She lives in NC. I don't know much about how they do things there.Unless they went to early voting and claimed to be her, nobody voted for her yet. They may have requested a mail in ballot. Or she requested a mail in ballot and forgot. Who knows. Mail in ballots are not the real problem. Failure to require a photo ID when voting is the problem. That is how someone can vote for you. The poll books in Maryland don't update mail-in ballots until after the actual voting is finished on election day and those votes are canvased.
I don't object so much to mail-in, although I believe people SHOULD vote in person. That said, I think a national voting holiday would be appropriate - with state laws requiring companies to permit time off to vote. The idea of an election being torn into provisional, mail-in, early voting and election day is crazy. To my knowledge, no other nation has this wide a fragmentation of their national process.
It's also crazy that any voting precinct should take SO LONG to tally votes. How do they create voting precincts? Are some extremely small and others extremely large in terms of total voters? It's embarassing that the most technologicially advanced nation in the world has something like VOTING - in the last several cycles - take more than a day. I can NEVER figure out how some House races can take a month or more.