Jealous much? Equating the Papal visit with a blizzard essentially. love it when you show your true colors. B23 will NEVER call you out--but the intellectually honest people do it regularly! All that aside, I hope you remember from your plethora of books you constantly tell us you have at your disposal--the Pope is also a head of state...What you mean is that some people are going to get two non paid days off. His visit isn't going to help a lot of people. It is one big infomercial on the Pope that we will be forced to listen to. We are already experiencing gridlock from 12 miles away. People are going to be stuck in their homes. Some people are going to be forced to pay for a parking permit for an event they are not going to attend. Other people in the city have to move their cars and towing has already begun. Those who live in the city have to move their cars and somehow have to get back to the city by taking other forms of transportation. Pregnant women who have to give birth at area hospitals already have to make other contingency plans. Some of the faithful will injure themselves trying to make the trip because natural injuries happen during walk a thons.
Jealous much? Equating the Papal visit with a blizzard essentially. love it when you show your true colors. B23 will NEVER call you out--but the intellectually honest people do it regularly! All that aside, I hope you remember from your plethora of books you constantly tell us you have at your disposal--the Pope is also a head of state...
What a Christian response. Some would say hypocritical with your name calling--what you accuse me of. Show me in scripture where leaderless churches existed like what you attend. Your assertion that people who have a problem with Chuck are non-believers is dishonest--like you, a liar. Still waiting for you and Chuck to backup your assertion the church teaches one can work their way out of hell.You are such a whiner and wimp, onel. You are one that has severe issues and insecurities about your own beliefs. You demonstrate it constantly by your never ending so catholic christian like sarcasm, belittling, name-calling insults just because you don't like the overall message. I have seen a few catholics like you, and they seem to reside in the heart of American catholicism - Maryland. Get whatever chips you have on your shoulder off As far as chuckie goes, biblically and scriptually he is correct. His delivery could use some work, and some of his followups do leave me questioning not his primary premise, but the direction it is being taken. Your and others problems with chuck is that the harsh truths of the Bible really hit non-believers right in the face. You will just never get over any Christian that does not adhere to your catholic form of christianity. If people have to be like your sniveling, badgering, insulting self-flagellating being, that alone is reason for billions to not even look into your belief system. Enjoy the papal orgasms that you're sure to experience.![]()
I really don't remember this much hand wringing about traffic when Benedict visited and celebrated Mass at Nats Stadium.
Your and others problems with chuck is that the harsh truths of the Bible really hit non-believers right in the face.
There are always different sides to all subjects/topics. Thought these articles were interesting and, actually, eye opening in the respect that we can't keep up with history, and our actual lives. Too much stuff all the time.
There are more if anyone is interested in searching.
I think it's important to understand the impact of what a Papal visit has. A head of state who also brings the message of a large church. He has a message and a means to impart it that an ordinary world leader doesn't. A few days of traffic is certainly worth the joy it will bring his followers, I suppose.
I think it's important to understand the impact of what a Papal visit has. A head of state who also brings the message of a large church. He has a message and a means to impart it that an ordinary world leader doesn't. A few days of traffic is certainly worth the joy it will bring his followers, I suppose.
I'm not usually a fan of the Pope.
Who is going to pay the hospitals back? They are renting shower trucks, renting cots and paying nurses and doctors to stay past their 12 hour shift which means they will be making $10 an hour for every hour they stay past their shift for the four day weekend.
Who cares about the children who can't go to school because of the Papal visit?
Nothing really different than any other big event in DC, except you, who hates Catholics, finding outrage over the Pope.
No. I don't hate Catholics. I think you are using the hate card for those who disagree which is wrong because that is manipulation. People who don't have any power or feel powerless usually use manipulation. People should be allowed to disagree. That is why people are afraid of helping others because people can accuse so you might find yourself in a nursing home one day with people being very very careful around you because you can accuse anyone at any time.
Megachurches do cause problems for residents and there are ordinances or special permissions needed to have a megachurch. Imagine taking 60 minutes to leave the parking lot and having volunteers place cones to show people where not to park. This is why townships have rules and cities should have rules in place before a Pope is allowed to visit.