This Oughta Be Fun.....

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
vraiblonde said:
What the HELL did I do to you??? :mad:
It's what you wouldn't do to him that made him do it. Now if you would have done it to him he would have placed his own ID there.


Asperger's Poster Child
bresamil said:
left out again....sigh
Maybe we should do some kind of round-robin format, where each Forumite gets a turn with all the Forumites of the opposite sex.


wandering aimlessly
Tonio said:
Maybe we should do some kind of round-robin format, where each Forumite gets a turn with all the Forumites of the opposite sex.

DEAR GOD NO!!! Better to be left out then paired with...... forum

Let's just say, I find some on here scary.


New Member
Tonio said:
Maybe we should do some kind of round-robin format, where each Forumite gets a turn with all the Forumites of the opposite sex.

:really: Sounds nice, but I don't want to take a turn with everyone. I'd like to select a choice few.


Tonio said:
Maybe we should do some kind of round-robin format, where each Forumite gets a turn with all the Forumites of the opposite sex.
I don't think so. :barf:


fttrsbeerwench said:

HS doesn't even know what I look like but with all the freaks in here( and me being the freak I am) I thought that maybe, just maybe I would get on the list.

your on the list....(the super secret squirrel list..:really:.)