There's a little boy....


New Member
baydoll said:
Who desperately needs your help.

His name is James Culver, he is 7 years old and he is currently in Children's Hospital in Washington, DC.

Hi, All! I am a friend of a friend of the family and I am passing the word around about this little boy. There is a Fund Raiser for him this coming Saturday the 22nd at the American Legion Post 274 in Lusby, Md. There will be a live band (Tin Pan Alley), Silent Auction, Bake Sale and more.

A little about James: He contracted the Group A Strep Bacteria in his bloodstream and developed toxic shock syndrome. James was on total life support and his doctors and family feared the worse for this little guy. Since James' blood was busy going to his his major organs to help him survive, his appendages were left without blood circulation causing terrible damage.

At this time James is off life support but has had to have half of his right leg, his left foot and ankle and half of his right arm amputated. More surgery is possible.

It is unsure how long James will be in Children's Hospital for we are told this process of helping and healing will be a long one. After his release from Children's Hospital, James will face more therapy. He has quite a road a head of him.

James is a very sweet and loving 7 year old boy that could use your help and your prayers. James and his twin sister live with their mom, Cathy Speciale Culver in Calvert County and attends Patuxent Elementary School. Cathy is currently spending most of her time with James at the hospital. Due to the extreme amount of time Cathy is devoting to James, she is unable to work. James also has a devoted father Richard who is doing his part to help but unfortuanetly, the hospital bills are adding up.

If you can find it in your heart to help this special little boy and his family out we would greatly appreicate any and all help you or your employer could give to help with this benefit.


Items for Auction, Food donations and Bake Sale items will be accepted for fundraiser.


Joyce Oneyear at (443) 624-7543 or (410) 326-7031.

Tickets are $30.00 and may be purchased at the door. Children under 12 are free.

If you are unable to make the Fund Raiser and would like to donate, you can mail your check payable to: James Culver Fund PO Box 259 St. Leonard Md. 20685

There will be a live band TIN PAN ALLEY featuring the sounds of Stevie Ray Vaughan and other Texas Style Blues.

Come out and see them THEY ARE AWESOME!

I will try and come back here later with a picture of James since I am at work and this computer is STUPID and won't let me post pics! Grrrrrrr......

But anyway, COME OUT AND SUPPORT JAMES and his family, Y'All!

Thanks! :flowers:

I'm going to see what I can do also.
Prayers sent!!


New Member
cdsulhoff said:
Did not realize how soon it was coming up. Thank you for the reminder. I was planning to go when they were in the beginning stages of planning this.

Patuxent did the longest greeting card for him.. I thought that was awesome... I think it hit Ms. Brooks class the hardest, being that was his class.

I will definitely be there...

Wow, that is so cool!

My granddaughter (who is the same age as James') hung out with James' twin sister Hannah while this was all taking place.

It is just overwhelming to even imagine what this family is going through, let alone James.

I want to thank everyone again for helping out! :flowers:


New Member
cdsulhoff said:
what are you looking for as in items for auction???? I might be able to help there...

I'm not really could call and's the number:

(443)- 624-7543 or (410) 326-7031 and ask for Joyce Oneyear.

Oh and I forgot!

It starts at 2 and ends at 8:00.


Well-Known Member
WildHorses said:
How did things go yesterday? :flowers:
I don't know what the offical numbers were, but the place was packed when i was there between 3 and 5.
I definately feel for the whole family, but hopefully the worst part is over for him and being as kids are so resilent i am sure he will be a very active kid.


New Member
WildHorses said:
How did things go yesterday? :flowers:

Things went great! I don't know the exact number of people who showed up yet and how much the family made, but from what I could tell, a lot of people showed up and hopefully, lots of money was donated.

As soon as I find out, I will let you all know.....

Thanks a MILLION to everybody for helping James and his family out! :flowers:

jazz lady

~*~ Rara Avis ~*~
PREMO Member

I ran into Cathy's dad at lunch today and we had a long conversation about Cathy's son. James was doing very well and was at a rehab center, but has another infection which that think might be in his remaining hand so he's back at Children's Hospital. Right now they're trying to fight the infection and save the hand but it's unknown at this time if it the infection is in there. If it is, it is very possible the hand will not be able to be saved.

Donations are still being accepted as the bills are mounting and Cathy is unable to work since she's up at the hospital full-time and has been since March. They're on Medicare right now but that doesn't cover everything so any donation is welcome.

You can mail your check payable to:

James Culver Fund
PO Box 259
St. Leonard, MD. 20685


New Member
jazz lady said:
I ran into Cathy's dad at lunch today and we had a long conversation about Cathy's son. James was doing very well and was at a rehab center, but has another infection which that think might be in his remaining hand so he's back at Children's Hospital. Right now they're trying to fight the infection and save the hand but it's unknown at this time if it the infection is in there. If it is, it is very possible the hand will not be able to be saved.

Donations are still being accepted as the bills are mounting and Cathy is unable to work since she's up at the hospital full-time and has been since March. They're on Medicare right now but that doesn't cover everything so any donation is welcome.

You can mail your check payable to:

James Culver Fund
PO Box 259
St. Leonard, MD. 20685

Thank you so much for the update.


New Member
MMDad said:
:yay: My daughter told me he came back to school last week. :getdown: :cartwheel

I know he came into my sons class. They were getting the kids familiar with him on Monday and Tuesday. I was amazed when I saw him at the game. I was so happy to see that this little boy is continuing his everyday life. Many kids can learn a life lesson from this child..