This is interesting


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
vraiblonde said:
Good catch :lmao: Not one, not two but THREE "freak" elections.

While he won narrowly over Cuomo the first time - he handily beat his nearest opponent in the next two. And all three were only made less than a majority because of the Ross Perot factor - a strong showing by a third party opponent, Golisano. The Independence Party in New York is fairly conservative to begin with - having been formed in a large part from the Reform Party. Without Golisano, Pataki would have won by even larger margins.


Methodically disorganized
Bruzilla said:
Schumer is usually the sponsor or co-sponsor of most of the Democrat bills and ammendments that come out of the Senate, as well as being the ring leader when it comes to attacking Republicans.
Bru, did you read this article just prior to writing your post? (It's about Schumer's... um, tenacity.) rraley, you can read it as your daily encouragement.


hvp05 said:
Bru, did you read this article just prior to writing your post? (It's about Schumer's... um, tenacity.) rraley, you can read it as your daily encouragement.

Actually I didn't. What I know of Schumer is that everytime the Democrats announce a press conference to discuss anything... Schumer seems to always be there.


This Space for Rent
rraley said:
Bru, I mentioned that Condi has the potential, but I do not believe she can make it through the GOP primaries for the reasons stated.

And FT...this lady is a B list candidate at best; it won't be interesting, especially if her campaign is as easy flowing as her declaration speech.

Hey, Bush isn't much of a speaker either yet it hasn't stopped him. :lol:


Yeah... and John Kerry was loudly touted as the great communicator of the Democrats, yet the only white house he'll live in is one that Theresa buys for him. :razz:


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
Bruzilla said:
Yeah... and John Kerry was loudly touted as the great communicator of the Democrats, yet the only white house he'll live in is one that Theresa buys for him. :razz:
Yeah, unless she kicks him to the curb for loosing.