom, I want it warmed up, I don't want my head to blow up"....
me(really trying not to smirk)..."does this mean I have to warm up everything for now on now that you found that out?"
HIM "ya, I think that would be best"....
ME (with a very serious worried look)" but what about kool-aid and ice cream??!"
HIM (with this priceless look like OMG!!! What am I going to do??!!
)...(big sigh) "I think I can risk those, I haven't blowed up yet".