Beat me to it.
I was just coming here to post this one.

Beat me to it.
Actually, there was a video on The Five the other day showing a guy who's lumber was sticking out both back seat windows. Yup, he took out some road signs and another car.If I saw this on the road I’d follow just for the entertainment value.
Every boy wants to grow up just like his dad.
Racist. Besides, how would he know his dad is a criminal if he never met him?Every boy wants to grow up just like his dad.
Lighten up Francis. And how would you know if he never met his daddy? Racist stereotyping!Racist. Besides, how would he know his dad is a criminal if he never met him?
Racist. Besides, how would he know his dad is a criminal if he never met him?
WhooshLighten up Francis. And how would you know if he never met his daddy? Racist stereotyping!