These kids are psychopaths...


Lem Putt
sinwagon said:
These kids are psychopa... 05-02-2006 11:48 AM Get over it.
These kids are psychopa... 05-02-2006 11:10 AM Its because your an idiotic b*tch signed - YOUR MOTHER

Atleast if I gave someone Red, I would have balls enough to sign my name....cowards!

Check out the PM she sent me :killingme :lmao: :jameo:
What the hell?


Is YOUR problem? Too much time on your hands....Oh well, people are too invested in Karma anyway, I am not giving anymore accept from the Karma I gave to Rose to appologize for the red that was meant for you! Now we all know any negative unsigned karma must be from you!

For somebody who doesn't care about Karma, aren't we just a wee bit sensitive?


Lem Putt
sinwagon said:
I agree we are a bit childish! He did it first!

Okay, dummy, here's how it works. I can give ten Karma's in 24 hours. I can only give you Karma after I have given ten other people karma. Since I left you signed red karma this morning, I could not have given you karma last night, since 24 hours had not passed.

You are a psychotic nut job, and need to get a life. :jameo: :jameo: :jameo:


New Member
MMDad said:
Okay, dummy, here's how it works. I can give ten Karma's in 24 hours. I can only give you Karma after I have given ten other people karma. Since I left you signed red karma this morning, I could not have given you karma last night, since 24 hours had not passed.

You are a psychotic nut job, and need to get a life. :jameo: :jameo: :jameo:

I had a big long response typed but then realized it was pointless, meaningless and not worth my time!