This Oughta Be Fun.....


Football season!
Penn said:
SmallTown and Sockgirll77: Mentally, they are at opposite ends of the spectrum;
I'll give myself the benefit of the doubt on that one :ohwell:

I say Penn and GeminiGrl. Somebody has to teach her morals and dignity.


Dancing Up A Storm
Chasey_Lane said:
Well, what are you holding back? :snacks:

Otter, I may need your lawn chair for a bit. TIA!
Nope, no way, uh-uh, it ain't happening, not in this forum. I'm not ready to get banned yet. Besides, I don't have the MPD thing down, in case I ever do get the boot.

However, should the need for an MPD arise, could you coach me on this please? :biggrin: