a "new and improved" product, as seen on television, promises to reduce headaches. Its a headband with a module that presses against the forehead that's supposed to send electricity into your head and minimize pain and discomfort. It works on women and minorities too!!! (as demonstrated on TV!!!).. I think, Dr's. Fauci and Biden endorsed it too.
WooHahn Industries, in conjunction with BilGateCo's first offering of the device, promises your satisfaction is guaranteed or your money back. BUT wait!! There's more!! You will receive, for an additional fee, with free shipping, a 1979 Winnebago self contained camper. Look, You deserve it after being cooped up in your section 8 apartment too long!! And now that evictions are LEGAL AGAIN, because TRUMP HATES YOU, TRAVEL TO FAR AWAY PLACES, visit exotic white privilege's towns, listen to the TicTok radio songs and messages!!!
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