There, Their, They're. Then, Than.


American Beauty
PREMO Member
jazz lady said:
Oh, you got me. :bigwhoop: It's been a long time since I read Dr. Seuss, but I'm sure it's on your frequently read shelf. :rolleyes:

Also, "I" is always capitalized. And it's "Geez" or "Jeez" not "Jeeze." :razz:

Maybe he meant Jiz.


Asperger's Poster Child
desertrat said:
Can I be the Jizzinator? I'll be like your messy sidekick. :lmao:

You could be the archvillian in an "adult entertainment" superhero comic. There's only one hero who could foil your nefarious schemes, and that would be Latex-Man! :lol:
Tonio said:
You could be the archvillian in an "adult entertainment" superhero comic. There's only one hero who could foil your nefarious schemes, and that would be Latex-Man! :lol:
:killingme And Trojan boy! Everyone else would get spackled!