Thinking of mailing in your ballot? Yeah, rethink that.


Well-Known Member
Unless they went to early voting and claimed to be her, nobody voted for her yet. They may have requested a mail in ballot. Or she requested a mail in ballot and forgot. Who knows. Mail in ballots are not the real problem. Failure to require a photo ID when voting is the problem. That is how someone can vote for you. The poll books in Maryland don't update mail-in ballots until after the actual voting is finished on election day and those votes are canvased.
She lives in NC. I don't know much about how they do things there.

I don't object so much to mail-in, although I believe people SHOULD vote in person. That said, I think a national voting holiday would be appropriate - with state laws requiring companies to permit time off to vote. The idea of an election being torn into provisional, mail-in, early voting and election day is crazy. To my knowledge, no other nation has this wide a fragmentation of their national process.

It's also crazy that any voting precinct should take SO LONG to tally votes. How do they create voting precincts? Are some extremely small and others extremely large in terms of total voters? It's embarassing that the most technologicially advanced nation in the world has something like VOTING - in the last several cycles - take more than a day. I can NEVER figure out how some House races can take a month or more.


Well-Known Member
I also believe it was IMPOSSIBLE to secure the vote in 2020 given the massive disruption that took place - we didn't JUST have the pandemic - there was chaos all around. Heck, at work if we change up the FIRE DRILL with a few changes, it's bedlam until it's tried a few times. And we got it perfect on the first try?


..if momma ain't happy...
......or drive it directly to the Leonardtown PO where it will get put directly in the BOE's PO box.
Think again. If you take it to the PO, it goes thru the system.

Recently drove to Lusby to mail something to a Lusby address specifically so it wouldn't leave the office. Asked if they would get it tomorrow, was told it had to go up and come back.

Yeah. Mailed Thursday, came back Tuesday.

Those boxes marked "local mail"? Yeah, they were getting dumped with all outgoing mail when I was still working.

Ramp Guy

Well-Known Member
Think again. If you take it to the PO, it goes thru the system.

Recently drove to Lusby to mail something to a Lusby address specifically so it wouldn't leave the office. Asked if they would get it tomorrow, was told it had to go up and come back.

Yeah. Mailed Thursday, came back Tuesday.

Those boxes marked "local mail"? Yeah, they were getting dumped with all outgoing mail when I was still working.
Just crazy stuff... Here in the Dayton Ohio area, at one time you could drop mail into a slot that shared our zip code - 45458 - and it would be delivered the next day. About 8-10 years ago they closed down the major sorting operations at the downtown Dayton Post Office and moved the process into a new facility in Columbus Ohio (about 75 miles from Dayton). Now when you drop mail into the 45458 slot it goes to Columbus to be sorted and then returns to the downtown Post Office. There it is divided up again, to the proper Post Office, according to zip codes and brought out to the local Post Office. The letter carriers then can sort by address and delivery to you... So the Christmas Cards that we send to our neighbors on our street now takes 5-6-7 days to delivery to them. Now that is what can be labeled as a government efficient process.
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#*! boat!
PREMO Member
Think again. If you take it to the PO, it goes thru the system.

Recently drove to Lusby to mail something to a Lusby address specifically so it wouldn't leave the office. Asked if they would get it tomorrow, was told it had to go up and come back.

Yeah. Mailed Thursday, came back Tuesday.

Those boxes marked "local mail"? Yeah, they were getting dumped with all outgoing mail when I was still working.
That's because they can't scan the mail for checks to steal if it does not go through their DC facility. Can't have that!.


Well-Known Member
Where have i heard this before?

Oh yeah 2020 when you idiots thought you won because you didn't understand that mail in ballots had to be counted on election day not prior.

So you cried "Stop the steal" as the tides changed in favor of the Dems.

So now you want to repeat that?

Jesus you people are nuts.


Well-Known Member
I used to work for the USPS many years ago - I know that sometimes, they have a process which makes no damned sense - and you find your letter first going to a large processing center far away, just so it can be sent back to another place, close by. I recall in some regions, large parcels ALL went to the big facilities in that region - even if it was just going across town.

I know I've seen this with Amazon packages - watched my package go from town to town, when if my package took the most sensible direct route, it would be faster.


..if momma ain't happy...
I was considered a bad employee. If you handed a piece of mail to me and told me it was for there, I held it there for delivery the next day.

And if I knew Mrs Smith's husband died (and I knew EVERYTHING about my customers), it didn't matter how that envelope was addressed, she got all her sympathy cards.

I delivered many cards to Grandma & Grandpa and Aunt & Uncle and everything in between.

Those days are long gone.
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Well-Known Member
I am one that believes there should be NO mail-in voting. PERIOD! Absentee ballots only for those overseas and the military.
State or Federal issued ID presented by ALL when voting in person. All absentee ballots MUST be ordered by a specific time and IDs should be verified PRIOR TO sending them out.
All this crap "Some people can't get IDs." and "What about the elderly?" Is exactly that. CRAP!
How the HELL do you think we elected officials BEFORE?


..if momma ain't happy...
I am one that believes there should be NO mail-in voting. PERIOD! Absentee ballots only for those overseas and the military.
State or Federal issued ID presented by ALL when voting in person. All absentee ballots MUST be ordered by a specific time and IDs should be verified PRIOR TO sending them out.
All this crap "Some people can't get IDs." and "What about the elderly?" Is exactly that. CRAP!
How the HELL do you think we elected officials BEFORE?
I did vote by mail the year hubby had surgery on voting day.



..if momma ain't happy...
Ok. Exceptions can be made for specific circumstances. As long as you had to show proper ID when requesting and/or receiving your mail-in ballot.

Was this the case?
Hm, yrs ago.

I don't think so? But I had to show ID when I registered, and had to sign the request, so maybe they verified by signature?


If I may ...
For your consideration ...

I was considered a bad employee. If you handed a piece of mail to me and told me it was for there, I held it there for delivery the next day.

Pretty sure the reason this changed was to send all mail to a processing station so every piece of mail could be digitally scanned with the front and back images saved to hard drives, then being sent to its destination. The USPS has a record of every piece of mail mailed, the sender and the recipient. It's almost like they are spying on us, or that our govement doesn't trust us .... hummmm.


..if momma ain't happy...
For your consideration ...

Pretty sure the reason this changed was to send all mail to a processing station so every piece of mail could be digitally scanned with the front and back images saved to hard drives, then being sent to its destination. The USPS has a record of every piece of mail mailed, the sender and the recipient. It's almost like they are spying on us, or that our govement doesn't trust us .... hummmm.
And for that informed delivery stunt. I don't know anyone who uses that service.

Ramp Guy

Well-Known Member
For your consideration ...

Pretty sure the reason this changed was to send all mail to a processing station so every piece of mail could be digitally scanned with the front and back images saved to hard drives, then being sent to its destination. The USPS has a record of every piece of mail mailed, the sender and the recipient. It's almost like they are spying on us, or that our govement doesn't trust us .... hummmm.
Crazy stuff... We have a friend that pays a fee (not sure if it is monthly-yearly and the cost) just so he can see what mail they scanned and when he is suppose to receive it.

Heck... I'll just wait until the "bills" make it to my mail box, no reason to know in advance lol
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..if momma ain't happy...
Crazy stuff... We have a friend that pays a fee (not sure if it is monthly-yearly and the cost) just so he can see what mail they scanned and when he is suppose to receive it.

Heck... I'll just wait until the "bills" make to my mail box, no reason to know in advance lol
That's Informed Delivery

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Leonardtown Elections office stores all ballots for 7 years.
Really? Federal law and COMAR require retention for 22 months. The town of Leonardtown's Charter requires ballots be held for only 6 months.