The Zorn countdown


Football addict
CBS Charley Casserly:”Shanahan picking his Redskins staff

By: Jim Williams
Examiner Sports Columnist
01/03/10 5:04 PM EST

Former Washington Redskins GM and now CBS Insider Charley Casserly said that former Dever Broncos head coach Mike Shanahan is headed to Washington. As a matter of fact Casserly is putting his new Redskins coaching staff together.

The offense will be run by Kyle Shanahan the son of the new Washington head coach. The young Shanahan is well respected around the league a bright young offensive mind. He is serving as the OC of the Houston Texans.
Texans head coach Gary Kubiak was the OC for the Broncos during the heydays of Denver. Kyle’s understanding of coach K’s offense has been key in helping Houston make a strong run at the playoffs this year.

By the way Shanahan was hired by Bruce Allen as assistant coach for offensive quality control under head coach Jon Gruden with the Tampa Bay Buccaneers.

The Bengals defensive coordinator Mike Zimmer is Shanhan’s top pick.
He is likely to leave Cincinnat.

He joined the Dallas Cowboys in 1994 as an assistant coach of the nickel defense under Barry Switzer. He was promoted to defensive backs coach (1995-99) before being promoted to defensive coordinator in 2000. The 2004 Dallas Cowboys gave up the fewest yards in the NFL while running an aggressive speedy 4-3 defense.

Despite the Cowboys' problems over the years, Zimmer has survived coaching changes (Switzer, Chan Gailey, Dave Campo, Bill Parcells) and rumored to have been a candidate for the head coaching job at the University of Nebraska (2003). For the 2005 season, he implemented the 3-4 defense favored by head coach Parcells, although Zimmer had no prior experience with it.

When Bobby Petrino was hired to coach the Atlanta Falcons early in 2007, Mike Zimmer agreed to become the new defensive coordinator in Atlanta.
On Jan. 15, 2008 Mike became the Defensive Coordinator for the Cincinnati Bengals.

His wife, Vikki, died at their home on October 8, 2009. Three days later Zimmer was awarded the game ball by head coach Marvin Lewis after the team's 17-14 victory over the Baltimore Ravens.

CBS Charley Casserly:â€Shanahan picking his Redskins staff | Washington Examiner

This would be interesting.


Football addict

<!-- BEGIN TEMPLATE: bbcode_quote -->
<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=6 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD class=alt2 style="BORDER-RIGHT: 1px inset; BORDER-TOP: 1px inset; BORDER-LEFT: 1px inset; BORDER-BOTTOM: 1px inset">Fox analyst John Lynch: "We've been hearing a lot of things about Jim Zorn not being here, about who is going to be here, Mike Shanahan being one of those names tossed around. I have remained friendly with Mike Shanahan, he coached me for four years, he brought me to Denver, and I spoke to him yesterday. And in talking to him yesterday, I would not be surprised if he ends up in Washington. I think the thing that appeals to him--and a lot of people I think would say why--is their owner, Daniel Snyder. I think a lot of people say with all the distractions, why, but I think as a head coach what you want is an owner that's passionate about winning.

"And regardless of what you think about Dan Snyder and the way he's handled certain things, particularly Jim Zorn's situation, you've got to say he's passionate about winning. Has he been successful at doing so? No. but he will spend the money that he needs to, he'll give you the resources. I think that's attractive to Mike Shanahan. Do I think that Mike Shanahan will be the head coach? I do. I don't know when it's gonna happen, but I do think he'll be the head coach. As I said, I spoke to him, he didn't tell me any of that, but that's my gut feeling in talking to my former coach." </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>



Visualize whirled peas
PREMO Member
:banghead: It's been incredibly frustrating to watch them have the lead during the last few minutes of a game and then blow it, game after game after game
Try picking them as you fiver to lose, can't win to make you feel better or lose by enough to count as a loss.


24/7 Single Dad
:yahoo: A new coach is just what we need to fix the redskins.

Just like it fixed the problem 7 times in the last 10 years :banghead:



No one has questioned Snyder's passion or desire to win. He just sucks as an owner. An entire movement in this area has been waged against him. I'm not sure how we ever get to having a winning team without Snyder waking up and going hands off or selling.


Shanahan and Synder ego's ?.......I give it a year, best.....:lol:

Larry Gude

Strung Out
No one has questioned Snyder's passion or desire to win. He just sucks as an owner. An entire movement in this area has been waged against him. I'm not sure how we ever get to having a winning team without Snyder waking up and going hands off or selling.

Define 'winning'. This team was not too terribly far from 9-7, a winning record. This current team had the Saints beat when they were undefeated, had the Cowboys beat when it mattered, nearly beat Philly when it mattered and certainly should have beaten the Lions, Chiefs and Panthers in addition to beating a Denver team that hadn't fallen apart yet and competing with a Falcons team that is right there at being a winner, too.

It's not much between 4-12 and 9 or 10 wins, a few plays a game. That few plays a game, gaining and retaining focus, week after week, gives teams a shot at the playoffs. Maybe Shanahan brings that for a few years?

The bottom line in the NFL today, winning it all, is either a top level QB, BEn, Peyton, Tom, super dominant talent say, like the Giants D line a few years ago which allowed a 'good' enough rest of the team to win.

We do not have a top QB and we do not have the makings of en elite defense or elite running game.

This is ss, dd, me thinks.


Define 'winning'. This team was not too terribly far from 9-7, a winning record. This current team had the Saints beat when they were undefeated, had the Cowboys beat when it mattered, nearly beat Philly when it mattered and certainly should have beaten the Lions, Chiefs and Panthers in addition to beating a Denver team that hadn't fallen apart yet and competing with a Falcons team that is right there at being a winner, too.

It's not much between 4-12 and 9 or 10 wins, a few plays a game. That few plays a game, gaining and retaining focus, week after week, gives teams a shot at the playoffs. Maybe Shanahan brings that for a few years?

The bottom line in the NFL today, winning it all, is either a top level QB, BEn, Peyton, Tom, super dominant talent say, like the Giants D line a few years ago which allowed a 'good' enough rest of the team to win.

We do not have a top QB and we do not have the makings of en elite defense or elite running game.

This is ss, dd, me thinks.

Winning: Let’s just settle for a consistent 500 season for the next 2 – 3 years then perhaps a couple of years making the playoff bids. Then a consistent playoff run thereafter with – perhaps - a superbowl game. And I’m talking about winning games convincingly; not eeking out a 3 pointer nearly every game. This has been their trend from the beginning of the Snyder era. Rarely have they been able to move the ball with authority and get the ball in the endzone. How many drives have we watched over the past decade that had to settle for 3 points? It would just be nice to see a convincing strong team that can get the ball in the endzone, rack up some points and present a real challenge.

Your “if wishes were fishes” mentality is only that. I have no idea how you spin a 4 - 12 season into 9 – 7 except that they almost won. If only this were horseshoes.

There is so much chaos on that team, no central leadership on the field and sidelines (and apparently off the field). They can Cerrato 3 games from the end of the season (okay, he resigned :rolleyes: ). They know Zorn is going to be fired. How in the heck do you expect a team to play with any real fire and command of the field when they have Snyder hanging over their heads waiting to drop the pink slip? The man demands instant results and will kick you to the curb if he doesn’t get it. The proof is in his hiring and firing record. There is no other owner with this sort of hire/fire record.

So you want a real definition of a winning team? A team that feels they belong and has a chance to build into something rather than just a money sponge for a short time then move on to the next team when they don’t meet the unrealistic, instantaneous results of a dictator called Snyder. There is some real talent on this team (with the exception of Campbell and a few others). If given the time and if Snyder could butt out, this team has potential 2 -3 years down the road.

Which reminds me… maybe I need to start a Campbell countdown thread next.


Football addict
No one has questioned Snyder's passion or desire to win. He just sucks as an owner. An entire movement in this area has been waged against him. I'm not sure how we ever get to having a winning team without Snyder waking up and going hands off or selling.
True but whatcha' gonna do?

Some things you've gotta live with.


Football addict
Shanahan lands at Dulles

[FONT=Times New Roman,times,serif]<!-- begin category/blogger sigs --><!----><!-- end category/blogger sigs -->Updated at 3:48 p.m.

The unveiling of Mike Shanahan as the Redskins' new head coach could be imminent. On the same day that Jim Zorn was relieved of his head coaching duties, Shanahan arrived in Washington, where he's expected to conclude negotiations with the Redskins to fill their coaching vacancy.

Owner Daniel Snyder's plane departed Washington earlier this morning, just a couple of hours after General Manager Bruce Allen fired Zorn, and returned to Dulles International around 3 o'clock this afternoon with Shanahan -- long coveted by Snyder -- in tow.

Snyder's jet was spotted on the runway by Post reporter Zach Berman before quickly disappearing into a private hangar. NBC4's Dan Hellie found Shanahan at the airport, but the former Denver coach declined to comment. Hellie said he asked Shanahan if he'd like to talk. "No, not right now," Shanahan responded to Hellie.

Shanahan went from plane to car in short order and was whisked away to an unknown destination.

Allen said at today's news conference that he had no timetable for replacing Zorn, but promised that the search would be an aggressive one.

Citing an unnamed source, the Associated Press also reported that Allen and Shanahan spoke on the phone early this morning. Many in the organization and across the league have said for weeks that the hiring of Shanahan was inevitable. The Redskins' lost their season finale, 23-30 Sunday, fired Zorn shortly after returning to Ashburn, making Shanahan's hiring imminent.

League sources say Shanahan has been quietly assembling a coaching staff for weeks and a major overhaul is expected.

Shanahan was fired as Denver head coach following the 2008 season and spent much of 2009 hearing his name attached to several head coaching jobs. But his options appeared to dry up quickly, according to sources. Though he interviewed for a position with the Buffalo Bills, and privately expressed interest in potentially joining the Dallas.

Cowboys and Chicago Bears, those organizations were not interested in him, according to sources. If Shanahan is hired, as expected, he'd become the team's seventh head coach under Snyder -- and likely the league's highest-paid.

Redskins Insider - Your daily source for news and commentary on the Washington Redskins, by Jason Reid


Football addict

HOUSTON - Houston Texans offensive coordinator Kyle Shanahan told FOX 26 Sports on Monday that if his father, Mike Shanahan, returns to the NFL as a head coach, he will join him.

Mike Shanahan was fired by the Denver Broncos after the 2008 season. He is expected to return to NFL as a head coach in 2010, perhaps with the
Washington Redskins.

"If he does coach in the NFL, I plan on going with him," Kyle Shanahan said.
Kyle Shanahan has been with the Texans for four years, and has served as offensive coordinator the last two. He is close to Texans head coach Gary Kubiak.

"It's real hard, but it's been in the back of my mind for a long time.
"The way things went down in Denver, this might be the last opportunity to coach with my dad."
On Kyle Shanahan's watch in 2009, Texans quarterback Matt Schaub led the NFL in passing yardage and Andre Johnson led the NFL in receiving yardage. Howerver, the lure of coaching with his father will overcome his ties to the Texans.

"I can't miss this opportunity," Kyle Shanahan said. "It might be my final chance to work with my father."
"It's an emotional time. I care about the Texans, but this is the right thing to do."

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Larry Gude

Strung Out
Your “if wishes were fishes” mentality is only that. I have no idea how you spin a 4 - 12 season into 9 – 7 except that they almost won. If only this were horseshoes.

Easy. They won 4. Shoulda beat the Bolts who were playing for nothing. A gimme is a gimme. That's 5. They shoulda beat the Cowboys once, Saints and Eagles once, that's 8. Say they don't get the one against Philly. The other two were wins lost on gimme field goals, that's 7. Say they beat the Chiefs and Lions, shoulda, coulda, woulda, that's 9 and they had the Panthers beat. That's 10.

Does my argument of what coulda happened need to take into account likely change of what may have happened later? Sure. Point being, in the NFL, where 1/2 the teams in the playoffs this year were not in the playoffs last year, finding a few more plays, finding a few more wins is not fantasy. So-so teams do it all the time. That's why I aksed you to define 'winning' team.

If we're talking about the Pittsburghs, the Indy's, the Pats, the Eagles, the Chargers, then that is where that dominant feature, most importantly a great qb, come into play and that is where we are years away from the CONSISTENT winners.



Football addict
No we don't. We could put the guy out of business. The guy lives for the money. :nomoney:
Not with this fan base. He may not be the best owner but he's a hell of a businessman and investor. The Redskins will always be a money-maker.