There, Their, They're. Then, Than.

jazz lady

~*~ Rara Avis ~*~
PREMO Member
spicy said:
You can't be serious. Do you really not see the irony in my 'citation?' Do you truly not realize that the articles in wikipedia can be editied by anyone? You don't even need to sign up. If you do not see these things then I really do feel sorry for you.


And here, you're going to need this: :stupid:


Baby blues
elaine said:
That sounds familiar. I'll have to bring this to bored mommys attention.

That's what somdebay said in the thread where she posted what I supposedly said in my krama. I said I wasn't gonna worry about it. I said it's just a forum on a computer. You should see the response ol' spicy gave to that one! :jameo: She's not right, I'm tellin' ya!


New Member
jazz lady said:
She caught NOTHING. :neener:

In the infamous words of Horton: "I said what I meant and I meant what I said." :lmao:

You've got it all wrong--

It's i meant what I said, and I said what I meant-- an elephant's faithful 100%. Jeeze.

jazz lady

~*~ Rara Avis ~*~
PREMO Member
spicy said:
You've got it all wrong--

It's i meant what I said, and I said what I meant-- an elephant's faithful 100%. Jeeze.

Oh, you got me. :bigwhoop: It's been a long time since I read Dr. Seuss, but I'm sure it's on your frequently read shelf. :rolleyes:

Also, "I" is always capitalized. And it's "Geez" or "Jeez" not "Jeeze." :razz:


jazz lady said:
Oh, you got me. :bigwhoop: It's been a long time since I read Dr. Seuss, but I'm sure it's on your frequently read shelf. :rolleyes:

Also, "I" is always capitalized. And it's "Geez" or "Jeez" not "Jeeze." :razz:

I'm going to start a new thread. :lol: