They STILL don't get it - Boxer claims Rice attacked *HER*...


Dancing Up A Storm
This is slightly off topic, however I have noticed the fairly large number of Democratic "thinktank panels" that have been airing on C-SPAN lately.

The author in this article has noted it too. The panel members seem to largely focus on why their party did not win the White House.

"Having just completed Tom Wolfe's latest novel I Am Charlotte Simmons, what has struck me about the Democrats' soul searching is the intensity of the navel gazing at play.
The Democrats are behaving in many ways, like the college freshmen in Wolfe's novel."


24/7 Single Dad
Pete said:
I am ever so amazed that goobers like Boxer, Kennedy, Rangel, Frank and Graham get elected, let alone re-elected.
I figure it's a way to get at least one wacko out of town. Would you want Ted Kennedy driving in your neighborhood?


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
Penn said:
This is slightly off topic, however I have noticed the fairly large number of Democratic "thinktank panels" that have been airing on C-SPAN lately.

The author in this article has noted it too. The panel members seem to largely focus on why their party did not win the White House.
It's a good article, although the bias isn't hidden well. The last Democrat to get more than 50% of the vote was Jimmy Carter; the last one to get more than *51*% of the vote was LBJ. Democrats have been on a slow slide towards oblivion nationally with only Watergate and Ross Perot helping them.

Maybe the solution is for Democrats to just split down the middle - openly *admit* they're not majority, and cut the left part loose to form the "Liberal Democrat" party. Their biggest problem that I can tell is the single-minded myopia that tells them - in lieu of all evidence to the contrary - that their views represent the majority. The last thirty years says otherwise.