Re: Re: Re: Re: From the article...
Don't get me wrong- if somebody has been doing this, it sucks and they should be punished. I just don't trust the story the way it's written.
They only indicated the one incident that involved any kind of staff, and if they wee young kids it's bad. But i can see teachers talking about current events with teenagers.
Anyway, the reference to "teachers, principles, and guidance counselors" does NOT implicate them in the harrassment. It just said the email includes those names. For all we know, it could be kids messing with each other at certain schools or classrooms. The fact that the story DOESN'T give any other examples, and also that it says that some of the problems were occurring on the playground, leads me to believe this.
Fine, let them look into it, but let's not get all frothy and assume liberals are torturing the kids. Hell, so-called "liberal" kids get harrassed all the time for not being Christian, white, or rich.